Well Some People Have All the Luck.


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May 19, 2006
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Wadsworth, IL
The Woman Who has 200 Orgasms every day

UK’s Sarah Carmen, 24, is a 200-a-day orgasm girl who gets good, good, GOOD vibrations from almost anything. She suffers from Permanent Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAS), which increases blood flow to the sex organs. “Sometimes I have so much sex to try to calm myself down I get bored of it. And men I sleep with don’t seem to make as much effort because I climax so easily.â€￾

She believes her condition was brought on by the pills. “Within a few weeks I just began to get more and more aroused more and more of the time and I just kept having endless orgasms. It started off in bed where sex sessions would last for hours and my boyfriend would be stunned at how many times I would orgasm. Then it would happen after sex. I’d be thinking about what we’d done in bed and I’d start feeling a bit flushed, then I’d become aroused and climax. In six months I was having 150 orgasms a day—and it has been as many as 200.â€￾

She and her boyfriend split— and new partners struggle to keep up with her sex demands. “Often, I’ll want to wear myself out by having as many orgasms as I can so they stop and I can get some peace,â€￾ she said.
Prof . you need a vacation at the Mustang Ranch:D :D :p
Wifey said:
Prof . you need a vacation at the Mustang Ranch:D :D :p

a nice all inclusive package would be nice:D :D :D
I'd be happy with a dirty phone call from Mikey...never mind...I'll just suffer.
Now that's what I call a good woman.:D

I bet she is smiling a lot.

ZCx said:
a nice all inclusive package would be nice:D :D :D

VIP room for Roy:D he is really ailing:marchmellow:
Maybe we should get a "Get Prof Laid Thread":dontknow: :D :D ;) :p
Who cares? Every woman has redeeming value...obviously you are not as old as me. I wouldn't cull if given the chance!
I don't think she's lucky at all..........

Every experience in life gets old or eventually loses its fascination in the light of radical excess....

It would seem to me that having a coupl'a hundred orgasms every day would only be desireable to a sex addict..... or (of course) someone who rarely (if ever) has sex..... Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

If you can imagine having multiple orgasms whilst in a senior center or in the midst of an atmosphere of tremendous grief... It has to be a bit inconvenient and potentially humiliating.... Other examples could be laughing or crying at the absolute wrong time... or even starting your menstrual cycle while wearing white pants.... How about having an attack of spastic colon during a meal at a nudist outing... or at 100 mph on a nudist motorcycling ride....

Sure, these examples are extreme to say the least. But contrary to subjective submissions here, it can surely be a niusance for the person having this experience....

I personally would like to be the one in control of when and where I get my rocks off....

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Django said:
I don't think she's lucky at all..........

Every experience in life gets old or loses eventually its fascination in the light of radical excess....

It would seem to me that having a coupl'a hundred orgasms every day would only be desireable to a sex addict..... or (of course) someone who rarely (if ever) has sex..... Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

If you can imagine having multiple orgasms whilst in a senior center or in the midst of an atmosphere of tremendous grief... It has to be a bit inconvenient and potentially humiliating.... Other examples could be laughing or crying at the absolute wrong time... or even starting your menstrual cycle while wearing white pants.... How about having an attack of spastic colon during a meal at a nudist outing... or at 100 mph on a nudist motorcycling ride....

Sure, these examples are extreme to say the least. But contrary to subjective submissions here, it can surely be a niusance for the person having this experience....

I personally would like to be the one in control of when and where I get my rocks off....

Ok, I wll let Lynette know how you really feel:D then we can find out how your theory works :p .............Left Hander:call2: :call2: :call2: :call2: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :eek:rly: :eek:rly: :eek:rly:
Wifey said:
Ok, I wll let Lynette know how you really feel:D then we can find out how your theory works :p .............Left Hander:call2: :call2: :call2: :call2: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :eek:rly: :eek:rly: :eek:rly:

I didn't say anything that I wouldn't say in Lynette's presence....

It's not even a theory. As I said, the only people who would disagree are those who are either sex addicts or who get none at all........

I never said that I was a fkn eunuch. Nor did I diminish the joy and bliss of great sex.... Far from it. I just commented on this particular lady and her situation.... In fact, Lynette told me about her a long while ago.... Lynette commented on how miserable the lady said she is....

On another facet altogether, she doesn't even need a man to have an orgasm. Can you imagine the kind of dynamic that adds to having sex with her.... Hell, even a master who knows very well wtf he's doing is merely accomplishing something that happens to her 150-200 times a day on her own....

Jesus, Lord above.........

Django said:
I didn't say anything that I wouldn't say in Lynette's presence....

It's not even a theory. As I said, the only people who would disagree are those who are either sex addicts or who get none at all........

I never said that I was a fkn eunuch. Nor did I diminish the joy and bliss of great sex.... Far from it. I just commented on this particular lady and her situation.... In fact, Lynette told me about her a long while ago.... Lynette commented on how miserable the lady said she is....

On another facet altogether, she doesn't even need a man to have an orgasm. Can you imagine the kind of dynamic that adds to having sex with her.... Hell, even a master who knows very well wtf he's doing is merely accomplishing something that happens to her 150-200 times a day on her own....

Jesus, Lord above.........

You have stated some very good points Tim,And i agree.Think about it,150-200 times a day.When do you have time for just having a life.
You have stated some very good points Tim,And i agree.Think about it,150-200 times a day.When do you have time for just having a life.

Ya, thanks bro.....

In a ten hour day, she's having an orgasm every three minutes.....

Sex is great, but if it was all you had it'd lose it's significance after awhile....

"Ho-hum. Just another orgasm.........." :rolleyes: Life is like that.... One adapts.

Look at how guys with drop dead gorgeous wives will actually go looking for someone else.... saying that "variety is the spice of life" or "more is better"...even "I got tired of her".... We become spoiled fkn rotten....

"When there becomes less of something, it greatly gains in value....."

Django said:
Ya, thanks bro.....

In a ten hour day, she's having an orgasm every three minutes.....

Sex is great, but if it was all you had it'd lose it's significance after awhile....

"Ho-hum. Just another orgasm.........." :rolleyes: Life is like that.... One adapts.

Look at how guys with drop dead gorgeous wives will actually go looking for someone else.... saying that "variety is the spice of life" or "more is better"...even "I got tired of her".... We become spoiled fkn rotten....

"When there becomes less of something, it greatly gains in value....."

For this lady,It's not even about the sex.She just uses that as a tool to have some peace,Or to have a break from the madness for a few hours.
For this lady,It's not even about the sex.She just uses that as a tool to have some peace,Or to have a break from the madness for a few hours.

Even I have a difficult time counting all the double entendres in that statement. ;)


After reading these posts, I hope this lady finds a good doctor to address this chornic condition:eek:
andrew heywood said:
After reading these posts, I hope this lady finds a good doctor to address this chornic condition:eek:

I don't see that happening anytime soon......

It'd take something pretty radical .............

Can u imagine if that condition continued into her 80s or 90s? :eek:..
