The Official "Baby Shower for Travis (EMT/SRT)" thread


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May 25, 2009
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Miami, Fl
Hey guys, if you haven't seen already, Travis (EMT/SRT) is having twins. I know how hard this is, as I have twin 3 year old boys. They are a hand full, emotionally and financially. When having twins, you soon find out which family members and friends you can truely count on. That being the case, I know he considers us friends and family. So, he needs our help, whether he asks for it or not. I know times are tough and the holidays just passed, but I would like to start off a collection. If everyone can donate a little something, I'm sure we can set him up pretty good. I have no problem collecting the funds and either giving him the money or sending Joy to the store to buy a shitload of stuff that we know he'll need. If we decide to buy him stuff, I can deliver it to him when I go to the Panama GTG. If we decide to give him the cash we collect, I can get that to him with no problem. You guys let me know.

I'll start the list (no need to put amounts, every bit helps):

Well, I don't have any money but we might just have some stuff laying around here yet. We did have a twin stroller, not sure if it was one of the things that we just got rid of or not. If not, it's his. I just have to ask the OL where it might be.
this is a helluva thing bro:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
It could be Tony, if everyone would give a little something, we could really help him out. Whatever you can give $5, $10, $25, $50.........whatever. Every little bit helps. I know and I'm sure Bob knows how hard this can be financially. Lets help relives some of Travis' worries.
we will work on something and see what we can do:rock: helluva good thing your doing bud:rock: :rock:

diapers will def be needed:D

or heck maybe even a gift card to walmart or a baby shop close to them would work?
If he registers we can order stuff and have it shipped right to him. Just a thought.
amtrucker22 said:
If he registers we can order stuff and have it shipped right to him. Just a thought.
That's true. I just a VTCOA baby shower would be a first.:)
That sounds so gay coming from a man.
That's true. I just a VTCOA baby shower would be a first.:)
That sounds so gay coming from a man.

Ok –ok….I’ve now seen it all…especially the fact that santeen started the baby shower thread idea….so gay!! :elefant:

(but definitely a great idea):rock:

I do have to admit…looking forward to celebratory baby shower games at PCB….you GUYS sucking beer out of baby bottles nipples…:D :D hmmmm:confused: I wonder who would win the trophy for that!!:dontknow:
Total: $125.00

Come on ladies. This is for a good cause. I know Travis has helped plenty of us before. :)
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