Anyone Know The Answer To This QUESTION?


Full Access Member
Mar 27, 2008
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FACT: There is only one word that can describe Obama's job performance as a senator,"FAIL"!
In his time as a senator he has accomplished the grand total of "NOTHING" that would enhance the quality of life for his constituents in Illinois.

QUESTION: Why, when a better argument could be made for the initiation of a recall petition against Obama rather than re-election as senator, could anyone with an intellect above an amoeba possibly think this clown is qualified to be president?

:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


Because the American Public does not pay attention to what is happening in our government. They find it far easier to complain after the fact instead of getting involved before the fact. As long as you tell the American Public what they want to hear, they could care less if its the truth or not

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my take on this comes from something my dad told me "a person is smart, people are stupid". if you were to individually set every voter (person) down in america and explain the each candidate mccain would win in a land slide because they would make the smart choice, but america as a whole (people) watch liberal tv (and beleive it) and just go with what's popular at the moment. i hate to say it, but i beleive obama will be elected. i have had the serious conversation of becoming canadian with my wife. hopefully we can have a republican house to save me from moving.
Alright, I apparently need to stop looking at this site b/c I can't seem to not get annoyed by this. How many anti-Obama threads do you need to start? I believe we all can agree that you hate the man on a personal and professional level. How many times do you think that this forum, albeit fairly, large has a new person come along that you can dissuade from voting for him by posting this nonsense?

By no means am I saying you shouldn't be allowed to post whatever you want on here, but I just don't understand what your goals are. Do you work for the McCain campaign? Are you some kind of swift boat veteran group member? Did Obama beat you in an election of some sort? Are you a constituent of his and displeased with his performance?

I guess it ultimately doesn't matter since I won't be visiting these threads anymore. Not sure why this bothers me so much but it does, and I'll do the mature thing and just remove myself from the situation rather than expecting you to change. Good luck in your campaign.
My answer was not based on Obama, but based on what the voting public does
wo1sjb said:
Alright, I apparently need to stop looking at this site b/c I can't seem to not get annoyed by this. How many anti-Obama threads do you need to start? I believe we all can agree that you hate the man on a personal and professional level. How many times do you think that this forum, albeit fairly, large has a new person come along that you can dissuade from voting for him by posting this nonsense?

By no means am I saying you shouldn't be allowed to post whatever you want on here, but I just don't understand what your goals are. Do you work for the McCain campaign? Are you some kind of swift boat veteran group member? Did Obama beat you in an election of some sort? Are you a constituent of his and displeased with his performance?

I guess it ultimately doesn't matter since I won't be visiting these threads anymore. Not sure why this bothers me so much but it does, and I'll do the mature thing and just remove myself from the situation rather than expecting you to change. Good luck in your campaign.

If you hate this thread so much then rebuke the statements that started it. If you can't, then don't just piss and moan about someone else stating their opinion just like you just did. It goes both ways. I actually enjoy hearing from members from all over the country and how they process the titlewave of political information. There seems to be a lot of people here who don't like Obama - that is their right. Make a statement and follow up and you may make a difference in them. That is what bothers you - isn't it - that they have a difference of opinion?
wo1sjb said:
Alright, I apparently need to stop looking at this site b/c I can't seem to not get annoyed by this. How many anti-Obama threads do you need to start? I believe we all can agree that you hate the man on a personal and professional level.
100% agree. You're a good guy, PMed me support etc but you come off as having or seeming to have a real hard-on for Mr Obama supercar lol. It's good to post a few threads but it's almost force feeding it now. No offense but jeez. Did you see his European speech and the support he and the US got? They loved the guy and the US. GW Bush wouldn't have got but a fly fart for support from that crowd, probably booed off. What ever his policies are he unites people really well.

The one thing I like about Obama is he thinks on his own two feet, his speeches (that I have seen) are all free flowing and come off very unrehearsed. GW Bush on the other hand is a puppet for his dozen or so tie wearers behind him. Having said all this, I don't get to see what you guys do on your local TV stations and don't see a decent % of what goes on in your media but from outside the US, this is what I see. Anyhow, I'm not one to come to the forum to talk politics so I'll be back near the truck section but like wo1sjb I had to say something, the first 10 threads were livable but.......sheesh lol.
wo1sjb said:
Alright, I apparently need to stop looking at this site b/c I can't seem to not get annoyed by this. How many anti-Obama threads do you need to start? I believe we all can agree that you hate the man on a personal and professional level. How many times do you think that this forum, albeit fairly, large has a new person come along that you can dissuade from voting for him by posting this nonsense?

By no means am I saying you shouldn't be allowed to post whatever you want on here, but I just don't understand what your goals are. Do you work for the McCain campaign? Are you some kind of swift boat veteran group member? Did Obama beat you in an election of some sort? Are you a constituent of his and displeased with his performance?

I guess it ultimately doesn't matter since I won't be visiting these threads anymore. Not sure why this bothers me so much but it does, and I'll do the mature thing and just remove myself from the situation rather than expecting you to change. Good luck in your campaign.

I come from a generation that was taught to actually "give a SH@#", about my country.
My only goal is to try and get people to think hard about there support for a person who could potentially affect everyones lives to an extent like no other.
After having lived through nine different president's, it just seems to suck when dem's are in the white house.
As far as McCain is concerned, if there was another candidate that was even the slightest bit qualified they would get my vote, however I think if obama gets in he will make Jimmy Carter look like George Washington.

And like another member recently said, this is an off topic thread.

Fit95 said:
If you hate this thread so much then rebuke the statements that started it. If you can't, then don't just piss and moan about someone else stating their opinion just like you just did. It goes both ways. I actually enjoy hearing from members from all over the country and how they process the titlewave of political information. There seems to be a lot of people here who don't like Obama - that is their right. Make a statement and follow up and you may make a difference in them. That is what bothers you - isn't it - that they have a difference of opinion?

Well said!:congrats:

Fit95 said:
If you hate this thread so much then rebuke the statements that started it. If you can't, then don't just piss and moan about someone else stating their opinion just like you just did. It goes both ways. I actually enjoy hearing from members from all over the country and how they process the titlewave of political information. There seems to be a lot of people here who don't like Obama - that is their right. Make a statement and follow up and you may make a difference in them. That is what bothers you - isn't it - that they have a difference of opinion?

You guys are right I shouldn't just piss and moan. You're also right I should spend hours pouring over the internet looking for some obscure possibly not true tidbit of info and post on the net. If you will recall from one of the other threads blasting obama that an inaccurate fact was pointed out and I believe supercar's response was," he might as well have said it." So if I were to post up some stuff would you guys actually change your way of thinking? I'm guessing with the level of hate you guys are putting out the answer would be a resounding NO. No big deal, to each his own. You also mentioned in another thread that obama wanted to take my truck away or something like that. Not sure where that came from, but I own my truck outright, so unless I am in the twilight zone that isn't even possible.

I appreciate you having differences of opinions and obviously you guys don't ever remember reading what few posts I make. I said long ago that I wasn't voting for obama, but whatever. I'll tell you why I am voting for him, though. I think he is the better candidate, not because I hate Obama. No one seems to think the better man should win because he is the better man. No, it's all just about how screwed up the other guy is. Maybe I just expect more out of people. As a matter of fact, I don't recall reading many posts that praise McCain and his initiatives or policy ideas. So maybe you guys are actually just pissing and moaning about Obama.

Here's another little tidbit for you. How do you expect to pay for the GWOT without raising taxes? You guys priced a GBU-12, AGM-114N, MRAP, or I'll give you an easy one here, M4 lately? If you don't know what those are without having to do a Google search then your contributions to the GWOT aren't enough. If you had to Google GWOT then you don't even qualify to question anything I have to say, EVER.

I have jumped all over the charts on this, I know, but I'm pulling a few things I've read lately that irritated me together. I will leave you with one quote though and you can decide for yourself if the person that said it is qualified. "Anyone who romanticizes or talks tough about war is either a fool or a fraud"
We do have a politics thread. It is hard to keep tabs on all the Obama threads we have. I personally am not supporting either candidate so I dont have a dog in this race. I do however lean heavily on the conservative side of issues so I post up every so often.

That being said.... I will be voting for whomever McCant picks as his veep.

Maybe we stick to the Politics thread though.. Make it less traumatic for the Liberals... ;)
wo1sjb said:
Alright, I apparently need to stop looking at this site b/c I can't seem to not get annoyed by this. How many anti-Obama threads do you need to start? I believe we all can agree that you hate the man on a personal and professional level. How many times do you think that this forum, albeit fairly, large has a new person come along that you can dissuade from voting for him by posting this nonsense?

By no means am I saying you shouldn't be allowed to post whatever you want on here, but I just don't understand what your goals are. Do you work for the McCain campaign? Are you some kind of swift boat veteran group member? Did Obama beat you in an election of some sort? Are you a constituent of his and displeased with his performance?

I guess it ultimately doesn't matter since I won't be visiting these threads anymore. Not sure why this bothers me so much but it does, and I'll do the mature thing and just remove myself from the situation rather than expecting you to change. Good luck in your campaign.

I see nothing wrong with this post, he is allowed to express his opinion, is he not???
Well the "Clintons" were well liked also when he was running for and while in office.
He was nothing but a smooth talker, and great at Wagging the dog when he got mysefl into a bind.

The Democrates do a good job at talking the talk, but not walking the walk.
(I'm just talking about the one in our life time, not FDR or Truman)

Hopefully we will have a good enough Congress and Senate to keep things in check if he get in office.

Here's a question that need to asked him.

What would you have done if you have been the President when 9/11 happened?
We know he was against the War, but what action would he have taken?
TREKER said:
We do have a politics thread. It is hard to keep tabs on all the Obama threads we have. I personally am not supporting either candidate so I dont have a dog in this race. I do however lean heavily on the conservative side of issues so I post up every so often.

That being said.... I will be voting for whomever McCant picks as his veep.

Maybe we stick to the Politics thread though.. Make it less traumatic for the Liberals... ;)

If your a voter, you do have a dog in this race.
iraqivet01 said:
If your a voter, you do have a dog in this race.

I understand what you are saying.. I was referencing that fact that Ron Paul dropped out last month.. Thats all..

Like I said, I will be voting for McCains Veep choice.
supercar1of1 said:

FACT: There is only one word that can describe Obama's job performance as a senator,"FAIL"!
In his time as a senator he has accomplished the grand total of "NOTHING" that would enhance the quality of life for his constituents in Illinois.

QUESTION: Why, when a better argument could be made for the initiation of a recall petition against Obama rather than re-election as senator, could anyone with an intellect above an amoeba possibly think this clown is qualified to be president?

:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Most of us are proactive thinking....Since he has done nothing as a Senator we figure he has got all of it out of his system and it will be a great Presidancy...George Bush has done nothing his whole life but ride daddy's coat tails and be spoon fed....I agree with wo1sjb it's starting to get ridiculous now. The fine people you quoted last night speak volumes as to your more than apparent Myopia. Rush Limbaugh :rolleyes: Martha Stewart is far more relevant :D
iraqivet01 said:
Well the "Clintons" were well liked also when he was running for and while in office.
He was nothing but a smooth talker, and great at Wagging the dog when he got mysefl into a bind.

The Democrates do a good job at talking the talk, but not walking the walk.
(I'm just talking about the one in our life time, not FDR or Truman)

Hopefully we will have a good enough Congress and Senate to keep things in check if he get in office.

Here's a question that need to asked him.

What would you have done if you have been the President when 9/11 happened?
We know he was against the War, but what action would he have taken?
The last 2 Republicans finest did a bang up job...Why not mention the fact when they controlled both houses with a real chance to effect change they did nothing ? Why not mention the fact the party has no clue how to govern anymore..No leadership and the only real agenda is the status quo....No thank you ! Time for a change, time to reap what you sew :D
TheSickness said:
The last 2 Republicans finest did a bang up job...Why not mention the fact when they controlled both houses with a real chance to effect change they did nothing ? Why not mention the fact the party has no clue how to govern anymore..No leadership and the only real agenda is the status quo....No thank you ! Time for a change, time to reap what you sew :D

There is no doubt the Repub's have been dud's for years, remember the "contract with America?", What a joke that turned out to be.
I believe that is one of the reasons so many people including myself switched to the Libertarian Party. Let me try to clarify my position. I think this is the most important election in recent history in terms of what is at risk. Also I want you to know that I really can't stand McCain because of his view on securing our borders properly and his view on drilling in ANWAR. This fuel situation and the resulting inflation is causing serious stress to a very large percent of our population, but McCain is more concerned with a tiny spot located in a place that only citizens unaffected(well Heeled) could ever afford to visit. To most people ANWAR might as well be on the far side of the moon. Below I listed some critical items and pretended that I was called in to help select the best applicant.

1. Experience: Advantage:McCain

2. Job performance: Advantage: McCain

3. Maintain strong Military: Advantage: McCain

4. Lower Taxes: Advantage: McCain

5. Judicial Appointees: Advantage: McCain

6. Demagoguery: Advantage: Obama

7. Secure Borders: Advantage: Neither

8. Economy: Advantage: ??????

wo1sjb said:
How many anti-Obama threads do you need to start?

I actually appreciate these sort of threads. They demostrate the intellect of our members way beyond a discussion of what we drive/own.. I learn more here than I care to on CNN or BBC World News. Besides, I know I can control what I am reading on VTCoA by making a simple choice on whether or not I want to participate. If I don't feel like seeing it I move on to the next thread.. :dontknow: What's so hard about that?
Venom Power said:
I actually appreciate these sort of threads. They demostrate the intellect of our members way beyond a discussion of what we drive/own.. I learn more here than I care to on CNN or BBC World News. Besides, I know I can control what I am reading on VTCoA by making a simple choice on whether or not I want to participate. If I don't feel like seeing it I move on to the next thread.. :dontknow: What's so hard about that?

V.P. you were reading my mind, 90+% of the threads I click on are of no interest to me so I just click on the next one and Bingo.
Maybe some people have a real slow computer.:dontknow: :confused: :dontknow:


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