Backfire Under Heavy Load


Full Access Member
Jan 2, 2007
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My truck has done this twice - In 5th at 35 or so, (rpms low) I gave it some gas to speed up and it backfired BAD. The last time it was so loud the person behind me heard it.(friend) Has this happen to anyone else?

And my sub is making a buzzing noise.
What Bucke said . I dont think I have ever run under 50 in 5th !
You read the manual didn't ya <VBG>
Have A Kind Day
I read the manual and unfortunatly pay the gas bill, and I found that driving @ 1000rpm helps alot, I just never thought it would pop like that.
Lugging an engine is very hard on it.

You know the old saying, "Pay me now, or pay me later". You will pay one way or the other.

Your choice.:dontknow:
mopower1958 said:

Like Silver said, that's really hard on an engine. One of the big risks is detonation. With the truck trying to do what you want, the ECU will advance the timing to the point where detonation can occur, but the load prevents the engine's RPMs from coming up fast enough. Very bad for bearings and these pistons in particular.:(
BigRed460 said:
In 5th at 35 or so

Red, let me be the first to say WTF......Are you trying to set the all time record for fuel economy per tank....:p

I would say you're playing Russian Roulette with your motor.

BigRed460 said:
And my sub is making a buzzing noise.

If you still the warranty on your truck, just take it to the dealer and get it replaced. I had mine replaced under warranty about 8 months ago. Same issue....:)
Silverback said:
Lugging an engine is very hard on it.

You know the old saying, "Pay me now, or pay me later". You will pay one way or the other.

Your choice.:dontknow:
If you bought this baby for gas mileage, you got the wrong Truck.
You would be better-off trading the Truck for something else, rather than drive her the way you are...

I was told upon purchasing the truck because of the Compression and the 500 horsepower its best to keep it around 2000rpms. Which I usually do, which leads to me having to do about 85mph on the highway in 6th :D

Was also wondering, if Im the only one having this problem. I have to line up the synchro's by pulling forward in first a little bit to get it into reverse. What a PITA it can be sometimes.
Dominick572 said:
...Was also wondering, if Im the only one having this problem. I have to line up the synchro's by pulling forward in first a little bit to get it into reverse. What a PITA it can be sometimes.

The truth is that many of us have to do this...but I have never had an American manual transmission that lined up perfectly for reverse every time. While you should not have to pull forward, a shove into fifth or sixth before going into reverse should align the syncros...
BigRed460 said:
My truck has done this twice - In 5th at 35 or so, (rpms low) I gave it some gas to speed up and it backfired BAD. The last time it was so loud the person behind me heard it.(friend) Has this happen to anyone else?

And my sub is making a buzzing noise.

Wow dude! Thats not good at all! Even the owner's manual states to use the appropriate gear. :) 35MPH in 5th is not the way to go!!

Your sub isn't fixed yet? Thought they took care of that!
Prof said:
The truth is that many of us have to do this...but I have never had an American manual transmission that lined up perfectly for reverse every time. While you should not have to pull forward, a shove into fifth or sixth before going into reverse should align the syncros...

Did not think to try that, I hate looking like an ass trying to get out of a parking lot making 4 point turns. I hate it when it grinds on me too if i dont pull forward enough. Im doing my new Clutch, Flywheel, Rear Main Seal, and fluid change this weekend. Thanks for the info Prof!!!!
in 5th at 35 doesnt sound like a good idea... 500horsepower is pretty alot of power so it should be better to keep it at 2000 or above rpm and i drive mine 60mph in 5th and 85mph in 6th
Prof said:
The truth is that many of us have to do this...but I have never had an American manual transmission that lined up perfectly for reverse every time. While you should not have to pull forward, a shove into fifth or sixth before going into reverse should align the syncros...

Actually there is no syncro in reverse. You are still aligning the dogs on the gear and the slider. It can even happen when trying to engage first gear.
iwantmysrt said:
Wow dude! Thats not good at all! Even the owner's manual states to use the appropriate gear. :) 35MPH in 5th is not the way to go!!

Your sub isn't fixed yet? Thought they took care of that!
Nope they said it was the door speaker and replaced it. Now they want me to bring the back in, and I will bet anyone here 1000$ that the say they will need to keep it overnight. Then they will order the part and in two weeks they will take it back again and say they need it all day. I'll just buy one when I get paid, there not taking my truck again.

As far as the backfire, I am just not going to drive like that ne more. It never does unless I try to accerlate at those rpms. BTW I am getting about 13.7mpg right now with about 85% city driving. I knew when I bought the truck that gas milage sucked, but I am still going to try to save money by driving slow...
Basically what everyone else is saying... Running the rpms that low with that kind of load will cause severe detonation. Detonation will throw a rod through your block or break a piston... Are you saving enough money on gas to pay for a new motor??? Please use a better gear, spend the extra money on gas and start grinning more :D