Might have to give up ice cream...

kyle's srt10 said:
Tim, youenz crack me up:burnout:

Thanks, bro...

I had a friend once who wanted to open up a shop in Aspen that sold only ladies crop tops....

He wanted to call it "Tanks for the Mammaries"....

portlandsrt said:
New Ice Cream Names:
1) Sweater Puppy Parade
2) Mother's Milk crunch
3) Pralenes and Naughty Pillows
4) Cherry Bumbly Jumblies
5) Fond Mammaries (my favorite)

More names:
Melon MOM-Mary Lane
Bouncing Cherry Berry
Creamy Nut Pie
Dripple Nipple
Cleave ‘n Beave
MiLF – Milky Lactose Flow
Venom Power said:
Dang it Dennis, you stole my idea.. I wouldn't mind being a certified human breast milker.. But then someone will find something wrong with THAT too and we'll revert back to animal milk.. Gorilla milk, the threashhold between human and animal. I could just see it now, me gripping a handful of John's furry man-boob..:afraid:

Sorry, no milk here.
:hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha:

that's funny you added the disclaimer!! :rock: :rock:

SilvrSRT10 said:
Disclaimer: I am making these comments totally in jest. Don't get bent outta shape thinking I'm degrading women. I hold them in the highest regard.

And PETA can suck a$$ ! ! ! I love animals and would do anything to rescue an animal I see being tortured or in pain, - but PETA always takes it to the extreme!!

PETA - Leave my Ben & Jerry's alone or I will hunt you down and kill you!!! :mad:

(dont mess with a woman and her ice cream!! :p)
Turtle said:
:hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha:

that's funny you added the disclaimer!! :rock: :rock:
A little CYA never hurts.:D Tim is the champion of women and I wanted him and everyone else to know I was kidding.:p
Django said:
To which Tim are you referring....... Me? If so, thank you..... You've always been cool in my book, bro..... No worries there.
Yes, you were the one to which I was referring to. You have stepped up and chastised people before who got out of line and I didn't want that kind of attention.:eek:
SilvrSRT10 said:
Yes, you were the one to which I was referring to. You have stepped up and chastised people before who got out of line and I didn't want that kind of attention.:eek:

I hope that's a good thing.... Women shouldn't be abused here simply cuz some knuckle dragger had a bad relationship in the past and wants to take it out on every woman he encounters....

People have a bad habit of blaming everyone else but themselves for their bad choices in life....

I do have a real thing about this kind'a shit..... But I didn't want you to feel threatened. As I've said, I've always thought that yer one'a the good guys here....

Django said:
As I've said, I've always thought that yer one'a the good guys here....

Thanks for that. 98% of the stuff I say here is to try and give someone a chuckle. The other 2% is trying to help somebody with a truck problem or information. And my respect for everyone is not based in fear. Just going with the Golden Rule.
It's all subjective..... we all have others with whom we work and play well....

And some others with whom we do not.....

I'm on alot of "A" lists around here.... "A" stands for assassination. ;)


I used to have some bumper stickers that said the above. Some people wanted to kill me and some thought it was hillarious. Strangely it was usually women or clearly gay men who would scold me for poking fun at "an organization that does so much good" Bull, PETA is a terrorist group full of extremist wackos, nothing more.
How would you like to wrap your lips around a scoop of:
'Titty Tiramisu' or maybe, 'Mammary Macadamia Nut.'

If that doesn't titillate you, you might want to try, 'Fudgie Juggs', 'Nippley Neapolitan', or 'Racky Road?'

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