Wife Left me

If you want her back, act like you are fine with her leaving. It will drive her crazy and right back to you. I don't know why women are this way but the less you want them the more they want you. If she is gone for good, I assure you that a better woman will come along. Hoping the best for you.
Sorry to hear about this. It is a tough thing, I got the T-shirt too...

Some good advice here from these other guys. And they are exactly correct! Don't fight the pain, work through it, there is something bigger on the horizon for you! It may be with your wife, it may be someone new and completely unexpected, but it will be better than you ever imagined!!

I was devastated when my ex cheated on me. I tried to save the marriage, I fought for nearly 2.5 years. Now, I am glad that she did what she did because my wife now is the best thing that has ever happened to me!!! I never really knew what love was supposed to be until I met her!

I will say some prayers for you bro! Hang tough, and know that He will see you through this.
ntw0rk said:
Sorry to hear about this. It is a tough thing, I got the T-shirt too...

Some good advice here from these other guys. And they are exactly correct! Don't fight the pain, work through it, there is something bigger on the horizon for you! It may be with your wife, it may be someone new and completely unexpected, but it will be better than you ever imagined!!

I was devastated when my ex cheated on me. I tried to save the marriage, I fought for nearly 2.5 years. Now, I am glad that she did what she did because my wife now is the best thing that has ever happened to me!!! I never really knew what love was supposed to be until I met her!

I will say some prayers for you bro! Hang tough, and know that He will see you through this.

OMG Scott, I thought Alexis had told you about us :D :D
my girlfriend did that before i met my wife turned out she was gettin gangbanged as soon as id leave town.......anyways good luck and sorry to hear this
505'sFastestViper. said:
my girlfriend did that before i met my wife turned out she was gettin gangbanged as soon as id leave town.......anyways good luck and sorry to hear this
Yeah,But what was the problem?:D
505'sFastestViper. said:
i wasnt there when she had 3 0r 4 cocks slappin her face and then id get home and kiss her and tell her i loved her
Damn,I hate it when that happens.Glad your all good now bro.
JeffBoyette said:
Came home, shit packed, colar on the dog. She said she doesnt love my anymore, and left. Hindsite is blind. I didnt see it coming. We were happy, didnt argue, still making love 3 times or more a week. But she left and is on her way to NC.

If your a praying man, say a couple words to the man up stairs, need comfort and peace of mind.

May not be around for a while. Not going to rush it but i may have to trade my truck in for a bike.
Sorry to hear it bro,But it will get better.I mean check it out,Your already looking for a bike.:D I came home from fishing one weekend,Walked in the door and all that was there was carpet.I had to go out and make sure i was in the right house.:D :(
Sorry to hear about this, Jeff. As others have said, you'll get through this whatever the outcome, and it'll make you a better person in the long run, as hard as that might be to believe at this point...
The same thing happened to me 8 years ago. A friend told something I will never forget and it turned out to be so so true. THE LORD WON'T TAKE SOMETHING AWAY FROM YOU UNLESS HE PLANS TO GIVE YOU SOMETHING BETTER IN RETURN. It may not be tomorrow or next week, but it will happen.

I am happier now than I ever was with her.


Right on That one bro:rock: I hate mines so much
Get you finances together... NOW.
Cash out everything you can and give it to someone you trust (MOM, DAD etc.)
Bad milk doesn't go good over time...

Think of your possibilities...:rock:
Good luck.:rock:
The Itch said:
Get you finances together... NOW.
Cash out everything you can and give it to someone you trust (MOM, DAD etc.)
Bad milk doesn't go good over time...

Think of your possibilities...:rock:
Good luck.:rock:

My attorney asked me a question a while back when i was going through a Seperation. He asked "have you protected all your assets" I said Oh yea all of my assets are protected. He asks " how is that" I told him: I SPENT IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! So go spent your money and blow it on cars and booze and women!!!

This a good place to vent. There is no need to spill all the sorted details, sometimes it just helps to put a few words together and vent. Although I have no idea how you may be feeling, I spent almost the an entire year (2007 & see post count) venting (here on the vtcoa) and I really didn't tell anyone why. But in that process emerged friendships, trust, someone to talk to. And all the while, most members here just let me vent and choose not to be judgmental.

Unlike some, I have no real way of helping you through what you are feeling. But I can say, stay busy, stay involved in your life, don't slide away into an abyss of loneliness.

We can listen and we will occasionally throw cheap shots in your direction, mainly to change the mood and a little fun in an effort to give a smile a chance.

Some of us are pure BS through and through, but in cases like this, maybe something a little less serious may help once in a while.

All my Prayers,

probably will be the best thing that happened to you later on in life bro. Keep your head up, and your foot down ;)
So sorry to hear that, about the same thing happen to me in 2001 I came home everything was gone. I said okay, trusted and leaned on my friends to help me. It was hard, but I stood my ground and told myself it is for the better. You know what I seen her 6 yrs later before I came to Japan in Wal-Mart this heffer had the never to come up to me, and talk. The whole 6 yrs I never called or asked about her or tried to find her. Well she had 3 kids by 3 different guys, and Just looked like shit. I told her I have nothing to say to you. I seen that look in her eyes that let me know she knew she messed up and that was good enough for me. I savored that moment. Because what goes around comes around. However, i did tell her that i appreciate her kicking my Mystic Cobra, and what made it the best is the girl I was dating walked up and was looking nice that day. Her face dropped and I walked away. But what is crazy to me is why they do these things. SHE TOOK THE FUCKING DOG> DAMN it. JUST LET HER GO DO NOT CHASE her she is not the one you need. We are all here for you
My truck should be ready in a week or so. You should ride down with me in the rental car and then back in the truck. A little road trip of 1000 miles to talk, laugh and cry can be good. Think about it. I can just pick you up on the way. I will flip the bill.

Damn..Sorry to hear about this..Lotsa good advice here for you..I am on the other side of the fence in a way..When my ex left, I came home to a pile of my clothes on the living room floor, and my computer in a heap in the living room..She took everything else..It was the happiest day of my life..lol..Seriously, she was bad news..The thought that kept me going and made it easier was that she was someone elses problem now..Turns out it was a blessing in disguise. I am WAAAYYYY better off woithout her..She is unemployed, recovering crackhead, with no future..Life works in mysterious ways my man..

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