teen suicide.


Has Left the Room - Banned from VTCOA!
Mar 31, 2009
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this is from one of my pilot car groups. thought some of you may be interested in the read, and some may want to give. please don't bother posting condolences here, he will never see them in here.

also must add i do not know him, or the family personally.

This is very hard for me so if there are misspellings or words that don't make sense you will have to forgive me.
We lost our 17 year old daughter Britney Tongel on Wednesday Feb 16th to teen bullying. My wife went to wake her up for school that morning and found her hanging in her closet.
Britney came into our home as a foster child as many have before her and quickly became one of our own. She went everywhere we went and did everything we did and quickly fit right in with the rest of the family. She loved to go shopping with our daughter's Misty and Brandy and our grand kids idolized her. We thought we were done taking extra kids into our home just a few months before Britney came because we wanted to take a break and live our life for a while without being tied down. We had been talking about her brother Tony just the day before about how good a kid he was when he was here 6 years prior and how it would be nice to have another Tony.
When Lisa asked did I want to take in another child I said no and she said do you remember who we were talking about yesterday and I said yes and then Britney walked through the door with that cute little face and that pretty smile that said please and I melted.
Britney has never been a foster child to us she has always been our daughter and our whole family loved her as such. I never thought I would ever have to go through something like this again and it has devastated our family. We don't know what to say, what to do, where to go from here, this is very hard.
I greatly appreciate everyone respecting our privacy at this time and giving us time to grieve. We are doing all we can to help raise funds for Britney's biological family to help offset the cost of her funeral arrangements. Our daughters are having T-shirts made up her picture and the dates on the front and stop bulling - save lives on the back and holding a vigil on Sunday night to raise funds. Lisa and I are helping also to raise money to help.
The arrangements are at
Heller funeral home
633 Third St.
Nescopeck Pa.18635

Viewing Monday Feb. 21st 2-4 and 6-9 pm
Funeral service Feb 22nd. 1 pm
Burial will be in Rose Lawn Cemetery Berwick Pa.

In lieu of flowers monetary donations can be made to the funeral home
Britney Tongel funeral fund

I have had many ask what they can do to help. Anyone that can we truly appreciate it as does Britney's family.

Again our family wants to thank everyone for their support during this time.

Terry's Flag Car Service
Terry LaForme
Cell - 570-898-1095
Home - Fax - 570-797-4794
High Pole, Lead, Chase
Ny. Va. Certified
Trevorton Pa.
Serving The East Coast to the Mid West
And New England
Not to be a dick but what the hell is wrong with our youth these days......oh god this bully keeps riding my ass I guess ill go kill myself cause I can't take the stress! Frickin pussies
Not to be a dick but what the hell is wrong with our youth these days......oh god this bully keeps riding my ass I guess ill go kill myself cause I can't take the stress! Frickin pussies

Have to agree with you Troy,I was bulled back in school and I didnt kill myself,these kids need to grow a set.
I was a bullied kid. People used to throw parties then invite me ( after everyone was there) and take turns throwing me in the pool etc. I was always underdeveloped for my age ( weak) so I got picked on a lot.

The result? I tend to be reserved and introverted. I resent my big brother for never being around to stick up for me. I tend to get violent whenever I see someone getting picked on, often taking it too far and the message gets lost( i am 5'11" and a stocky 220lbs now, there was a time in my 20's/prime when my physique and scowl caused people just to get the hell out of my way). oh well. I thank the bullying for my awesome sense of humor and mental/physical toughness.

What does not kill us makes us stronger, I think a lot of these "bullying" suicides would have happened anyway ( when I consider how much I was bullied as a kid). Chris rock has a funny clip about teen suicides ( laughter goes a long way for healing).

As a parent ? I play fight with my kids and tease them a lot. I know by experience they need to be physically and mentally tough to survive so I try to prepare them. AS they get older ( teens) , I AM GOING TO SEARCH THEIR ROOMS/SPY on them. I make family dinners every night ( when I have custody) and tuck them in every night. Never have kids been able to raise themselves, you have to be pro-active. I also think about what I would do when I have to confront another parent after their child has bullied mine. I still haven't figured it out, I am pretty sure more violence isn't the answer, or is it?
I was a bullied kid. People used to throw parties then invite me ( after everyone was there) and take turns throwing me in the pool etc. I was always underdeveloped for my age ( weak) so I got picked on a lot.

