Russian wanting to buy my truck

Umm, heres an easy one. Set up a seperate account that you will use for just accepting wire transfers. I have an account for this at a whole seperate bank, all i have to do is keep $5 in it to keep the account alive.
From the sounds of it, your bank feels that this poses no danger to your financial information. If you are getting the money that you want and you don't have to give him any account info, I don't see any issues myself. Good luck either way.
Be careful he doesnt try to pay you with loaves of bread and bottles of vodka.....and what are you thinking about? Isnt it against the law to deal with Communist?:D:D:D

I'm glad they found a little extra cash so we can hunt their subs again. That way we can show them we are still better than them....but I digress.:)
not all Russians are croocked !
But the ones wanting to buy an SRT are probably loaded !:rock:
Accept prepayment only. When it's on your account get started in shipping it.
I'm beginning to learn russian and going to this site shows me just how far I have to go.

I would agree with having your bank handle the transaction. That way, they cover you if something goes wrong.
:hmmmm:Hmmm, CASH is always good, and I mean real USD funds. That counterfeited funny money just won't cut the mustard. :dontknow:I dunno "B" row, I'd say he needs to get a bank loan and pay you in full before you hand them keys over.
another vote for cash here. with the last car i sold (my vette), the guy showed up with $35k cash and the transaction was completed in 10 min (length of time it took me to check each bill and write out a bill of sale).
Great! We know that is a small relief for you, have you found a job yet?

Yeah it was a relief to get out of the payments and gas and ins. bills. I have interviewed a bunch of places and I expect an offer soon on one of them. Thanks for asking.
To the Russian guy??? or in the US :dontknow:

To the Russian guy...went really smooth actually.
did he seal the deal with a couple bottles of vodka?:five: