Prove it!


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Jan 30, 2007
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That's right...all you political experts out there!!!

I know we have a diverse group, so I wanted to hear from you what qualifications the two presidential possibilites have for being our president.
I want facts...
I dont want, oh McCains wife is hot, or he has seven houses so he out of touch, or he was POW (which to me carries merit).
I dont want, Obama is a great speaker, or wants "change", or he endorses Hillaries "universal health care paln" (which if you have an ounce of intelegence you know will never work, but its still a good idea). dont want to hear we need a democrat know whether that may or may not be the truth.

I was thinking about this, I personally will vote for Mccain as of now. I don't think BO has a track record, or credentials that make him even worthy of running for president. Prove to me that he can make a good president. I am actually surprised that the democratic party has him running.
We know he wants to raise taxes on the wealthy, fine, but does that mean that the current tax set-up is favorable to lower-income families (we know it is)? how are you going to take money out of oil speculators pockets? Can they only buy so many oil contracts? Are we not going to support capitalism, how are you going to stop companies from sending jobs over seas. How are you going to do these things? What has BO done to prove he can accomplish anything? What has he actually done? What can we say, this stems from BO, this is what he did?
For McCain, what has he done? I know he has more political experience? We know he is a loyal American(which goes very far in this election)
Is this what our country has come to?

Personally I would like to See Ross Perot as Prez for the next 4 years. THen I would like to see him pick Bill Cosby for VP. If you know what Bill is about you know it would be a good 4 years with these two in office.

So...prove it. I just want to know for myself so I can wiegh each candidate. Becasue as of now I am voting for a man who has strong loyalty not strong qualifications. and I am not voting for BO now becasue I dont thinknhe can run a state, let alone a country.
hopefully in 4 years we will have some good candidates.

PS...since most of you know I am Christian, I was very turn off buy the "thats above my pay grade". dude your running for the President of the USA...there is no higher pay grade!

I'm feclempt (sp?) amongst yourselves

I think these words by Thomas Sowell should do it.

One of the painful aspects of studying great catastrophes of the past is discovering how many times people were preoccupied with trivialities when they were teetering on the edge of doom. The demographics of the presidency are far less important than the momentous weight of responsibility that office carries.

Just the power to nominate federal judges to trial courts and appellate courts across the country, including the Supreme Court, can have an enormous impact for decades to come. There is no point feeling outraged by things done by federal judges, if you vote on the basis of emotion for those who appoint them.

Barack Obama has already indicated that he wants judges who make social policy instead of just applying the law. He has already tried to stop young violent criminals from being tried as adults.

Although Senator Obama has presented himself as the candidate of new things, using the mantra of "change" endlessly, the cold fact is that virtually everything he says about domestic policy is straight out of the 1960s and virtually everything he says about foreign policy is straight out of the 1930s.

Protecting criminals, attacking business, increasing government spending, promoting a sense of envy and grievance, raising taxes on people who are productive and subsidizing those who are not; all this is a re-run of the 1960s.

We paid a terrible price for such 1960s notions in the years that followed, in the form of soaring crime rates, double-digit inflation and double-digit unemployment. During the 1960s, ghettoes across the countries were ravaged by riots from which many have not fully recovered to this day.

The violence and destruction were concentrated not where there was the greatest poverty or injustice but where there were the most liberal politicians, promoting grievances and hamstringing the police. The French are having to relearn this fact now.

Internationally, the approach that Senator Obama proposes, including the media magic of meetings between heads of state, was tried during the 1930s. That approach, in the name of peace, is what led to the most catastrophic war in human history.

Everything seems new to those too young to remember and too ignorant of history to have heard about it.

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute and a negro.

Nothing to prove.... They are both talking-heads and both are doing their parties bidding. I like to concentrate on Senators and Representatives..... and the people that REALLY run the country: The folks that are NOT "elected" officials. ;)

Vote for the people the candidate surrounds himself with.... not the figure-head on the TV.

So the only logical question should be: "Who is going to be in the new President's Cabinet?" ;)
Black1 said:
Nothing to prove.... They are both talking-heads and both are doing their parties bidding. I like to concentrate on Senators and Representatives..... and the people that REALLY run the country: The folks that are NOT "elected" officials. ;)

Vote for the people the candidate surrounds himself with.... not the figure-head on the TV.

So the only logical question should be: "Who is going to be in the new President's Cabinet?" ;)

Good Point jake...just wondering if I am missing something.

Congrats again! Best to you and your bride

I get sick thinking about the two candidates that are left running....

If you really want to know an absolute true constitutionalist, just look at a few Ron Paul videos on youtube. That is all you need to see really... The guy has been right on every single issue. He is a republican with strong libertarian values.

He predicted the Russia invasion of Georgia in 2002 -

He has ultra liberals like Bill Maher and Ben Affleck loving him...

