Viper Truck Registry - Plaque Order

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There are still a few out there working on getting registered, so I will be patiently waiting. Try and get it to me this weekend guys

Jeff, I placed an order, also sent a pm. My paypal account is pretty jacked up, just wanted to make sure you got the info on my stuff (screw up) lol. Thanks
Updating the order now. Today will be the last day, then I will be sending them off to be made..

Need some help, Who is autospec1?
Updating the order now. Today will be the last day, then I will be sending them off to be made..

Need some help, Who is autospec1?

Sorry man, I was gonna pay up by Friday and ended up not coming on for a few days and completely forgot about this. Looks like I might have just missed the boat or maybe can just barely make the jump from the dock? I see I'm on the list yet, so going to send PP in a few minutes. If to late just send back or deny and I'll hopefuly catch the next one. Thanks!

EDIT: Sent you a PM about the payment.
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Still trying to figure out Autospec1. Sent an email out, I'm confident I will get a reply. So off to the printer today it goes today.

MYTRAM, I'll get yours sent too
Still looking for Autospec1
Order sent minus Autospec1

Still trying to figure out who he is
If its not to late I would like to get 2 what do you need to register. Also tried to create an account on the Registry and it gives me a invalid password when Im trying to create my account. and my Vin has'nt been listed in the 2004 thanks Paul
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If its not to late I would like to get 2 what do you need to register. Also tried to create an account on the Registry and it gives me a invalid password when Im trying to create my account. and my Vin has'nt been listed in the 2004 thanks Paul

Follow this link for instructions on how to Register
Viper Truck Registry

I will need it today to hopefully get you on the order...

NOTE: When creating an account, the password must contain at least 1 number, at least 1 lower case letter, and at least 1 upper case letter.

Hi Jeff,
just read it now, is it too late to order two for me also?
Could you send them to Germany?
Yes, we can send them to Germany.

It's not too late...yet
All Registrations and Orders need to be completed by midnight 07/30/11. The next order won't go out until Oct-Nov at the soonest

VTR-0174 Added
:wavey: Jeff,
please check your Mailbox.
I want 2 of them.
Please let me know how to pay for it.
I hope it is not too late :confused:
Carlos, go to the first page of this thread, Jeff has a link to his pay pal account attached. When it brings up the registry page hit the pay now, or pay pal icon and it will take you where you need to be. There is a link in a couple of his posts on the first page at the bottom of his post.
1st and 9th post has a link, says viper truck registry, underlined. It takes you to a page that has an icon that says buy now, click there and you will be on his paypal. If you don't have a paypal, you can go to pay as a guest of paypal, it should let you pay there.
:wavey: Jeff,
please check your Mailbox.
I want 2 of them.
Please let me know how to pay for it.
I hope it is not too late :confused:


Not sure I have anything from you. The last thing and only thing I got today was from James

stealthjam added
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