Gary never learns

Damn that sucks Gary, hope you recover quckly.

- Dominick
Sounds like the tree won. Sorry to hear of your accident and hope you feel better soon.
Silverback said:
That is the tough thing about growing older.:( At some point we have to realize we are no longer in our 20's.:eek:

No shit!!! At 43 I wake up sore nearly everyday. I got creaks, aches, pains......... might as well just call me snap crackle pop as I try to walk downstairs in the morning....... No car wrecks, no football, no Moto, no broken bones just freakin sore!!!

Hope your feeling better soon panic on shipping the TB's........ship em when they are done.

Now take your meds and be a good patient:nurse:

OCBob said:
Damn Gary, hope you were having fun when it happened at least. Here's to a speedy recovery.
I think he should lay off polishing TB's for awhile, sounds like a rough job!! :eek: :dontknow: :dontknow: :p :D

Get well soon Gary :rock:
mauiSRT/10 said:
No shit!!! At 43 I wake up sore nearly everyday. I got creaks, aches, pains......... might as well just call me snap crackle pop as I try to walk downstairs in the morning....... No car wrecks, no football, no Moto, no broken bones just freakin sore!!!

You have no idea!

Try 64...I used to have to get up on my hands and knees to turn over in bed in the I am just happy to open my eyes!
Dude, what can I say....maybe another CNC/machine will keep you off the Bikes!
Mine is for sale right now...haven't been on her in a year!


I hope you recover quickly Gary.
Call or email if you need any help.

(NO- I will not help with *that*. :D )

no not really, hope all is well. If Rachel needs to get away to Cancun while you are healing.......she knows how to get ahold of me :) Hope it wasn't a short tree that got you.
I'm real sorry to hear this. Hey Gary do you think it might be time to give up on riding (crashing:D ) dirt bikes?

Get well soon my friend.
