Serious Question (any doctors in here)?


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Feb 13, 2007
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Mchenry Illinois
I have noticed a pain that ive had for about 3 weeks now, its in my lower hip/butt muscle region. I am not trying to joke and am becoming a little concerned something may be seriously screwed up. I normally notice the pain when im going to sleep at night. My current job has me climbing towers daily but ive been off of work for a few days now with no improvement. Is this a pulled muscle thats taking a lot of time to heal possibly or is this something I should be concerned with? I hate doctors and never go until I absolutly have to, im just looking to see if anyone here has a serious medical opinion on my pain issue. The internet is less than helpful due to 50 million different problems are listed, although Bursitis looks like what I may have. I think it might me pulled or stressed but am unsure due to the 3 weeks off and on now. Any advice would be helpful to ease my mind, if it continues much longer I am going to the hospital to be checked but am hoping someone has some experiance with this here. I am currently going to try and be easier with that side and do as little as posible but considering im just starting to take this injury seriously it may take more time than me just going to the hospital. And Mikey lay off, im seriously concerned here!
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Ibuprofen. 400 mg four times a day for four days. If the pain persists see a physician. If it is a muscle pull or bursitis or any of the itis's there is inflammation and that needs to subside before healing occurs. Ibuprofen will reduce the inflammation and allow healing to begin.

Three weeks is too long for any pain to persist in someone your age. If you hate doctors, the best way to avoid them is to take immediate remedial action the moment your body tells you there is a problem...if the action taken does not resolve the problem see a physician immediately, and you will probably only have to see one doctor once. Waiting is a path to seeing multiple doctors multiple times. I think I need to adopt you.
Prof said:
Ibuprofen. 400 mg four times a day for four days. If the pain persists see a physician. If it is a muscle pull or bursitis or any of the itis's there is inflammation and that needs to subside before healing occurs. Ibuprofen will reduce the inflammation and allow healing to begin.

Three weeks is too long for any pain to persist in someone your age. If you hate doctors, the best way to avoid them is to take immediate remedial action the moment your body tells you there is a problem...if the action taken does not resolve the problem see a physician immediately, and you will probably only have to see one doctor once. Waiting is a path to seeing multiple doctors multiple times. I think I need to adopt you.

Thanks Roy, I just got back from the emergency room, I left shortly after my post and a little research further on the internet that made me wanna make sure not guess and hope for any more length of time. They basically told me the same thing, take the ibuprofen for 3 days and see if the pain goes away or starts to fell better. They think I tore and strained the muscle up pretty good and that its inflammed pretty good, especially due to my job. I cannot climb for a week currently and have the work release for my bosses. If it doesnt start to feel better they want me to go into a further evaluation by the end of the week to make sure theres not some bigger damage than they percieve currently. I sure hope this is all it is im running out of working parts quicker than my years alive, heck i dont even know if i can work at all now for a week. Crap two popping knees and now a screwed up hip, next ill be in a wheel chair by 30:( Hopefully I can get short term disability for the week due to im pretty sure this is caused from work and the doc said the same pretty much. If it goes longer than the week I know I will get it but a week im thinking isnt enough time to get it but well see.
I'm not a doctor but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express with a beautiful woman once...she was a pretty cheap date.
Prof said:
I'm not a doctor but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express with a beautiful woman once...she was a pretty cheap date.

Apparently you havent stayed there recently, shes a very very very cheap date with VD these days. Well im off to lala land finally the drugs are finally kicking in and making me sleepy. And yes roy im up for adoption and i come with a red truck in the deal :D
might be psyatic(dont kill me for spelling) nerve. have seen that bother a lot of folks in the butt and hip area. youll have a few more years past 30. ive been playing softball for 20 years. ill be 38 this year im hobbling around in a walking boot from this past season. 2 years ago i tore 2 ligaments off the top of my foot. only down side to gettin older is it takes so much longer to heal
Eddie your a dummy, its Sciatic nerve...wait I think I spelt it wrong too.

Sciatic nerve would give you a burning pain down you leg, If you take all that Ibuprofen make sure it is with at least a glass of milk or you are going to get leaky gut syndrome. I take 800mg 3-4 times a day with food.
No is Syatic you ding dongs!!!!! LOL A burning or numb feeling running down the leg is its tell tale sympton.

