
New Member
Sep 6, 2007
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OK..heres the story and it needs to get going nationwide....
Its the last week of February, its cold as hell in the Northeast, its snowing out west and the economy is in the dumps. Everyone is either unemployed, about to be unemployed, or knows someone that is already unemployed. Businesses nationwide are going belly up and mortgage foreclosures are running rampant. Its time to turn it around, so here is my idea:
You have one more week to get all the bitching and moaning out of your system, and when we put February 2009 to rest, its time to STOP talking about the bad and START talking good about what we do have in our lives. Lets declare MARCH 1, 2009 as NATIONAL OPTIMISM DAY, the day we start talking up the great things we all have in this country. We're the land of the free, home of the brave and its time to show the rest of the world that we're done complaining, and starting in less than one week, we are going to talk ONLY about the good, positive things we all have. Can we get this going? Can you send it out to everyone on YOUR email list? I'm betting you can! Starting MARCH 1, 2009....NATIONAL OPTIMISM DAY...the start of NATIONAL OPTIMISM WEEK...the start of NATIONAL OPTIMISM for the USA..forever.....
We're trying to get this into ALL 50 states...Please get back to me if you start it in your state. so far these states are part of the SOLUTION:

1. New Jersey
2. Florida
3. South Carolina
4. California
5. Texas
6. Alabama
7. North Carolina
8. Virginia
9. Ohio
10. New York
11. Nevada


If you are part of the solution...deletion is NOT an option....I'd love to get this back about a thousand times!

An amer..I CAN..... citizen
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.......Can't wait for the sun to shine so I gotta buy cheap sunglasses :) No bitch'n from me once March 1'st arrives.
can we move this to the offensive section....right under the f-word section....

sorry...i'm a pessimist, and until i randomly win the lottery, will continue to be...

ADD another state:

DELAWARE is now sending it out...if you continue PESSIMISTIC can only reap negative benefits...Try the OPTIMISTIC outlook...things are going to turn around and talking up the GREAT things we have IS the start of the turnaround. NEED some more states!

REALITY is this.. in order to change ANYTHING in life, you must THINK or DO something can not expect to continue to do the same thing over and over and expect different results...

OPTIMIMISM breeds......
If $$ is the only thing that motivates, that is rather boring, and mundane. thinking positive,and being drivin to solve problems as they arise is the challenge of life, thank god for everything he gives, everything he takes, but most important everything he leaves!! I'am grateful for what I have, and it is far beyond monetary. ................:rock: :D good thread:congrats:

Andrew you have hit the nail right on the head. This thread is not about MONEY, its about how attitude and positive thinking determine how we get through this life. Every man gets to choose his thinking process, and in order to CHANGE, whether it be the current economy or your station in life, the first step is to CHANGE your thinking. What benefit is there to constantly complaining when it only festers the problem?. I'm trying to get some OPTIMISM going for our country, I KNOW its the first step in turning us around. Lets set a date, whether it be March 1,2009 or whenever, so we get on a time schedule for the return of hope, which will lead to healing, which can only lead to better LIVES for everyone. If you agree please pass it on....

I'm thinking APATHY may or may not be the
A positive attitude is a matter of personal choice. You can decide to be optimistic or you can live in the doldrums.

You can be happy or sad.

The one that makes the decision is you.

I love the concept. Even if things are terrible you don't have to be unhappy...

I will do what I can in Illinois...

Thanks Prof, every little bit of encouragement helps. I'm up to 13 States, that are TRYING to get an OPTIMISTIC outlook for us all going. Its got to start somehow!

1. New Jersey
2. Florida
3. South Carolina
4. California
5. Texas
6. Alabama
7. North Carolina
8. Virginia
9. Ohio
10. New York
11. Nevada
12. Delaware
13. Illinois

AND Puerto Rico!

Just got word, ARIZONA is now on board, trying to get some OPTIMISM going.That makes 14 States plus Puerto Rico, THANKS!
National Optimism Day..can you send it to a different state?

Add to the list of those that have been sent the Optimism day email:


and IRAQ and St. Thomas

Thanks...keep it alive! and LMK if you send it to a State not already listed!

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