Ran an L and got nailed with a $323.50 ticket

LitemUp said:
I driving home after work and saw an L driving the opposite way. So I decided rev her up as we crossed paths. To my surprise he did a u-turn and started following me. I'm thinking he wants to play. A few miles down the road he pulls up next to me; I roll down my window he rolls down his. He says nice truck I say the same to him. I swear this guy must have been not a day over 17 years old. So I ask him if he wants to run, he said alright. So we meet up at the gas station, and then I followed him to a commercial business area. We get to the location and agree to a rolling start 15 mph. I should have gone with my gut and not run when I saw VW flashing his lights at us "warning us there was a cop with radar waiting down the road", but the little voice said fug it show this kid a lesson. We start rolling I'm in first rolling at 15 mph then the count down started beep, beep, beep and we're off. My tires start spinning, he pulled a half car. I shift into 2nd and I recoupe the half car, and then shift into 3rd I pull a half car on him. Then out of nowhere a cop runs into the middle of the street, and flagged us down. We both got nailed! Cop asks me for my DL and registration, and walked over to the L. The kid came out of his truck. His face was flushed "red" and was on his cell. The next words out of his mouth "my Dad wants to speak with you" cop answer the phone they spoke for about 45 secs. The cop turned to the kid and said "Your trucks is gone, he's going to sell it". I felt bad for him, but when the cop came back with the ticket speed 90 mph in a 30 mph posted zone fine was $323.50. I was like screw that fugger. The cop was pretty cool, after he gave the ticket he said "So, who won?" I told him I did.:D

Somehow I missed this post. But yeah here in Texas thats Jail time guaranteed.
robwclark said:
Somehow I missed this post. But yeah here in Texas thats Jail time guaranteed.

You missed this thread because it is 3 years old :laugh: I wouldn't be surprised if his dad just told the cop he is selling his truck to try and get the cop to let him off a little easier. Did the L driver get the same ticket as you?
Hmm, so you paid $323.50 to show this kid what you already knew and have the last laugh with your reply to the officer, and the kid paid with his truck to find out what he should have just asked you. Sounds like you came out on top of the deal.

05QCSRT10 said:
You missed this thread because it is 3 years old :laugh:

WAIT! This thread is three years old? DAMN YOU FERRARI TRUCK.. I'VE BEEN HAD AGAIN.. I REALLY need to pay attention to the post dates.
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roush mustang and i started from a 60 roll and all the way up to 145 on his bumper tried to pass him but couldnt , so i "tucked" in behind him just as a motorcycle cop passed us !!!!! oh shit slowed and took the next left and another left to double back on oppsite side road, then i saw the cop proceed to chase mustang... he was thinking that the mustang had just passed me and probably never saw a four door truck going that fast !!! lol anyway was fun but very dangerous and avoided a ticket :)
gunu said:
roush mustang and i started from a 60 roll and all the way up to 145 on his bumper tried to pass him but couldnt , so i "tucked" in behind him just as a motorcycle cop passed us !!!!! oh shit slowed and took the next left and another left to double back on oppsite side road, then i saw the cop proceed to chase mustang... he was thinking that the mustang had just passed me and probably never saw a four door truck going that fast !!! lol anyway was fun but very dangerous and avoided a ticket :)

Bet you had a minor heart attack, that would be one bad ticket:eek:
the look on that cops face was priceless my friend i think he did a tripple take almost crashed his bike looking back at us as we went zoom zoom !!! :D :D :marchmellow: :marchmellow:
LoL, nice. :congrats: Sucks about the ticket though.... :mad:
viperhauler said:
you probably posed on it once before...sneaky bastage....:D :D

*panting and out of breath* Just checked and thank gudnizz I didn't post on this thread before. If I had then I'm afraid I'd have to go away for a while for feeling stoopider than I :eek:look..
War stories!

$300+ for a racing ticket may be "lucky", but it's still a cr@pper!
If you didn't have a long record, it wouldn't have hurt the cop to give a little SLACK!

Anyhow, I guess $300 is a small price to pay for a "Lifetime story"! We've all got to have a few. ; )

Signed: Been there, done that!
90 in a 30 would have been 8 points wreckless careless racing on a highway and then they would go through your truck and any illegal mod they think might be illegal they will give you a ticket
Damn speed freaks!

Did I ever tell ya about the 98 in a 65 zone ticket I got in my truck?:D

Begood said:
Damn speed freaks!

Did I ever tell ya about the 98 in a 65 zone ticket I got in my truck?:D


You are a bad, bad boy!

Alex! Pull his britches down and blister his bottom!
Prof said:
You are a bad, bad boy!

Alex! Pull his britches down and blister his bottom!
I keep trying to talk her into that, but she keeps resisting.:D

Slap on the wrist

I am still under supervision for 83 in a 55 and it cost me $275 fine $40 traffic school and $150 court costs. If I had just paid the damn :mad: ticket and let it report to my insurance the fine would have been $75 thank you Manteno Illinois PD for your ever so delightful demeanor at 1:30 in the freakin morning!

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