I prefer Naproxen (Alieve) 500mg twice a day. Doc gave me this when I tore up my shoulder and got the "itus". It made a huge difference.

L-4 or 5 could be the problem. Herniated a disc in "96" on a jump Pain only got worst over time.
Went under the knife in "97" and have been pretty much pain free, unless I over do it, since. MRI is the only way to see it.
iraqivet01 said:
L-4 or 5 could be the problem. Herniated a disc in "96" on a jump Pain only got worst over time.
Went under the knife in "97" and have been pretty much pain free, unless I over do it, since. MRI is the only way to see it.
my L4/L5 disk is degenerated, a day hasnt gone by in 7 years that my back has not hurt:mad:
You got my respect.
The pain from that nerve is beast when not medicated.
I was ready for someone to take me out back and put me down before the operation.
Your pain could be coming from your back or your hip. Typically with sciatica, you will have parasthesias, meaning, burning, numbness, or tingling running down the leg. Without these symptoms, the source is probably the hip. Could be bursitis, arthritis, or a number of other things. They should have done a straight leg raise test in the ER. If it was negative, it is probably your hip. Anti-inflammatories and rest for a week, then consider some imaging of the hip or the back, if not improved. That is how I approach it, depending on my suspicions, and my physical exam of the patient.
piriformis Syndrome

When I started my first desk job, with in about 3 months I developed low back pain and sciatica like symptoms that basically cut my running from 30 miles a week to 0 miles due to the pain. Went to several docs, and they all said "low back pain" or sciatica, you'll need surgery". I went to a family friend who is a chiropracter and massage therapist as a last resort. After 2 deep tissue massages (hurt like hell & left bruising) on the piriformis muscle and my pain went away and has never come back.

Take a read.
muscletrucks said:
When I started my first desk job, with in about 3 months I developed low back pain and sciatica like symptoms that basically cut my running from 30 miles a week to 0 miles due to the pain. Went to several docs, and they all said "low back pain" or sciatica, you'll need surgery". I went to a family friend who is a chiropracter and massage therapist as a last resort. After 2 deep tissue massages (hurt like hell & left bruising) on the piriformis muscle and my pain went away and has never come back.

Take a read.

always be cautious when a doc wants to do surgery on your back right away

I was told my back was badly degenerated and they could do surgery, but were hesitant because I was only 26 at the time
I was told my back was badly degenerated and they could do surgery, but were hesitant because I was only 26 at the time[/QUOTE]

I had lived with it for about 1 1/2 years, and had tried several things prior, and with the pain I was in, I was useless to the world.

The doctor gave me other options, but I to the point where I was going have to be medically discharged from the service, and not be able to do the job I chererish and love. I make the best choice. (for me anyways)
My first reaction was sciatica as well.....

If so, do some rehab by laying flat on your back and pulling you knees (one at a time) up against your chest.... Then raise your leg (one at a time) as far off the floor as possible and slowly lower it to the ground... You could even have a sacroiliac sprain....

Good luck and get well...........

I just had an MRI 2 weeks ago. I've got osteo arthritis, and 2 "prematurely degenerated discs" in my neck/shoulder region, I'm goin back to the doctor later next month to see what my options are. I've know idea what my options are or what they'll say.. I only know I'm useless for 4-5 days when it flares up (can't even move my neck or head), and there's no rhyme or reason as to when it gets aggravated. Anyone know what my options are?
Well guys thanks for the comments but from what it is looking to be is I strained the hell out of my hip, then i continued workin and making the strain turn to tearing and inflamation. Im on easy rest for a week to see if it improves otherwise im back for further investigation into this problem. I already have two bad knees that pop and crack like crazy and well I dont need a hip thats screwed up to (im hoping for the best). But at least I know I will probably have arthritus in my knees already according to the doc, since ive been complaining about then for over 5 years now and finally they realized I was right, lets see how long it takes them to properly fix my hip, hopefully I just tore a little bit and strained the day lights outta it. I cannot climb for a week so that will help and only time will tell if its worse.
I have to agree-it sure sounds like sciatica....after all I have gone thru, your symptoms sound familiar. Go see your doc if it's not better with motrin. As for your knees, have you tried adding a glucosamine supplement? It sure helps! Good luck with it!
If it is sciatica, it's an easy fix. I get it every so often and just do the floor excercises a physical therapist taught me and it goes away pretty quick. Good luck.

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