how is your computer doing?? speedtest

Ya I have a company that does work for these clowns " telco/cable" It all depends on your location, and how close you are to a newer area of town, And if they have upgraded your section or not.. Or how close you are to there servers...

With the ADSL work we see all sorts of speed issues with people to far out from a main CO or Remote... They can get up to 3Meg down and 3Meg up with one package but thats UP TO.. so you could get .5Meg down and .1Meg up and there is nothign you can do about it because it's UPTO that speed kinda stupid.. but if you are in a newer section of town or if they have recently upgraded your area you will be able to get some good speeds for a decent dollar.. as well most areas are getting Fiber to the home its called.. and you can get a fiber optic connection to the side of your house.. than again that all depends where in Tex ya live... Like now the new house im in.. Im up on the side of a mountain over a lake and we'll were in the sticks so the ADSL is expensive and slow.... :-(...
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Download speed: 5.10 Mb/s
Upload speed: 0.63 Mb/s
Ping: 42 ms
MP3 File (5MB): 8 sec
Video Clip (35 MB): 55 sec
Movie (800) MB: 21 min.

I use SBC Internet Services.. :dontknow: Clearly not the best but not bad for a free company laptop...
ok all these numbers are all iin good, but can someone explain to a computer illiterate fella like me, how to , or what makes them faster in so many different areas?
For consumer-grade DSL (over the phone line), it boils down to how close you are to a wiring center or the phone company's fiber optic switch. For consumer-grade cable, it depends on what your neighbors are doing at that moment. For enterprise level, it depends on how much you pay your ISP. :)

I run our network and we pay a decent amount. I may not have the fastest or quickest SRT, but bring your little DSLs... You'll look at my license plate for a change!!!! HA!!!!

Stinker said:
ok all these numbers are all iin good, but can someone explain to a computer illiterate fella like me, how to , or what makes them faster in so many different areas?


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yawn....:aetsch: :cool: :rolleyes: :secruity: :captain: :beer: :smokin: :tee: :pcguru: :thrasher: :bootyshake: :party: :congrats:

Black1 said:
DAMN! :eek: :D :rock: :burnout:
HaroldD said:
For consumer-grade DSL (over the phone line), it boils down to how close you are to a wiring center or the phone company's fiber optic switch. For consumer-grade cable, it depends on what your neighbors are doing at that moment. For enterprise level, it depends on how much you pay your ISP. :)

I run our network and we pay a decent amount. I may not have the fastest or quickest SRT, but bring your little DSLs... You'll look at my license plate for a change!!!! HA!!!!

Not to shabby HaroldD,, At the house I just moved out of we were on Cable with 64 UP and 64 Down they let us have a free trial of that for 2 months then we dropped down to 10 and 10.. which is fast enough for me
HaroldD said:
For consumer-grade DSL (over the phone line), it boils down to how close you are to a wiring center or the phone company's fiber optic switch. For consumer-grade cable, it depends on what your neighbors are doing at that moment. For enterprise level, it depends on how much you pay your ISP. :)

I run our network and we pay a decent amount. I may not have the fastest or quickest SRT, but bring your little DSLs... You'll look at my license plate for a change!!!! HA!!!!

Looks like we have a OS3 user.... :dontknow: :D :thefinger:

PS... a little better on the Cablez this evening... ;)

Not sure what that is... We have DS-3s and OC-12s... :dontknow:

This particular one was good old Fast Ethernet to the internet. On a neutered VMWare virtual desktop. :) :thefinger:

For cable, if little johnny next door wasn't downloading smut vids, you'll get better numbers.

Black1 said:
Looks like we have a OS3 user.... :dontknow: :D :thefinger:

PS... a little better on the Cablez this evening... ;)

They're hoping to be a crack dealer - tease you with it then hope you can't live without it.

Bandwidth is addicting.:rock:

Not to shabby HaroldD,, At the house I just moved out of we were on Cable with 64 UP and 64 Down they let us have a free trial of that for 2 months then we dropped down to 10 and 10.. which is fast enough for me