The result? I tend to be reserved and introverted. I resent my big brother for never being around to stick up for me. I tend to get violent whenever I see someone getting picked on, often taking it too far and the message gets lost( i am 5'11" and a stocky 220lbs now, there was a time in my 20's/prime when my physique and scowl caused people just to get the hell out of my way). oh well. I thank the bullying for my awesome sense of humor and mental/physical toughness.

What does not kill us makes us stronger, I think a lot of these "bullying" suicides would have happened anyway ( when I consider how much I was bullied as a kid). Chris rock has a funny clip about teen suicides ( laughter goes a long way for healing).

As a parent ? I play fight with my kids and tease them a lot. I know by experience they need to be physically and mentally tough to survive so I try to prepare them. AS they get older ( teens) , I AM GOING TO SEARCH THEIR ROOMS/SPY on them. I make family dinners every night ( when I have custody) and tuck them in every night. Never have kids been able to raise themselves, you have to be pro-active. I also think about what I would do when I have to confront another parent after their child has bullied mine. I still haven't figured it out, I am pretty sure more violence isn't the answer, or is it?

Very well said.:rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:
Not to be a dick but what the hell is wrong with our youth these days......oh god this bully keeps riding my ass I guess ill go kill myself cause I can't take the stress! Frickin pussies

I hear what you are saying and agree, nothing would ever drive me to take my own life.

But sometimes it might just be more than kids teasing another kid, sometimes you have to put yourself into that persons mind to truly understand what might really be going on.

I have had a hard life & been through my share of dealing's, but I will never let anything break me down.

There would be a honda in my driveway before I would take my own life :D
Not to be a dick but what the hell is wrong with our youth these days......oh god this bully keeps riding my ass I guess ill go kill myself cause I can't take the stress! Frickin pussies

For me this is quite shocking to read.
I'm also 17 years old and get bullied every day still...
But I had never any toughts about killin myself. Not even in the very rough times...
I dont know the level of bullying in the states, but that needs to be very hard stuff to make somebody kill herself...
I hope that I never come that far...
there's a difference..

in teen bullying...and having an "awkward stage"

i had an awkward stage...and you know what? i met a few people that i "knew" during that stage...

and i don't mind saying at all...they're fkin losers...and i bettered myself because of them...

so fuck em...
For me this is quite shocking to read.
I'm also 17 years old and get bullied every day still...
But I had never any toughts about killin myself. Not even in the very rough times...
I dont know the level of bullying in the states, but that needs to be very hard stuff to make somebody kill herself...
I hope that I never come that far...

Wait you are 17 and have a viper truck?
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Everyone has a different breaking point.
I can't imagine just what kind of hell this girl was going through that drove her to killing herself.As it becomes reported more and more,it seems more and more people start to look at it as a way out.I see it as a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

I was bullied as a kid for years until one day I finally snapped and broke the school bully's nose and sent him home in shame and humiliation.He never came back to school. I learned that day that violence can definitely solve some problems.I have learned since that day that violence is not always the answer to EVERY problem,but sometimes it is the ONLY way to answer some problems.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the foster family and biological family.
That's really tough...

As if school isn't hard enough just learning new things, there has to be the added emotions from teenagers going through puberty to make it that much more complicated.

You hear about kids coming to school with guns and lashing out on people they crossed paths with that ridiculed them or just hated because, and in the process they take their own lives too - because once you cross that path, there is no way out... and the life you'd have to live afterward wouldn't be a life you'd want to live at all. In this regard, we serve our own justice.. by visioning the person responsible, suffer in many ways in our minds. But we forget... we should pity those people instead of hating them. They probably were faced with such horror and grew up in a dysfunctional home life and mind was desensitized to it, lying in the blackest depths of the abyss... and they felt they had no other way out either...

There's always people who struggle to make it in this world and those who get everything handed to them... clashing is inevitable. There is no right or wrong when it comes to being unique. Why try to fit in when you were born to stand out...

People always point at "different" because the people who may be different don't know how to deal with it themselves. Perhaps they feel they don't belong which the other peers can see through their body language and the way they present themselves, either through speech, fashion, popularity.. etc. So they see the weakness and take advantage of it. Just as young kids in the family would do. They'll push you to your limit to find out how far they can go until they get a reaction, and are taught to obey and listen.. respect... When you grow up into an adult (if you even make it that far) you realize you're going to talk, dress, befriend to whoever and whatever you want anyway! Too bad they didn't feel or know what they could have now, and apply it then. Not everyone is as willing...

