
Full Access Member
Mar 27, 2008
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A lot of folks can't understand how we came to have an oil shortage here in our country.
Well, there's a very simple answer.
Nobody bothered to check the oil.
We just didn't know we were getting low.
The reason for that is purely geographical.
Our OIL is located in:
Coastal Florida
Coastal Louisiana

But our Dipsticks are located in DC!!!! :mad:

Any Questions? NO?...Didn't think so.

supercar1of1 said:

But our Dipsticks are located in DC!!!! :mad:

Any Questions? NO?...Didn't think so.

Currently, many of them are in Colorado.:D
SilvrSRT10 said:
Currently, many of them are in Colorado.:D

BO is giving them all lessons on putting air in their tires. :D :D
iraqivet01 said:
BO is giving them all lessons on putting air in their tires. :D :D
yea and it is all hot air :D
The United States and it's territories only have about 30 % of the total petroleum left in the ground....It would help for a few years and then total dependence on Foreign oil. We send Billions of dollars over seas to make our enemies stronger every year and not just for oil. The answer is not making more holes in the ground...The answer is alliterative energy. I am no tree hugger but it makes perfect common sense to anyone with 6 working brain cells. We consume to much and Bitch about the prices. Nothing will change if we continue to do the same thing over and over. We need to change our thinking and become smarter about finite resources or Mad Max will not just be a movie :D :p

I say we shot gun the issue, drill, wind, solar,nuclear, renuable, alternative, hydrogen, etc. After a few years we should be able to recede from oil.

supercar1of1 said:

I say we shot gun the issue, drill, wind, solar,nuclear, runnable, alternative, hydrogen, etc. After a few years we should be able to recede from oil.

They will only wake up when it's to late...Who ever gets elected John. To much money to be made by not doing it. But in saying that I believe this is one of Obamas strong suits according to the platform he is running. We have got to do it....No choice in the matter anymore. We dabble in it and put on a good Dog and Pony show and are not 100% committed to doing it. The oil crisis will not go away with more drilling...It may stave off total collapse and total reliance of foreign oil for a bit...But it will not cure it. Imagine where the Middle East would be without us buying their products anymore...The dark ages comes to mind :D The world economy would collapse and we would rule the world :rock:
TheSickness said:
They will only wake up when it's to late...Who ever gets elected John. To much money to be made by not doing it. But in saying that I believe this is one of Obamas strong suits according to the platform he is running. We have got to do it....No choice in the matter anymore. We dabble in it and put on a good Dog and Pony show and are not 100% committed to doing it. The oil crisis will not go away with more drilling...It may stave off total collapse and total reliance of foreign oil for a bit...But it will not cure it. Imagine where the Middle East would be without us buying their products anymore...The dark ages comes to mind :D The world economy would collapse and we would rule the world :rock:

All I am saying is they should let them drill as a hedge.

supercar1of1 said:

All I am saying is they should let them drill as a hedge.

I made that point in the first post LOL....It will help for a limited time only. Can't think short term anymore....Progressive thinking and American ingenuity need to find a common ground and get it together soon....or our children will be fighting WW III over natural resources that are finite thus making the loss of life worthless :D
TheSickness said:
I made that point in the first post LOL....It will help for a limited time only. Can't think short term anymore....Progressive thinking and American ingenuity need to find a common ground and get it together soon....or our children will be fighting WW III over natural resources that are finite thus making the loss of life worthless :D

Watched a special on the situation with our oil a couple of days ago and we supposedly have 50+ years Minimum of oil here. I just do not understand why anyone would object to letting them drill while we pursue alternatives. The people doing the drilling are not the same ones who would be researching alternative energy.

supercar1of1 said:

Watched a special on the situation with our oil a couple of days ago and we supposedly have 50+ years Minimum of oil here. I just do not understand why anyone would object to letting them drill while we pursue alternatives. The people doing the drilling are not the same ones who would be researching alternative energy.

I never said I am against off shore drilling....I just think it's pointless. We have the technology to do other things and we should be doing it is all I am saying :D
TheSickness said:
I never said I am against off shore drilling....I just think it's pointless. We have the technology to do other things and we should be doing it is all I am saying :D

Even if they didn't get a drop, notice how the price started dropping when it became obvious that we were really steamed and just talked about drilling.
supercar1of1 said:

Even if they didn't get a drop, notice how the price started dropping when it became obvious that we were really steamed and just talked about drilling.
Had Bush not gone and begged like a Bitch in Saudi....The price would have dropped anyway...Can't believe he did that...Phuck those assholes.....Nuke em :marchmellow:
TheSickness said:
Had Bush not gone and begged like a Bitch in Saudi....The price would have dropped anyway...Can't believe he did that...Phuck those assholes.....Nuke em :marchmellow:

Aggreed, they owe their existance to us, if I was Bush I would have just picked up the phone, and heck from my recolection they snubbed him anyway.

supercar1of1 said:

Aggreed, they owe their existance to us, if I was Bush I would have just picked up the phone, and heck from my recolection they snubbed him anyway.

Yes and he did not take the first snub laying down either....he went back a 2nd time and looked like female genitalia in the process
TheSickness said:
Yes and he did not take the first snub laying down either....he went back a 2nd time and looked like female genitalia in the process

Didn't do much for our image. I Just keep thinking back to Perez Saying that when Bush called him after 9/11 and told him to cooperate or we would bomb Pakistan Back to the stone age, shows he's not a wuss.

supercar1of1 said:

Didn't do much for our image. I Just keep thinking back to Perez Saying that when Bush called him after 9/11 and told him to cooperate or we would bomb Pakistan Back to the stone age, shows he's not a wuss.

I don't think he is a total Wuss either....Glad he was the one in office on 9/11. I just think he surrounded himself with Idiots which did not help him being a retard and all. When Colin Powell stepped down he took the brains of the outfit with him...;)
TheSickness said:
I don't think he is a total Wuss either....Glad he was the one in office on 9/11. I just think he surrounded himself with Idiots which did not help him being a retard and all. When Colin Powell stepped down he took the brains of the outfit with him...;)

I'm glad you mentioned Mr. Powell. I think he is a fine man but a good while back I tried to research him and the only thing I found was that he just didn't get into trouble and kept getting promoted. I could not find where he had ever led or made any critical decisions on his way to general officer that would normally distinguish a person awarded his rank.
