Thoase with Back problems


Full Access Member
Jul 19, 2006
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Colorado Springs, CO
ok well breif history. I have had 1 surgery already to repair two severely herniated discs in my lower back particularly the L-4 S-5 region or somethin like that. Well its been exactly two years now and I am still in pain. My latest MRI shows that I have Degenerative Disc Disease, meaning that the discs never fully regenerated and what little did id herniated again. Also My nerves particularly the Sciatic (*SP*) one is being pinched causing severe pain in my left side that radiates down into my leg causing sharp pain numbness and tingling. The Docs are also seeing a formation or growth on my spine that may have to be removed.

Has anyone else had these sort of problems before. I have tried every remedy and medication form Some of the best Pharmacutical drugs to electroshock therapy. I have to use a cane now to walk to alleviate some of the pain. What kind of treatments has anyone had. Just tryin to get an idea of whats in store for me. Im only 22 yrs old and coming up on my second back surgery doesnt really sit to well with me
man sorry to hear...i have two partially herniated discs on my left side l4 l5 also....I'm 28. I haven't had surgery......yet. The pain does not sound as intense as yours but sitting down for long periods is hell! Physical therapy strengthening the he spine abs and other core muscles is the only thing that gave me relief....if I slack on the PT it gets worse. Thats about all I say mine is not severe enough yet to consider surgery. Best of luck.
I had a lamenectomy for the L4-L5 disc back in 85. My back has never been the same. I can only stand for so long before my feet start burning and tingling.

There is some new disc replacements out there that are looking very promising and are FDA approved/

There was a UFC fighter who had a replacement and was back fighting and winning!! Mikey may know who it was?? I am trying to find out what disc replacement he used??

It has to be tough to put up with what he goes through!!

Just be patient, see a couple of good experts. At all cost try to avoid fusion!!

Good luck
more like thoase with spelinng prolbems!

haha. kiddin, my buddy played for the Tampa Bay Bucs and had to have 3 of his vertebrae fused together, career ender.

Either way it could always be worse man! :)
Why is this thread in here twice............?

Mods please consolidate the two threads..........WITHOUT blacking anything out, please...;)

SRT kid, I feel your pain as I also went in a year ago this october for surgery on my last 3 disc and when I went back to the Dr at the 6 month point with pain almost as bad as before the surgery he said I had disc degenerative disease and that I would need to learn pain management (more drugs) .
Now I just go to work and do what I can and hope it pays the bills. I know its a had pill to swallow when your used to going balls out 10-12 hours a day and now Im lucky to get a good 5 in everyday, Dont get me wrong Im gratefull for the fact that I can still make a living.
I sure hope yours starts doing better.

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