The Biebs Drag Racing Drunk Arrest

News flash update: Bieber escapes from jail..police in pursuit.

What gets me is his father was on the scene, helping block traffic so Bee-bee brain and his crack smokin' rapper buddy could race. The f'n father should have his nuts cut off so he can't reproduce anymore. I'm not defending young Bieber, but if the jerk off old man was any kind of parent I'm sure you wouldn't be hearing about all this shit.

What the hell are you crazy ,wish my Dad would have been that cool .Ya he got busted ,SO we all had to start somewere :driver::driver:
What the hell are you crazy ,wish my Dad would have been that cool .Ya he got busted ,SO we all had to start somewere :driver::driver:

Yeah, it's cool for fathers to help their 19 year old, immature, druggy kids race high powered vehicles on the street. I'm sure if he lost control and killed some innocent bystanders the loved ones of those killed would say "Oh, that's OK, and what a cool dad he has!"

Ummm, right...