Bet you Didn't know This! MIKEY,D', & ROY in particular

Django said:
Aw hell....... Ok I did begin to read it and it was so obviously skewed that I got the dirft within the first third of the thing.....

From what I could derive from reading the first third of it, the writer is doing his best to say that Lincoln wasn't as big a fan of blacks as people may think. It goes on to quote Lincoln in support of that argument.

I was left with a feeling that Lincoln was being bashed... Or in the very least that the writer was trying to say that neither Lincoln nor blacks were such hot stuff......

The writing and the points both left me dry....and I put it down out of disinterest.

Whether Lincoln liked blacks or not is not at issue for me..... That's btween Lincoln and God... And whether or not the writer lies in between him and God, too.....

Sometimes I wish people would simply come out and say what they mean....

personally, I think Obama is a Chicago career politician who's crooked as a dog's hind leg and whose polished personna belies his inability to make wise choice..... And wise choices are some of the most important things in life. Obama's a lefty and that's all there is to it...... He also seems to have a penchant for hanging out with crooks and tax cheats......

The memory I have of Lincoln is a good one. And even if I'm wrong about Lincoln's goodness, he was assassinated by other career politicians of his time. So, he paid any debt of wrongs to society with his life.....

I don't know why "D" was included in this..... That is, if "D" is me..... But you have my opinion anyway.......


The last third makes the point.

supercar1of1 said:

The last third makes the point.


So what......?

What do you want from me.........?

I have no control over what may or may not have happened (150 years ago) according to your accusations. I have even less to do in the way of correcting them.....

You wanna scream out "Lincoln was a murdering, immoral and loathesome piece of shit"...... ? Then say it and take your lumps..... I don't give a shit what you think about Lincoln, John........

supercar1of1 said:

...the FACTS I asked for as I'm sure everyone here but you comprehends.

You make my point perfectly...your use of the word "everyone" is a perfect example of the penchant I have referred to. Your use of superlatives to support your views is just plain ludicrous.
As we look back through time we will surely find that there were people who truly hated every President. This fact will continue throughout time for there is no way to please everyone.

Disclaimer: The following is not directed at anyone.

It is easy for even the uneducated to find error and fault with anyone. In this age of the Internet, even the most benign statements can be associated with content that it was never intended and be held as fact by those who choose to give it life regardless of authenticity or fact.

I find it amazing that in these times we find more ways to disagree and fight over thing that have little or no consequence at the expense of doing the right thing and accomplishing much for the betterment of our Nation.

I did not vote for President Obama, however, I do wish him success because in that success, our Nation will be stronger. We should all be fully aware at this point what happens when the contrary occurs.

This is for John....

If your intent over the next four years is to dig up propaganda, half truths and all forms of spin to sway the populous that president Obama is a bad man, I pity you.

President Obama has a great deal to do over the next four years. Mark my word that more will be reported on his failures than they will on any success's he may have. With those failures you will have more to post and pat yourself on the back for.

I challenge you to recognize the success's in President Obama's tenure with the same zeal, although I feel that your hatred towards President Obama will prevent you from even recognizing that possibility.

Your Friend

PS, John I respect you and always have and will continue to do so
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I also respect John and his willingness to joust with me. As a matter of fact I find myself agreeing with his points more than I am willing to admit in public. I will buy him a beer someday and we will laugh about all of our disagreements...and he may slap the shit out of me too...but he will do it with love and affection I am sure!
Prof said:
I also respect John and his willingness to joust with me. As a matter of fact I find myself agreeing with his points more than I am willing to admit in public. I will buy him a beer someday and we will laugh about all of our disagreements...and he may slap the shit out of me too...but he will do it with love and affection I am sure!
i just want to drive your truck:D he'd probably only slap you cause you like hillary
Django said:
Alrighty then.....

Another controversy in which (I believe) I was named yet (in which) I took no part....

How delightful....

Just for the record, the post was so long that I didn't actually read it...... I may read it later......

Please pray for Devin, folks.....

he he he, its like we are gettin a vacation "D";) I got as far as linclon and remembered he was a homosexual, and well that was far enough:p
I'm with ya'll and wheredowhogo, gonna get some dip n chips:marchmellow:
ViperJeff said:
As we look back through time we will surely find that there were people who truly hated every President. This fact will continue throughout time for there is no way to please everyone.

Disclaimer: The following is not directed at anyone.

It is easy for even the uneducated to find error and fault with anyone. In this age of the Internet, even the most benign statements can be associated with content that it was never intended and be held as fact by those who choose to give it life regardless of authenticity or fact.

I find it amazing that in these times we find more ways to disagree and fight over thing that have little or no consequence at the expense of doing the right thing and accomplishing much for the betterment of our Nation.

I did not vote for President Obama, however, I do wish him success because in that success, our Nation will be stronger. We should all be fully aware at this point what happens when the contrary occurs.

This is for John....

If your intent over the next four years is to dig up propaganda, half truths and all forms of spin to sway the populous that president Obama is a bad man, I pity you.

