good to see the young GOP's taking a stand!!


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Jun 14, 2006
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St Louis, Mo
finally someone takes a stand:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

:congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

August 03, 2008
Categories: energy

House Republicans go back on the floor Monday to talk gas prices

Continuing with their guerilla tactics from last week, House Republicans will be back on the floor Monday to talk gas prices, even though Congress is in recess, and they may stay there all week.

More than a dozen Republicans have already committed to make appearances, according to House GOP leadership aide, including National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Cole (Okla.).

Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) and Mike Pence (R-Ind.), who lead Friday's five-hour talkathon after the House shut down for the August recess, are also expected to be there, according to this aide.

"In an urgent memo sent to GOP Members and staff Saturday (“A Call to Action on American Energyâ€), Republican Leader John Boehner (R-) and Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) hailed Friday’s action, and encouraged House Republicans to return to the Capitol beginning Monday morning to help keep the historic effort going," said a press release just released by Minority Leader Boehner's office.

“It’s not a request we make lightly. But the American people are suffering,†Boehner and Blunt said in the memo. “The consequences of continued congressional inaction on gas prices are unacceptable. We’ve called on the Speaker to call Congress back into an emergency session this month and schedule a vote on the American Energy Act. We must continue to make a stand until the Speaker complies.â€

Update - Neither Boehner nor Blunt are expected to be in attendance at Monday's talkfest, and its unclear if they will show up at any point during the week, according to GOP leadership aides.

The session will not be televised, since C-Span does not control the cameras inside the House chamber. Rather, those come under the purview of Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the Democrats, and they're unlikely to do anything to help Republicans.

But Republicans felt they got a lot of good press out of Friday's "revolt," so they will be back at it again, and younger GOP lawmakers were clearly energized by the tactic, something not evident among Republicans for most of the 110th Congress.

» Continue reading House Republicans go back on the floor Monday to talk gas prices

Pelosi was grilled by host George Stephanopolous on ABC's "This Week" over her refusal to allow an offshore oil drilling vote on the floor before the House adjourned for the five-week August recess, but Pelosi was having none of it.

"What you saw in the Congress this week was the war dance of the hand maidens of the oil companies," Pelosi said. That's what you saw on the Republican side of the aisle."

Pelosi and the Democrats have pushed alternatives to more drilling, including pointing out that oil companies already have control of 68 million acres of federal land and need to search for oil there first. Democrats are also pushing renewable fuels and conservation, and they're calling on President Bush to release 700 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

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Editor's Note - Comments that include inappropriate or offensive language will be deleted. Thanks, John Bresnahan

By John Bresnahan 02:52 PM
At least they are trying something to bring the gas prices under control. The other side does'nt care about $4.00 a gallon gas. If they could have their way it would be $12.00:mad:
black pearl said:
At least they are trying something to bring the gas prices under control. The other side does'nt care about $4.00 a gallon gas. If they could have their way it would be $12.00:mad:
They..........are not trying to do Shit Sir....It's all double talk and smoke and mirrors. You really naive enough to think any of those guys give 2 Shit's what we pay for gas :D Gimme a break :p
TheSickness said:
They..........are not trying to do Shit Sir....It's all double talk and smoke and mirrors. You really naive enough to think any of those guys give 2 Shit's what we pay for gas :D Gimme a break :p

No disrespect, but what is being offered by the other side:dontknow:
black pearl said:
No disrespect, but what is being offered by the other side:dontknow:
No sides on this one Bro.....If they really wanted to help from either party...Why the sudden out rage :confused: How come nobody filibustered this months ago ;) :D
TheSickness said:
No sides on this one Bro.....If they really wanted to help from either party...Why the sudden out rage :confused: How come nobody filibustered this months ago ;) :D

On this I must agree with you sir.

In an interview earlier today Nancy Pelosie said she would not allow offshore drilling.
1. A pole taken last week stated that 80+ percent of Dem's want to drill wherever.

2. This situation affects the average Dem more than the average Repub.

They evidently want to ensure all their constituents have a pretty view of the ocean after they loose their house.

supercar1of1 said:

In an interview earlier today Nancy Pelosie said she would not allow offshore drilling.
1. A pole taken last week stated that 80+ percent of Dem's want to drill wherever.

2. This situation affects the average Dem more than the average Repub.

They evidently want to ensure all their constituents have a pretty view of the ocean after they loose their house.

Pelosie speaks for herself as always...Hell put a Oil rig in my back yard all I care :D Just man it with very hot chicks with no clothes on is all I ask
TheSickness said:
Pelosie speaks for herself as always...Hell put a Oil rig in my back yard all I care :D Just man it with very hot chicks with no clothes on is all I ask

:dito: :dito: :dito: :dito: :dito: :dito:

whatever. the Dems and GOP can all kiss my butt. they're responsible for the prices going up in the first place, and for the biggest oil industry profits in history. as others have noted, its all smoke and mirrors, and election year antics.
There was a fascinating series in the New York Times about two weeks ago about why oil was so expensive. It wasn't political at all, just a basic econ 101 view of pricing.
Here a few talking points for your next encounter with someone complaining about oil prices and how Nancy is running the BIG SHOW.

Pelosi Myth #1 - More drilling will not reduce pump prices:

This violates the basic rules of supply and demand. Yet she offers a solution of releasing 700 Million Barrels of oil but 86 Billion in the OCS will have no effect? Imagine if we use all of this:

- 1.8 to 6 Trillion barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Oil-Shale Reserves (DOE)
- 175 to 315 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the Oil Sands of Alberta, Canada (AGS)
- 100 Billion barrels of heavy oil are estimated in the U.S. (DOE)
- 90 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the Arctic (USGS)
- 89 Billion barrels of immobile oil are estimated recoverable using CO2 injection in the U.S. (DOE)
- 86 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (MMS)
- 60 to 80 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in U.S. Tar Sands (DOE)
- 32 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in ANWR, NPRA and the Central North Slope in Alaska (USGS)
- 31.4 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the East Greenland Rift Basins Province (USGS)
- 7.3 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the West Greenland–East Canada Province (USGS)
- 4.3 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Bakken shale formation in North Dakota and Montana (USGS)
- 214 Million barrels of oil are estimated in the U.S. Illinois Basin (USGS)

Pelosi Myth #2 - Oil Leases:

The 'Idle' Oil Field Fallacy (The Wall Street Journal)

Pelosi Myth #3 - We can get rid of out dependance on foreign oil:

Myths About Breaking Our Foreign Oil Habit (The Washington Post)

Pelosi Myth #4 - ANWR:

The Truth About ANWR Drilling (Canada Free Press)

Pelosi Myth #5 - 'Big Oil' Record Profits:

Exxon's Earnings: No Apology Necessary (Cato Institute)

Exxon Posts Record $32.36 Billion Tax Payment (iStockAnalyst)

Pelosi Myth #6 - 'Big Oil' Subsidies:

"Big Oil" at the Public Trough? An Examination of Petroleum Subsidies (Cato Institute)

Pelosi Myth #7 - Saving the Planet:

George Carlin - The Planet is Fine (Adults Only) (Video) (8min)

Pelosi Myth #8 - Global Warming:

20/20: Give Me a Break: Global Warming (YouTube Video) (8min)

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