The Doctors Today Kill ME!

You are in my prayers during your surgery. I hope this is a means to an end for you. Rest up and get well soon!:nurse:
includemeout said:
It is a Conspiracy Bozz :marchmellow: :marchmellow:

It would seem so..................:dontknow:

I think Roy may have had it deleted..... It was vituperative to say the least....;) :p Some of my very best stuff.......

Best of luck Mark, let us know how you turn out.

On the issue of govt healthcare... what about surgery for things that are not life threatening but impact lifestyle? For instance I have a knee that I tore up years ago. I have so far avoided having surgery on it because it hasn't greatly impacted my lifestyle. I'm avoiding surgery as long as possible because, from what I've seen, once you have surgery on a joint you will continue to for the rest of your life. Is the government going to pay for that? How long will I have to wait? Issues such as this are one of my big problems with govt run healthcare. I don't want the government to be able to decide what surgery I do or don't get.

Roy you mentioned that we are the only top tier country that doesn't have socialized medicine... is it a coincidence that we have much better healthcare available than all of those countries? For example you saying there were more mobile cat scan machines in Jax than in all of Canada. Why does the quality always go down after the govt takes it over?
Hang in there Mark, and Gods speed on a prompt and full recovery:nurse:
Scrambler1 said:
Best of luck Mark, let us know how you turn out.

On the issue of govt healthcare... what about surgery for things that are not life threatening but impact lifestyle? For instance I have a knee that I tore up years ago. I have so far avoided having surgery on it because it hasn't greatly impacted my lifestyle. I'm avoiding surgery as long as possible because, from what I've seen, once you have surgery on a joint you will continue to for the rest of your life. Is the government going to pay for that? How long will I have to wait? Issues such as this are one of my big problems with govt run healthcare. I don't want the government to be able to decide what surgery I do or don't get.

Roy you mentioned that we are the only top tier country that doesn't have socialized medicine... is it a coincidence that we have much better healthcare available than all of those countries? For example you saying there were more mobile cat scan machines in Jax than in all of Canada. Why does the quality always go down after the govt takes it over?

Its a question that has been studied deeply. There are all of the normal responses...governments don't do anything very well...governments are not good at early adoption of new technology, government does not motivate people to outstanding performance...all of which are true.

The critical issue is not socialized health care. It is access to primary care.

It needs to be said that there are levels of quality in health care...and there are philosophical differences about what quality level is correct at what point in decision makers face this issue on a daily basis...we business owners would like to respond to every question immediately...but there is a point at which that will sink the business isn't there??

That is the quandary...if a population uses three cat scans ten percent of the time, and 90% of the time they sit idle, but the associated costs are still additive to the cost of care in the community, is that justifiable?

So what ends up happening is that our capitalistic philosophy of allowing competition continues to drive the cost of care to the point where the system is incapable of supporting itself.

If a society provides access to primary care for all (the concept that health care is a right not a privilege), it will drastically reduce the acuity level of health care treatment which demands less technology, is less intensive, and consequently much less expensive. We need to adjust our approach, put our resources on the front avoiding disease with life style changes, emphasize early diagnosis and treatment prior to chronic onset of sever illness and realize that the dying process is part of a normal progression for the human being.

I'm not in favor of socialized medicine, I am a capitalist. But I also think that primary care is a right not something just for those that can afford it. And in those two philosophies, I truly believe that there is a solution to our health care crisis. Hillary had it right, Obama has it part right, McCain was clueless.

Reference your orthopedic surgeon would say that you are being foolish in not getting it repaired. You are probably compromising your hip while you delay the repair...(or possibly creating disc problems, that will really be a problem) if in the future you need a hip replacement, you might well be able to trace the problem to neglecting your knee. Get it fixed...
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Similarly to the debate that I had with my friend, and you are just as unlikely to see my point as he was. Idealistically that is a worthwhile investment, I'd much rather see money going to that than our welfare system. However I fear that it opens the door far to wide for socialized medicine. I said this in another post somewhere... what program have we the voters allowed the govt to begin that they didn't run away with and turn it into a huge money gobbling hole that was never even imagined when the first concept was conceived? Income tax, welfare, social security, medicare/medicaid, patriot act, etc. With 40% of our population paying zero taxes, I don't see any way that once the door is opened that they won't vote for another free handout, ie socialized medicine.

I'm not disagreeing with the concept, I just fear the final outcome for my children's generation.

I've been to specialist for my knee. I don't need knee replacement but rather arthroscopic surgery. I saw somewhere recently that the medical community now thinks that kind of surgery greatly increases the odds for arthritis. Basically due to stretched out ligaments, under impact my knee cap doesn't track properly, this has damaged the cartilage. I don't favor the other leg, and unless I go running or wakeboard (the cause in the first place) it doesn't bother me. I was doing a flip, one foot came out and one didn't, when i fell the board twisted my knee around. I've done a few rounds of physical therapy, changed my workout, and it improved to where I'm currently at. My decision to hold off was at the specialist's suggestion. Does that make more sense or do you still disagree?
I would never disagree with a physician that has made a recommendation to you based on his/her diagnosis.

I too fear the ever expanding arms of government. But the alternative I fear is the collapse of the system or at a minimum the continued disenfranchisement of the poor from primary health care. That them leads to more cost and less access and it is a spiral that will eventually kill the system for everyone.

I don't think we are far apart...I just have to think that solutions need to correct the current status. I don't think there is a perfect solution, but I think we will have to do something and I just prefer action to inaction.
I talked to Kristee earlier. Mark's surgery went well and his large intestine was ok. She said he's in some pain, but doing well.

We love you bro!!! :rock: :rock: :nurse:
Roz-SRT said:
I talked to Kristee earlier. Mark's surgery went well and his large intestine was ok. She said he's in some pain, but doing well.

We love you bro!!! :rock: :rock: :nurse:

Good news. Thanks for the update.

Dang Man you looked like a college athlete the other day.

Thanks you all. It was a peice of cake. THe intestine was good. The gall bladder was horrible and took some skill getting out but he did. Damn this hurts!!! But hey I be ready to og to Macon. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers guys it means alot.
You da Man, Me and Jimi gonna come get you tonite, we gonna go get drunk and chase pussy!!!! WELL, You guys can chase, I will just watch.
glad everything worked out mark, Dawn said she would come help nurse you back to health:D

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