global gas prices

Now i really feel like im getting scewed sideways!!
moscow was under $1.50 gal think of the last time we
seen any prices like that " mid90's" maybe
Did you notice all the highest prices are the Democratic Countries, seems to be a pattern.
One of the biggest excuses is that sudden high demand from places like China drive the prices up... But they're paying close to what Moscow is. Something isn't adding up here. Venezuela and Kuwait are the only two I know of that use their own to see $0.14 and $0.18 prices respectively.
Its because the americans and brits and the few other countries can absorb the cost. they know we are willing and able to pay the price.
China subsidizes the price so I am surprised to see Hong Kong so much higher than the rest of China. Venezuela basically gives it away. Our Congress refuses to let us use our own resources so we have to pay what others charge us, meanwhile I laugh at Californians who complain the loudest. Their legislature insists on designer fuel for their state and that costs extra so their people pay more and blame Bush.
It's fraustrating for me to lurk around the North Sea watching how drilling there is in full swing between the Brits and the Norwegians. Then I come to Baku and see the Caspian Sea is buzzing with rigs. And that's just a couple places, there is drilling going on everywhere. I hate having to see members forced to sell their trucks due to fuel costs. It's just not fair.:mad:
Welcome to a weak dollar boys, not to mention the fact that the Govt debt is out of control. Arabs want to get paid as much as possible while we still have any value to our money. With a strong dollar and payback of some debt(or atleast slow the borrowing) the prices will come down.
PS...$111.36 to fill my truck today...luckily there was still 5 gallons in the tank! Otherwise it would have been close to $130.
Danko said:
meanwhile I laugh at Californians who complain the loudest. Their legislature insists on designer fuel for their state and that costs extra so their people pay more and blame Bush.

Designer fuel? What are you talking about?
noid said:
Designer fuel? What are you talking about?
You shouldn't ask Danko a question like that you "fool".:p Don't you know old Danko knows everything. Shit he's got two kids in the service.:D