
The 10.73 run was with a 350 ramped shot of NO2.

lol... Mike was Frustrated on that 10.73 run... I remember him saying that he didn't ramp up that run... it was just a full 375 or 350 shot. (he was having issues all day with ramping it up)

Ill have to dig up the raw pictures I have of that day... I Think I have stills of that pass, and you can see the marks from the slicks chattering for the first 150-200 feet. (I'll check tonight.)

Oh... here is a Pic of Mike Brady watching us Change the Jets on Mike K's truck. (same day might I add)

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found it

I tried to upload it directly... Filesize was too big

you can see he had some wheel hop in the marks from the slicks.



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I dont know where the 1350 or even 1000 hp numbers came from... I have no dyno chart to show that... I think ~720-760 is where it was at without the bottle. I would also suspect that with a 350 shot high 800's / low 900's are in the realm of reasonable.

With that said, traction is the biggest issue with the truck from what I can tell, more power isn't going to necessarily make it much faster.

Hi Dom :p

Ok those #'s make sense, I have head work and all that done and I'm around 760hp mark

Hey Tidnab, I came to look to see how your truck is coming along. Any new progress?
Good to see you getting back on it Ryan. I still remember that smell of death when we popped the hood that cold nite. What shop are you going to have the work done at?