Gigi died this morning

Since I'm really new here to the forum, I thought hard about adding to this thread. When I found this forum I wondered why so many people were using the same picture for their avatar. I starting researching some older threads and realized why.
This is one of the reasons I decided to join. You all seem to be truely caring and wonderful people but still understand humor and having little smack downs now and then, which is good for us all!
She seemed to be one great lady. We also have had cancer in the family and it is very hard on everyone even when things workout for the better.

God rest her soul, and please Walt and family take care of each other.
God bless you and your wife walt. While it is a sad time try to look at the brighter
side and know that her suffering has ended, that you kept your promise with
her, and that God will bless you for that. I will continue to keep your family in
my prayers..

You will be in our prayers, I am sorry for your loss.
My sentiments are the same as the rest. Sorry to hear of her passing but glad she no longer suffers.
Thoughts and Prayers for you and Vickie and all of your family and friends. Rest in peace Gigi.
I am sorry about that. May her soul rest in the peace. I am glad that her suffering is over.
Walt and Vickie, my deepest sympathy for your lose of your loved one,for yall can know that in the hardest times in life is when GOD is closer to yall now than ever, you will feel his persence around , when i saw my sister die with this teroible disease i prayed all the time for GOD to take the pain away frome her, well he did HIS WAY, and i did not know this till the day we laid her down, and then it hit me like a brick thrown form heaven, so know that GOD does anawer prayers and he does it his way it is always the best. your friend Randy
Our prayers are with you and your family . May she now rest in peace.
I Want You To Know

by Angela

A brief moment of darkness
was all that I knew,
before Heaven's Gate
came into my view.

Loved ones and friends
I had missed for many years,
welcomed me with open arms
and many happy tears.

All the hurt, fear and pain
that I have ever known,
is gone from my life,
I am finally home.

I gazed upon the Lord's
sweet smiling face,
and for the first time in my life
I knew and felt His grace.

I know that you miss me,
but please dry your eyes.
I will always be watching and loving you
from my home in the sky.

A cool breeze on your face,
a touch of light rain,
I will send as a reminder
that we will be reunited again.

Life on earth is but one
brief moment in time,
I am finally home,
Eternity is mine.


God Bless
May Gigi rest in peace !!!And may you both pick up and carry on as I would bet she'd want you to !!!Thoughts and prayers are with you !!
MYuGiOh Motorsports said:
I Want You To Know

by Angela

A brief moment of darkness
was all that I knew,
before Heaven's Gate
came into my view.

Loved ones and friends
I had missed for many years,
welcomed me with open arms
and many happy tears.

All the hurt, fear and pain
that I have ever known,
is gone from my life,
I am finally home.

I gazed upon the Lord's
sweet smiling face,
and for the first time in my life
I knew and felt His grace.

I know that you miss me,
but please dry your eyes.
I will always be watching and loving you
from my home in the sky.

A cool breeze on your face,
a touch of light rain,
I will send as a reminder
that we will be reunited again.

Life on earth is but one
brief moment in time,
I am finally home,
Eternity is mine.


God Bless

Very nice Jeff.:rock:

By the way, we miss you around here also.
God bless you and your family... :eek:

She is finally at peace.

We are glad she's at peace. I know you guys will miss her. From the things that have been said on the forum by you and others we feel we have missed knowing a loving, unique, and interesting person. Her time of celebration is at hand my friend, she's finally home.


Perry and Wanda