the strike has come

I was wondering if you were going to participate! Good on you! I hope it does some good!:dontknow:
Yeah , well I hope bo, one can only hope;)

bad thing is , alot of the company drivers may be too afraid to participate:(

but even if only 1/3 of the nations trucks sit, it could make a difference:rock:
striking from fuel prices, mexico trucks or other???
Strike may work well in this economics....1 truck off the road is equal to 3-5 cars sitting idle....may even lower gasoline prices...:elefant:
Borden3srt said:
used to be diesel was always cheaper than gas, now look at it. striking is a pretty big risk and i wish you all the best. hope that it is a short one. good luck tony.

Yeah what he said, good luck Tony. Keep us posted...:rock:
Stinker said:
Yeah , well I hope bo, one can only hope;)

bad thing is , alot of the company drivers may be too afraid to participate:(

but even if only 1/3 of the nations trucks sit, it could make a difference:rock:
It's not being 'afraid' to participate, it's that fuel prices don't affect me anywhere near as much as you.

I'm a company driver, and while the Boss has given us incentives to improve our fuel mileage, I have to think he is passing on his increased operating costs to the customers. I don't see how he can stay in business otherwise?

Basically IMO, the choice to 'go on strike' would be his decision, not mine.

Though I do hope things get better for you!

One thing is for sure - The more is costs to operate the Trucks, the more it'll cost everyone for EVERYTHING!
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Lets just hope the Mexicans don't come in and undercut you even more than they already do.........................
Hamrhead said:
It's not being 'afraid' to participate, it's that fuel prices don't affect me anywhere near as much as you.

I'm a company driver, and while the Boss has given us incentives to improve our fuel mileage, I have to think he is passing on his increased operating costs to the customers. I don't see how he can stay in business otherwise?

Basically IMO, the choice to 'go on strike' would be his decision, not mine.

Though I do hope things get better for you!

One thing is for sure - The more is costs to operate the Trucks, the more it'll cost everyone for EVERYTHING!

yes this is the general observation by most emplyeed truckers, but:D

think of it this way.

one , yes he passes it on to the customer right?

so then the customer raises his prices on his goods, which in turn is passed down the line to the consumer, you, so in the end you end up payin more for a gallon of milk, but at the same time due to increased fuel prices he cannot afford to raise your rate per mile or ton.

so in the end, you end up payin more for clothes, food an other goods, while making the same wage you made a few years ago;)
For how many days will the strike go for...?
Without truck drivers I would be out of a job. Hope all you truckers can get what is owed to you!
been around trucks over 30 year now. hope this one does better & does more good than in the past.
good luck Stinker:rock:
same here on the work thingie
honestly i dont think its the right way to go, i think they should organize and have one voice .

then as a whole things could be recognized in congress, but maybe this will be a stepping stone,

it also depends on how many will take a couple days off too, and hopefully none of the rednecks out there get violent about things;)
& IMHO it will take more than one day to get "their" attention. but then you have to worry about the mexicans & the big companies. still believe the big guys tryin to drive out the owner/operators & then they would fight amongst themselves