He never voted to raise taxes.... Ever.....

Has the highest military contributions for any candidate combined.. Including McCain.


Check him out...
Democrats are basically socialist's and Communist's. I deal with them everyday in Berzerkeley
TREKER said:

I get sick thinking about the two candidates that are left running....

If you really want to know an absolute true constitutionalist, just look at a few Ron Paul videos on youtube. That is all you need to see really... The guy has been right on every single issue. He is a republican with strong libertarian values.

He predicted the Russia invasion of Georgia in 2002 -

He has ultra liberals like Bill Maher and Ben Affleck loving him...

He never voted to raise taxes.... Ever.....

Has the highest military contributions for any candidate combined.. Including McCain.


Check him out...

It will be VERY interesting how big Ron's "Pow-wow" in Minneapolis will be, in comparison to the RNC ;)
Annu Kumar said:
Democrats are basically socialist's and Communist's. I deal with them everyday in Berzerkeley

Man, I feel sorry for you :( :( :(
iraqivet01 said:
What he said :rock: :rock:

Here's good example of Berzerkeley

Yep thats right there In downtown berkeley, about a half mile away from me.
The government stepped in and said if you want to protest against the marines than we will sanction 3 million dollars that your city was suppose to get:D than lesbians shut up real quick:rock:
Black1 said:
Nothing to prove.... They are both talking-heads and both are doing their parties bidding. I like to concentrate on Senators and Representatives..... and the people that REALLY run the country: The folks that are NOT "elected" officials. ;)

Vote for the people the candidate surrounds himself with.... not the figure-head on the TV.

So the only logical question should be: "Who is going to be in the new President's Cabinet?" ;)

Very correct...nicely stated.

Voodoo said:
Man, I feel sorry for you :( :( :(

So do I but probably for a very different reason.
I was just wondering for both candidates (more so Barack) what they have accomplished...
One thing that stood out to me in John's post was the mention that Obama wants young folks to stop being tried as adults. Well, I am all in favor of that myself. I think the system is completely jacked when it comes to deciding if one is an adult or child. It is all based on what is convenient to the government. How on the same day can you be a child when it comes to 99% of the things that you do, and an adult for the remaining 1%? How is it that you can be expected to bear the responsibilities of an adult, while forced to maintain the rights of a child? There has to be a better way. Yeah, sorry it's off topic, but I do agree with Obama on that one I guess.

As a whole I think that Obama is naive. I believe the he wants what is best for this country and thinks that his way is the best way to get there. But I do think that being naive is his weakness. I don't think he was ready, I don't think he knows enough about foreign affairs and I really don't think he knows yet how to best pick his friends and advisers. I think he should have waited another cycle. But what do I know?
OCBob said:
One thing that stood out to me in John's post was the mention that Obama wants young folks to stop being tried as adults. Well, I am all in favor of that myself. I think the system is completely jacked when it comes to deciding if one is an adult or child. It is all based on what is convenient to the government. How on the same day can you be a child when it comes to 99% of the things that you do, and an adult for the remaining 1%? How is it that you can be expected to bear the responsibilities of an adult, while forced to maintain the rights of a child? There has to be a better way. Yeah, sorry it's off topic, but I do agree with Obama on that one I guess.

As a whole I think that Obama is naive. I believe the he wants what is best for this country and thinks that his way is the best way to get there. But I do think that being naive is his weakness. I don't think he was ready, I don't think he knows enough about foreign affairs and I really don't think he knows yet how to best pick his friends and advisers. I think he should have waited another cycle. But what do I know?

I think you know a lot.

Its very hard to argue with anything you said in the post above.
OCBob said:
One thing that stood out to me in John's post was the mention that Obama wants young folks to stop being tried as adults. Well, I am all in favor of that myself. I think the system is completely jacked when it comes to deciding if one is an adult or child. It is all based on what is convenient to the government. How on the same day can you be a child when it comes to 99% of the things that you do, and an adult for the remaining 1%? How is it that you can be expected to bear the responsibilities of an adult, while forced to maintain the rights of a child? There has to be a better way. Yeah, sorry it's off topic, but I do agree with Obama on that one I guess.

As a whole I think that Obama is naive. I believe the he wants what is best for this country and thinks that his way is the best way to get there. But I do think that being naive is his weakness. I don't think he was ready, I don't think he knows enough about foreign affairs and I really don't think he knows yet how to best pick his friends and advisers. I think he should have waited another cycle. But what do I know?

They only try as adults teenagers that commit the most serious violent felonies, murder, aggravated assault/rape, armed robbery etc., which if you don't realize is totally wrong by the time your a teenager you belong in a cage.(actually executed IMO)

It is total BS for some Bastard teenager to brutally rape and murder some female then be treated like he only stole a damn candy bar.

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