Marines v Navy


Full Access Member
Mar 27, 2008
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A Marine and a sailor were sitting in a bar arguing over which was the superior service. After a swig of beer the Marine said, "Well, we had Iwo Jima."

Arching his eyebrows, the sailor replied, "We had the Battle of Midway."

"Not entirely true", responded the Marine. "Some of those pilots were Marines; in fact, Henderson Field on Guadalcanal was named after a Marine pilot killed at the Battle of Midway."

The sailor responded, "Point taken."

The Marine then said, "We Marines were born at Tun Tavern!"

The sailor, nodding agreement, says, "But we had John Paul Jones."

The argument continued until the sailor came up with what he thought would end the discussion. With a flourish of finality he said, "The Navy invented sex!"

The Marine replied, "That's true, but it was the Marines who introduced it to women!" :p :D
supercar1of1 said:
A Marine and a sailor were sitting in a bar arguing over which was the superior service. After a swig of beer the Marine said, "Well, we had Iwo Jima."

Arching his eyebrows, the sailor replied, "We had the Battle of Midway."

"Not entirely true", responded the Marine. "Some of those pilots were Marines; in fact, Henderson Field on Guadalcanal was named after a Marine pilot killed at the Battle of Midway."

The sailor responded, "Point taken."

The Marine then said, "We Marines were born at Tun Tavern!"

The sailor, nodding agreement, says, "But we had John Paul Jones."

The argument continued until the sailor came up with what he thought would end the discussion. With a flourish of finality he said, "The Navy invented sex!"

The Marine replied, "That's true, but it was the Marines who introduced it to women!" :p :D

Good Joke.

But no matter how you argue it, the Marines are still part of the department of the NAVY!;)
KRAZYSRT10 said:
Good Joke.

But no matter how you argue it, the Marines are still part of the department of the NAVY!;)
Only because you have to pay someone to fight for you guys....The Navy found out in short order that threatening to scratch ones eyes out was not all that scary...specially when said with those Ghey Ass white uniforms on and SOP lisp :D :p
TheSickness said:
Only because you have to pay someone to fight for you guys....The Navy found out in short order that threatening to scratch ones eyes out was not all that scary...specially when said with those Ghey Ass white uniforms on and SOP lisp :D :p

Yeah Yeah, before the war on terror that might of been true. But, there are Sailors wearing cammies and fighting insurgents right now in Iraq. Soldiers refer to them as "My Sailor" and place alot of trust in them. Unlike our sister service the Marine Corps....:dontknow:
In all seriousness though there is a special kinship between Marines and Sailors. That's probably the reason that we bag on each other so bad and love to get into drunken brawls with each other. We are family. The Army and Air Force don't hold the same place in the hearts of Marines that the Navy does. I think it has more to do with the joint operations that have happened since the Marines were born in that little Philly bar, than the official ties.

Make us proud over there Kris, I know you will.
As a former Marine and father of a Navy pilot and an Intel Marine (yeah, there IS such a thing....), I would like to mention Tarawa. It is the main source of conflict between Marines and the rest of the Navy. The sorry-assed Navy dropped Marines off thousands of yards short of the beach only to be slaughtered by the Japs - ooops! Japanese. I remember I cannot sound slanderous against those enemies of ours (then and now) here.
Danko said:
As a former Marine and father of a Navy pilot and an Intel Marine (yeah, there IS such a thing....), I would like to mention Tarawa. It is the main source of conflict between Marines and the rest of the Navy. The sorry-assed Navy dropped Marines off thousands of yards short of the beach only to be slaughtered by the Japs - ooops! Japanese. I remember I cannot sound slanderous against those enemies of ours (then and now) here.
Judging from previous posts I would have to argue with the Intel portion....I happened to serve Recon/Counter Intel where were you stationed and what years did you serve :dontknow: The reason I argue the Intel portion of this post is that very little of what comes out on my screen from you has seriously lacked any intelligence what so ever :D
KRAZYSRT10 said:
Yeah Yeah, before the war on terror that might of been true. But, there are Sailors wearing cammies and fighting insurgents right now in Iraq. Soldiers refer to them as "My Sailor" and place alot of trust in them. Unlike our sister service the Marine Corps....:dontknow:
Ok I will bite....Who trained you swabbies how to fight ? In boot you are trained by a Marine Corps Instructor....Someone needs to ref the pillow fights in between all the Pillow biting :marchmellow: Oh and the fact it took over 200 yrs for you guys to finally have enough honor to be allowed to hold a gun and wear Cammies does not faze me at all ;) :D
Eagle, Globe, and Anchor.

In the air, on land, and sea. Anyplace, anytime, when the shit gets deep, call the Marines.

"If the Army and the Navy ever look on Heaven's scenes, they will find the streets are guarded by United States Marines"
KRAZYSRT10 said:
Yeah Yeah, before the war on terror that might of been true. But, there are Sailors wearing cammies and fighting insurgents right now in Iraq. Soldiers refer to them as "My Sailor" and place alot of trust in them. Unlike our sister service the Marine Corps....:dontknow:

I do believe that the Navy would be considered the sister service. :) Besides, those Navy personnel that are agroud helping to fight the war on terror are only using sling shots and bb guns!! They would hurt themselves if we gave them a real gun to use. SEMPER FIDELIS DEVIL DOGS!!
OCBob said:
Eagle, Globe, and Anchor.

In the air, on land, and sea. Anyplace, anytime, when the shit gets deep, call the Marines.

"If the Army and the Navy ever look on Heaven's scenes, they will find the streets are guarded by United States Marines"

OOH-RAH!!! OC!! :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
BigDave1970 said:
I do believe that the Navy would be considered the sister service. :) Besides, those Navy personnel that are agroud helping to fight the war on terror are only using sling shots and bb guns!! They would hurt themselves if we gave them a real gun to use. SEMPER FIDELIS DEVIL DOGS!!

Believe what you want but the first marines were Sailors.:dontknow:
OCBob said:
Eagle, Globe, and Anchor.

In the air, on land, and sea. Anyplace, anytime, when the shit gets deep, call the Marines.

"If the Army and the Navy ever look on Heaven's scenes, they will find the streets are guarded by United States Marines"


You know I respect what you did for my country but you know damned well the only way a Marine ever got to Heaven was on the back of a Sailor! (Because apparently the only thing we're good for is driving ships...;))
KRAZYSRT10 said:

You know I respect what you did for my country but you know damned well the only way a Marine ever got to Heaven was on the back of a Sailor! (Because apparently the only thing we're good for is driving ships...;))
and soap on a rope sales :marchmellow:
Aside from the petty rivalry that makes the Marine Corps and the Navy so entertwined in history, here is a video of one of my favorite rock bands. I was at this concert (Mostly because I was on duty, which means I couldnt leave the ship.:))

This video was shot while we were in port in Lisbon, Portugal. The best concert I ever went to!!!:D

See y'all around...hopefully we get off deck tomorrow. If we do, I'm off to do God's work...which is to ensure freedom across the world. Period. GOD BLESS AMERICA.....