Learning how actions create opposite and equal reactions growing up, can be escalated beyond ones physical power. It's not just about consequences, face it, we live in a world filled with ways to become instantly gratified. Some people change who they are to be accepted, even do things to get recognized... even it means bullying someone they feel is similar to themselves. Peer pressure - it goes a long way ..... even before words were ever exchanged.

I feel people take their own lives because they feel like they have no one who they can talk to, someone who they feel "cares" for them enough to justify their feelings a rewarded promise of solitude after, as they may have told someone, but it wasn't the person they wanted to tell or the response they were hoping for from them. But it's being able to take that step, that could have made the difference. When you are faced with such depression, and feel nobody can feel the pain you feel, you're alone. And nobody just comes out of it by themselves... it's usually a best friend that see's you struggling or acting not the same, who makes you come forth... maybe. And maybe it's a temporary solution... maybe feelings like that and things pass over time... no one really thinks people are going to take the matter in their own hands like that girl did. Having no personal content of what they call "support" in the family home, especially one that perhaps the girl felt might not have been her real home... a sense of insecurity because of being a foster child - feeling you don't belong in this world if the ones who were meant to love you didn't want you.... the skeletons in her closet... her battles, her demons... it could have been her breaking point. We all have faced pressure like this before, but maybe not in the same context. Regardless, there might have been things that only she knew...

How awful those people must feel... how dare they..
But violence doesn't solve anything, it just creates more violence. Hence why WAR can never be truly over, there is too much hatred on what lies behind power.
I think what people mean to say is to show you mean business, because we are animals, we have to "show" we are ready to stand our ground.... which decides what happens next. Yes, sometimes the taste of their own medicine does work... but it doesn't mean it works on every person you try it with. So how do you deal with it then when the rest of your world feels like its closing in on you..

It goes to show.. words are the most powerful weapons of this world... and if not chosen carefully, can become the end of yours too.
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Wait you are 17 and have a viper truck?

Sorry for the confusion. But my dad has a viper truck. I maintain the queen.;)
When I will be able to buy one it will take at least another 10 years...
And when I have one, the gas prices will be so high we can't drive them anymore.:(
I'm getting my fun out of a 125cc shifter kart.;)
Sorry for the confusion. But my dad has a viper truck. I maintain the queen.;)
When I will be able to buy one it will take at least another 10 years...
And when I have one, the gas prices will be so high we can't drive them anymore.:(
I'm getting my fun out of a 125cc shifter kart.;)

you are respected for your honesty.
I was bullied as a kid for years until one day I finally snapped and broke the school bully's nose and sent him home in shame and humiliation.He never came back to school. I learned that day that violence can definitely solve some problems.I have learned since that day that violence is not always the answer to EVERY problem,but sometimes it is the ONLY way to answer some problems.

yeah, thats what i did as well.
for the first 6 grades i was the nice kid that got picked on and bullied.
the first week of 7th grade i went after the biggest kid in school.
i cut a seat belt buckle off the school bus, swung it around and smacked him with it. he bled quite badly. i got suspended for 2 weeks. when i came back noone messed with me. cant say that stopped me. i became the new bully.
after 6 months, the second most picked on kid at school saw what i had done and came after me during a floor hockey game. i checked him into a wall and broke his arm at the growth point.
i was expelled shortly after. cant say i ever though about killing myself then.
Children are much weaker in general these days.... that scares the hell outta me, because your children are supposed to be BETTER than the older generation. They are supposed to be smarter, faster, stronger. I just don't see it in these few new generations. I hope I'm wrong, but if I'm right, we are truly lost. :(
It is common for those that are different to engage in various self destructive activities for the sake of precious acceptance. I did it with my elder brother. He'd pretend to be my buddy as a ruse to humiliate me in front of his friends.

He ended up a sullen and lonely man whose own kids can't stand him....

Be yourself and be good to others. Even if they return evil for good. Burning coals and all that......

Being a person can be hard... especially when yer a kid....

Paybacks are also a bitch.....

Be yourself and be good to others. Even if they return evil for good. Burning coals and all that......

Paybacks are also a bitch.....


that sounds like something Mother Theresa said and I agree with it

yep,that Karma thing shouldn't be messed with
whatever you put on the wheel of life will come back around to you sooner or later
that sounds like something Mother Theresa said and I agree with it

yep,that Karma thing shouldn't be messed with
whatever you put on the wheel of life will come back around to you sooner or later

oh thats horseshit. all that ying yang crap. if that was the case i would be a lot worse off now then i am. the first 20 years of my life i gave out so much hell to others i would be dead from a slow burning car fire a long time ago.

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