Willow update:


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May 20, 2006
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Oceanside, CA. USA
Lynette took Willow into the vets today......

They examined her thoroughly and 4 big time vets examined her along with ultrasound etc.

They say she has an inflamed (irritable bowel) and it's caused pancreatitis and hepititis.... She has a fever of 104.....

They're keeping her for treatment with IV meds and for closer observation....

Chin up and stiff upper lip time....keep her in your prayers.......The kid's a sick pup.

End of report...........

Wow, sorry to hear that Tim.
My wife, daughter, and I are pulling for Willow.
Good luck to you and your family, I know it's stressful.
Thanks for the update Tim. She is a tough Aussie. Our prayers are with her.
Sorry bro.....will pray for her....hope she's well and back home with you soon....
Tim it sounds like they know what they are doing, so hopefully you see good improvement soon.

What everyone else has said ............................................... Hang in there you guys
Just got back from seeing Willow.... She is always so enthusiastic.......

They're hoping it's just pancreatitis......

One day at a time............

Thanks for all the love y'all...... We all appreciate it.....

One day at a time :)
Willow will be in my prayers.I no how you feel and i am sure it vill work out for you and Willow.
Any update Tim!?

Thoughts and prayers for a strong recovery. Go Willow!!!!!

I'm sure glad Willow has so many prayers and good vibes comin' her way thru God's great cosmic transponder........She's gonna need every one of 'em.....

She has not made a turn for the better yet..... Her biliruben keeps inching up.... Still in the 8s..... Lynette saw her this afternoon and sez she ate about 3 ounces of boiled chicken, drank some water and went potty.....

But there's still no improvement in her overall condition.... If they don't see an improvement by Monday morning, they're gonna open her up again so's to have a clear look at her insides....

Perhaps there's something that they can see to do once she's opened up again.....

I wish I had better news..... I'm just believing that her wonderful attitude and God -given resilience will see her thru..... along with all the spiritual support from all over the country and the world.....

Where would we be without all of our friends....

God bless you all....and thanks again for your continued bombardment of prayers.

The Bible sez that God wants us to continue to make him mindful of His Word. In the Old Testament, it reads that God cares for a man and his beasts.

I'm putting my money on that and on all of you, too.....

I gotta admit that I'm a fuckin' wreck......... Sorry.


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