Sorry I have been missing...

I got into the weight room tonight. I did OK. I was stronger than my friend, but weaker than I thought I would be. So I have some serious work to do. I did feel the passion and desire to be there though. I go back on Wednesday, for my dead lift and back work out. Then on Thursday i go to the Dr for my report from the surgery. It will be a long week of waiting, and apparently it will be a sore one as well :).
God Bless Dale

Workin out is the best, you are in are prayers............:rock: :burnout: :rock:
Got my results. The news is better than Lung Cancer, but I still have to meet with the oncologist to fully understand the details. I should know more tomorrow.
viperhauler said:
sounds like good news to me!
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
tinygiants said:
Thank you Eric. My Ex and my daughter spent the night to get me on my way. They are gone now, but I seem to be doing OK.

Here is a pic of my new body art. I seem to have a zipper across my throat now :)
Well now you can make up a good story with that one!! You are still on my prayer's good you are working out, just don't strain and overdo too much.

OK-the "surrogate wife" scolding is over now, ask NBT, I'm pretty good at it:p :marchmellow:
Yesterday was a hard day. I was supposed to have a Dr. appointment to find out my results. The appointment got canceled due to an emergency surgery that the Dr. had to perform. I understand that part, but I was not going to wait another weekend to know my results. So I called the office and asked for someone to please let me know the pathology report. They heemed and haawed all day deferring to the Dr. and that he would call by 4. He did not call. So at 4 I called and made it very plain for them. I told them I wanted to know cancer: YES or NO. If yes, what type.

They called back and gave me the type and scheduled me for the oncologist today. So next week I have multiple procedures, but one of them is the start of Chemo. My odds are currently stated as between 80 - 85% (this is due to the advanced stage of it, early detection is 90 - 95%). So I am hopeful that this is the best bad news I could get in regards to cancer. We will just have to see how treatment affects my energy and ability to work out. Only time will tell.
So sorry to hear the bad news.... It pisses me off, your doctor was WAITING to tell you the results, KNOWING you had cancer and time was of the essence. :dontknow: :mad: :mad: :mad: Sounds like you need a new doctor.

God's speed and best of luck to you in treatment, Dale. 80-85% odds are about as good as it gets when concerning cancer!
Hello Dale,

Sorry to hear the bad news about the cancer, but the good part is you now know what it is and can start to battle the enemy.

One bit of advice. Talk to the doctor about your workouts. The building of muscle involves first the break down of muscle, and the body replacing it with more muscle fiber. Your body will require all of it's strength to fight the cancer.

Our thoughts and prayers will be with you through out this ordeal. Keep us informed on your progress.

Take care,


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