Hate to do this....


Full Access Member
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
Hey all. I hope and trust all is well here on the forum and in your lives.

As most of you know, I had to sell my truck in Feb. and have not been on the forum much recently. Many of you probably also know that before I sold the Beast I sold most of the aftermarket parts separately in January. Although it was tough mentally and physically to undo all my work, I was glad to help members out and most everything went smoothly. Thanks to all who inquired and/or bought. :rock:

However, one member left me with an unpaid bill and at this point I thought it should be made public. It has been around 5 months. After countless pm's and em's I have giving up on collecting.

Member mxzx440 a.k.a. Cody bought my nearly new catless mids at a bargain price. He lives in Canada and said he would cover the brokerage fees if I was stuck with them. Well, I did get stuck with approximately $50 in brokerage fees. After I paid the fees I let him know and he said he would take care of it for me. Now I know he works in a remote area so I was patient...but I must have sent him 10 messages with my paypal address with no results.

Sure I am unhappy with the situation, but the main reason for the post is to inform the members so that they do not get stuck in the same situation.

mxzx440 / Cody: If you read this I am sorry to have gone to the board with this post but I tried to resolve it with you one-on-one with no luck.:(
awww man that always is no good...hope it turns out good for you..maybe he'll man up if he reads this. sorry bro
Something is odd, $50.00 is a little low for someone to forfeit their integrity,

you would think.
yeah thats true supercar i hope he comes around or gets to a PC to read this and get this stright
i feel your pain bro i bought a amp and sub here and amp was toasted when i got it ,,lucky for me another member gave me one for free later on ,,,peace out
thanks for th input guys. I too agree that $50 is pretty low to give up ones integrity.

Would also like to add that another member (z-man a.k.a. Zollie Kendrick) went above and beyond when I was selling my parts. I was out of a job at the time and he sent me more than I was asking for the part.
supercar1of1 said:
Something is odd, $50.00 is a little low for someone to forfeit their integrity,

you would think.

i agree ...but one's integrity shouldnt be forfeited at any cost ...that's what i believe in anyway
chase said:
mxzx440 / Cody: If you read this I am sorry to have gone to the board with this post but I tried to resolve it with you one-on-one with no luck.:(

No reason to be sorry. This kind of stuff should never happen - PERIOD.

If it were me that bought the parts from you, I would be the one contacting you to MAKE SURE I covered the additional fees.

I know, I know, people are busy - blah, blah. Guess what - ALL of us are busy!

You should've posted this 4+ months ago! I'm sorry, but there's simply no good excuse for not only not paying you your money, but also not even having the common decency to respond to your e-mails.:mad:

Well, unless he's dead.:dontknow: If that's the case, then I apologize for the above.:)
Looks like Cody (mxzx440) is gonna make good on the money owed. Thanks man.
$ received. Looks like Cody was in the Artic working on an oil rig...good excuse as far as I am concerned :) Thanks mxzx440 for the follow thru.
chase said:
$ received. Looks like Cody was in the Artic working on an oil rig...good excuse as far as I am concerned :) Thanks mxzx440 for the follow thru.

Maybe the admin should remove this thread (and the other one) if you agree that it was all a misunderstanding?..:dontknow: ;)
Maybe the admin should remove this thread (and the other one) if you agree that it was all a misunderstanding?..:dontknow: ;)
Yeah, I agree. Maybe leave the other that says Membermxzx440 or whatever.
