Smashed up my daily driver


Full Access Member
Aug 21, 2007
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Mini Van driving grandpa ran a stop sign the other day and took out my daily driver. He admitted he didn't even see the stop sign.

He was going about 50 when he T-boned me. I didn't even see him, but sure as heck felt him. Knocked the breath out of me, and bruised me up a bit, but nothing that a few evening in the hot tub won't fix.

I will say that Nissan makes a pretty tough car. It smashed the door and floor boards half way into the passenger seat. Even with all that damage, I was still able to drive on the the flat bed wrecker.

Now my question. How do I keep the insurance company from putting in me and breaking it off if it is totalled. It's a 2002 Altima 2.5 SL with 113,000 miles on it. The first lady told me they would most like give me 6,400. But on Kelly blue book, it listed at 8,200.

Anyone out there who might can give me some advise?
I not sure how to do it. ( put the picture on )
If they try to low ball you start complaining about aches and pains and how you don't know how long you'll need physical therapy.
Glad to hear you walked away. RETAIN A LAWYER Glad you walked away
You should get blue book
SilvrSRT10 said:
If they try to low ball you start complaining about aches and pains and how you don't know how long you'll need physical therapy.

That the samething a guy at work told me.
I am not normally a litigious person BUT I believe I would bust his ass.
For me, it would really not be retaliation on the guy that hit me but trying to keep even with the slime ball insurance companies. I would just want what's fair but the insurance companies don't/won't play fair so neither should you.
SilvrSRT10 said:
If they try to low ball you start complaining about aches and pains and how you don't know how long you'll need physical therapy.

I'm sorry to say that this is proper advice.... Only because of the regret I feel when I realize that insurance companies are crooks who don't like to pay (even the most) legitimate claims.... They are filthy scoundrels....

Sock it to ' no mercy. They won't....

Also get a doctors opinion. I am suffering from car accidents that happened years ago, all this stuff adds up. Looking back, I should have sued for more money.

See a doctor and a lawyer, and always ride in the ambulance if you can, and get checked up the next day.

Since my injury ( as most car accident injuries are), is neck and spine, you actually lose feeling in your arms and legs, so you often don't realize you are injured.

If you have pain in your upper arms ( like deep inside the arm), its nerve damage from whiplash.

Also make sure you are covered for future flare ups of the injury, ask your doctor.

5-10 years from now, you will be glad you did.