VTCOA Truck Of The Month Contest


Full Access Member
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Hamilton County OH
Starting in June we will be having a VTCOA Truck of the Month contest.Prior to the beginning of each month we will be accepting submissions for your trucks.The Administrative team will pare down the entries to five(5) finalists.The finalists will be listed in a poll for members to vote for their favorite truck.

Submissions close @ 11:59 EASTERN Time on 31 May 2006.

Winners will receive some cool VTCA merchandise.

Monthly winners will compete for the Truck of The Year contest in December.
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Just a thought. Shouldn't the pictures submitted for the contest include at least one with the owner in the picture. It would be really nice to put faces to the names.
Silverback said:
Just a thought. Shouldn't the pictures submitted for the contest include at least one with the owner in the picture. It would be really nice to put faces to the names.

The winner will need to submin a photo WITH the truck for the main VTCOA page

Can us fat guys stand behind our truck so the truck can be seen :marchmellow:
Silverback said:
Just a thought. Shouldn't the pictures submitted for the contest include at least one with the owner in the picture. It would be really nice to put faces to the names.

Well, crap. There went any chance I had of be a contender. :hmmmm2: Maybe I'll cheat and submit one with the tittie girl in it...:girl: :top: :rolleyes:
Texas Yellow Fever said:
Well, crap. There went any chance I had of be a contender. :hmmmm2: Maybe I'll cheat and submit one with the tittie girl in it...:girl: :top: :rolleyes:

And we have our first winner.:) :D :p
I will forgo entering this contest as we will need a Wingless only contest.....you jealous bastages.....
1-FAST-SRT-10 said:
Question??? Can we do it again the next month if we where one fo the finalist but not a winner ???
Good point.I forgot to add that part of the rules from GMPT that we started this on.We required that you wait one month between submissions.
Nowwhat said:
I will forgo entering this contest as we will need a Wingless only contest.....you jealous bastages.....

Then we'd have every tom dick and hairy putting in their Hemi Rams and all.

Wings of the world UNITE!!!:rock:

Justanotherdodge said:
:idea: discrimination is illegal...it's in the fuckin constitution :deal:;)

Yeah, but criminals don't have no constitutional rights and you guys without wings are criminals...:2in1: ;) :rofl: :damnmate: :thrasher: :reddy: :vroam:
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