What's the best security system?


VTCoA Board
Dec 17, 2013
Reaction score
Richmond, VA
Since these trucks attract vandals and thieves, what is the best security feature to prevent theft? I've heard of some hidden switch you can install yourself that prevents the ignition from firing. I've also heard about Ravelco and their unbeatable system. My truck's wiring is all original so I don't really want to hack it up with a Viper alarm or something similar. I have a garage and lots of guns. So what do you use?
What Brat says. And to be honest. Once they break in, I don't even want it anymore. I'd take an insurance check and start fresh.
Ravelco here with factory alarm as the back up system.

the Ravelco helped a bit with insurence also
C'mon guys, I live in Virginia. I have plenty of guns! I just can't watch it at all times, I worry every time I park it outside anywhere but in my own garage. I may go with Ravelco but I hate to have the wiring cut up. I'm picturing some pimple-faced teenager showing up with some rusty wire strippers. Any other ideas?
Clean your guns on your front porch. Always worked for me. Also, why are you so worried about it? Do you live in a bad neighborhood? Just wondering because if anybody comes down my street, they have lots of eyes on them. My neighbors and I watch each others stuff.