Why our economy got bad

gridlock is the problem and greed they are for the people till they get to washington then they are for thier own pockets after they are there:(
I was hoping this was in "offensive".. oh well..

We are all probably f*#@(#*.

There, I said it.

Must watch vidio for voters. I wish they would bail me out. My car sales have dropped in half and customers cant afford to maintain there cars.
ecomony is going to get worse,please everyone do what you have to do to survive.we let our eyes fill our plate at the buffet of life,we don't eat because we're hungry,we eat because we can.make a list of worst senerios that can happen because of the economy crash and start marking them off because it's going to happen.it's going to make sane men and women do insane things to society,don't be in the wrong place at the wrong time and keep your children safe.when people can no longer afford simple things in life;food,water,first-aid,and fuel.they're are going to take and possibly with force.be aware of your surroundings while you're in the waiting line to cash out.
This thread should'a gotten much more attention than it did.....

Why aren't the lefties (or even Roy) debating or debunking this.....?

BUMP this muth'a....

I loved it, I actually thought since it was posted up by Ferrari that it would be a left leaner, but I saw this vid and realized it was by themouthpeace and so was the one he posted. Good deal!
Cudajon said:
I loved it, I actually thought since it was posted up by Ferrari that it would be a left leaner, but I saw this vid and realized it was by themouthpeace and so was the one he posted. Good deal!

I'm all for the party in the best interest of the american people. I'm not voting for a party because because I prefer one race over the other but for the most part because I've always believed the democratic party was meant to serve the interest of the american people. Quite frankly the info from the video quite shocked me and now I'm looking further into who I will vote for.

But I still have hard time seeing Mccain being the head of our country just cause what kind of wimp lets himself get caught by the enemy? Shit...
I guess I'm too close of a follower of Pancho Villa's quote
"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees"
Greed! The "quota system" gone bad and now everybody pays the price. Reminds me several years ago when Damlier owned Chysler. A bunch of marketing know it alls convinced management to increase production on LX vehicles, paricularily the Magnum. The execs bought into it, production went through the roof and the next thing DCX knew, its storage lots were full of vehicles they couldn't give away. Who paid the price? The several thousand auto workers who were laid off. Pitiful.
I'll say this once more as it bears repeating.

Anyone that believes that this has been caused by any single person, party, or entity is simply fooling themselves. In fact, if enough people believe that we are destined to repeat history.

This didn't happen overnight, and it didn't happen because of any single issue. Some of the precursors might go back 100 years for all I know. But I can guarantee you this. Anyone that has had any kind of high ranking role within the executive or legislative branches, the fed or any other federal regulatory agency that has jurisdiction, and any of these financial firms, for the last dozen years or more has stink on them. And for them to continue to point fingers is truly un-American.

Fix it and fix it so it can never happen again. Then shut your mouths about it and fix the next thing on the list for the country. Either that or get the hell out of the game, you are doing this county no service.
Bob, did you watch the video? From what you wrote I can't imagine that you watched the video. It showed many different scenarios and people that caused this. It did not point to one person or one thing although it did point to one party over and over that continued to make poor decisions one on top of the other.

OCBob said:
I'll say this once more as it bears repeating.

Anyone that believes that this has been caused by any single person, party, or entity is simply fooling themselves. In fact, if enough people believe that we are destined to repeat history.

This didn't happen overnight, and it didn't happen because of any single issue. Some of the precursors might go back 100 years for all I know. But I can guarantee you this. Anyone that has had any kind of high ranking role within the executive or legislative branches, the fed or any other federal regulatory agency that has jurisdiction, and any of these financial firms, for the last dozen years or more has stink on them. And for them to continue to point fingers is truly un-American.

Fix it and fix it so it can never happen again. Then shut your mouths about it and fix the next thing on the list for the country. Either that or get the hell out of the game, you are doing this county no service.
ChrisAZ said:
Bob, did you watch the video? From what you wrote I can't imagine that you watched the video. It showed many different scenarios and people that caused this. It did not point to one person or one thing although it did point to one party over and over that continued to make poor decisions one on top of the other.
That's exactly my point. This is nothing but one sided rhetoric, filled with sound bites and other bullshit. But, people buy it. It's just someone trying to wipe the stink off themselves and put it on someone else. It's the way our government works, and it is the fundamental wrong that we must live with.
Cmon Prof Chime in. Bill Clinton also Repealed the reforms of Glass Steagle In 1999. SO Basically this Crisis was decades in the making!!! Damn Democrats!!
Just watched it...I would like to point to the greed of wall street and the fact that companies a judged by making money. While politicians had alot to do with it, i believe there are other groups that can share the blame.
ChrisAZ said:
Bob, did you watch the video? From what you wrote I can't imagine that you watched the video. It showed many different scenarios and people that caused this. It did not point to one person or one thing although it did point to one party over and over that continued to make poor decisions one on top of the other.

It was basically "it's all the democrats fault!!" This was obviously a one-sided argument. I would think that those of us with at least an ounce of objectivety and critical thinking would see it for what it truly is... a hit piece on the democrats. :eek: :eek: :eek:

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