President Obama has a great deal to do over the next four years. Mark my word that more will be reported on his failures than they will on any success's he may have. With those failures you will have more to post and pat yourself on the back for.

I challenge you to recognize the success's in President Obama's tenure with the same zeal, although I feel that your hatred towards President Obama will prevent you from even recognizing that possibility.

Your Friend

PS, John I respect you and always have and will continue to do so

I don't 'HATE' Obama, as the last sentence in the post wishes him well, (at least that was the intent).

The point of the post, with today being presidents day, was the result of a combination of factors.

One was my amazement that BO is not aware of the facts on Lincoln, who in fact was not the advocate of slaves that he evidently thinks, or that his staff didn't advise him.

The second point was to try and give some perspective to people in response to incorrect, negative attitudes many people have expressed about the south simply because they are uninformed about the devastation and lingering hardships caused by the war.

The main point though was to enlighten people to some facts of history that evidently have been suppressed.

There have been many who when informed express an attitude of understanding rather than hostility.

Thank you Jeff for the kind words and same to you, in particular your ability to have a discussion showing courtesy and respect regardless of your view.:congrats:


ViperJeff said:
As we look back through time we will surely find that there were people who truly hated every President. This fact will continue throughout time for there is no way to please everyone.

Disclaimer: The following is not directed at anyone.

It is easy for even the uneducated to find error and fault with anyone. In this age of the Internet, even the most benign statements can be associated with content that it was never intended and be held as fact by those who choose to give it life regardless of authenticity or fact.

I find it amazing that in these times we find more ways to disagree and fight over thing that have little or no consequence at the expense of doing the right thing and accomplishing much for the betterment of our Nation.

I did not vote for President Obama, however, I do wish him success because in that success, our Nation will be stronger. We should all be fully aware at this point what happens when the contrary occurs.

This is for John....

If your intent over the next four years is to dig up propaganda, half truths and all forms of spin to sway the populous that president Obama is a bad man, I pity you.

President Obama has a great deal to do over the next four years. Mark my word that more will be reported on his failures than they will on any success's he may have. With those failures you will have more to post and pat yourself on the back for.

I challenge you to recognize the success's in President Obama's tenure with the same zeal, although I feel that your hatred towards President Obama will prevent you from even recognizing that possibility.

Your Friend

PS, John I respect you and always have and will continue to do so

:rock: :rock: :rock:

the way i look at it, good or bad, he is my president, and I hope he does our country well.
he is our comander in chief:rock: good or bad, that he is
eddie102870 said:
i just want to drive your truck:D he'd probably only slap you cause you like hillary

You can drive my truck any time you want, and if he slaps me around for liking Hillary...guilty as charged...and just to be sure that you know that I am serious

I'd hit it!

Smart women with an attitude turn me on! Right Wifey?!
I think we all hope for the same Tony...except maybe Rush...but he is just interested in saying things that drive audience which makes money for him.
Prof said:
You can drive my truck any time you want, and if he slaps me around for liking Hillary...guilty as charged...and just to be sure that you know that I am serious

I'd hit it!

Smart women with an attitude turn me on! Right Wifey?!
only problem with her is her schlong may be bigger than yours. :D
Prof said:
I think we all hope for the same Tony...except maybe Rush...but he is just interested in saying things that drive audience which makes money for him.

I don't understand why Rush is still so popular. I quit listening to him long ago because only about 20% or so of his broadcast was substance, the rest was that,"I"m just a little fuzz ball", nonsense.

He is kind of like Hennessey in my opinion John...a great marketer, with very little substance...but it takes all kinds to make this world go round.
Prof said:
He is kind of like Hennessey in my opinion John...a great marketer, with very little substance...but it takes all kinds to make this world go round.

Yea, I had never heard of Hennessey until I read about him here.
If half the things he did are true, I'm surprized someone didn't pay him a visit,
or pay someone else to.

I started listening to Rush back in '88 when he was one of a kind. I respect him for that....and for the fact that his show was very entertaining...... This was before I became so jaded in my opinions of political people in general.

Right now, Obama is the principle recipient of my ire. So far, he sucks the big one.

That's my opinion and I'm entitled to it......

As far as Lincoln being an asshole.... Sorry, I ain't buyin' it.....

If SOME folks wanna piss on Lincoln's grave, that's their bidnid. But doing so on his birthday is pure bile and (for my money) more than a bit low.....

You won't hear me going around disparging Davis or Lee with accusations that they were sodomizing each other while Atlanta burned or any fkd up shit like that..... They're dead..... let them rest in their graves.... You don't hear me disparaging the memory of JFK and all the celebrity quiff he (a married Catholic) banged... Or how badly he fkd up the Bay of Pigs debacle.... These men are all dead......Let them rest in peace.

This is all in extremely bad taste....

Prof said:
I think we all hope for the same Tony...except maybe Rush...but he is just interested in saying things that drive audience which makes money for him.
my actual opinion of the man is not very poplular;)

I personally truely think he was bought into office by huge money, jsut too many instances, and the so called "stimulas" is there payback as well be a few more in the future....

but he is my president, and I do wish the best for our country , and hope that I am wrong.

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