Bet you Didn't know This! MIKEY,D', & ROY in particular

I simply saw this post as a Southener trying to explain why most Southeners feel differently about some things than our Northern brethren feel.

I was taught that the "Civil War" was the "War of Northern Aggression"
My great-great grandfather fought for the South,not for slavery
for his homeland,not for slavery
for the States freedom to secede,not for slavery
We were too poor to own slaves and plantations,slavery was never an issue
Django said:
Aw hell....... Ok I did begin to read it and it was so obviously skewed that I got the dirft within the first third of the thing.....

From what I could derive from reading the first third of it, the writer is doing his best to say that Lincoln wasn't as big a fan of blacks as people may think. It goes on to quote Lincoln in support of that argument.

I was left with a feeling that Lincoln was being bashed... Or in the very least that the writer was trying to say that neither Lincoln nor blacks were such hot stuff......

The writing and the points both left me dry....and I put it down out of disinterest.

Whether Lincoln liked blacks or not is not at issue for me..... That's btween Lincoln and God... And whether or not the writer lies in between him and God, too.....

Sometimes I wish people would simply come out and say what they mean....

personally, I think Obama is a Chicago career politician who's crooked as a dog's hind leg and whose polished personna belies his inability to make wise choice..... And wise choices are some of the most important things in life. Obama's a lefty and that's all there is to it...... He also seems to have a penchant for hanging out with crooks and tax cheats......

The memory I have of Lincoln is a good one. And even if I'm wrong about Lincoln's goodness, he was assassinated by other career politicians of his time. So, he paid any debt of wrongs to society with his life.....

I don't know why "D" was included in this..... That is, if "D" is me..... But you have my opinion anyway.......


I get a lot out these type of discussions:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

supercar1of1 said:

Today is Washingtons birthday.

Abe's was last Friday.


It's a combined holiday now..............

Besides, it's well known that GW attempted to procreate with barn animals, darkies and assorted servants of various and sundry descriptions...... He was notorious in his penchant for taking dirt roads and regularly took it up the tailpipe with corn cobs, agricultural implements and empty bottles of CheerWine. (but that was only after he was already long dead).

Washington secretly capitulated with the British to have his troops captured, tortured and killed..... He was paid 1000 GBP for each one .... Washington's wooden teeth were paid for with the proceeds of this blood money....

It is documented that GW also had a very tiny penis and was capable of sodomizing cockroaches.

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Prof said:
You can drive my truck any time you want, and if he slaps me around for liking Hillary...guilty as charged...and just to be sure that you know that I am serious

I'd hit it!

Smart women with an attitude turn me on! Right Wifey?!

I wouldnt hit it with anyones:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Tim, I included you because I lost count how many of your posts are EXACTLY what I was thinking minus a few adjectives and would be able to explain that the post was not intended as a slight but to tell the truth, should someone else take the post out of context.

You have made it more than adequately clear that I was WRONG!!!!

I wouldnt hit it with anyones:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


When you get to my age you will learn that every little bit you pass up, is just a little bit you will never get...
HOT RAM said:
I simply saw this post as a Southener trying to explain why most Southeners feel differently about some things than our Northern brethren feel.

I was taught that the "Civil War" was the "War of Northern Aggression"
My great-great grandfather fought for the South,not for slavery
for his homeland,not for slavery
for the States freedom to secede,not for slavery
We were too poor to own slaves and plantations,slavery was never an issue

THAT IS EXACTLY CORRECT!!!! Thank you for chiming in. I guess it takes one Southerner to understand another.

Django said:
It's a combined holiday now..............

Besides, it's well known that GW attempted to procreate with barn animals, darkies and assorted servants of various and sundry descriptions...... He was notorious in his penchant for taking dirt roads and regularly took it up the tailpipe with corn cobs, agricultural implements and empty bottles of CheerWine. (but that was only after he was already long dead).

Washington secretly capitualted with the British to have his troops captured, tortured and killed..... He was paid 1000 GBP for each one .... Washington's wooden teeth were paid for with the proceeds of this blood money....

It is documented that GW also had a very tiny penis and was capable of sodomizing cockroaches.


Yea but he didn't devastate your homeland and alter the Constitution, resulting ultimately in the mess we are in today!

Prof said:
When you get to my age you will learn that every little bit you pass up, is just a little bit you will never get...

ROY, that goes for any age.:p :p :p :p :p :p :p

We agree if you can convince my wife to agree with us...I will be eternally grateful...I'll give you her two work numbers, cell phone number, two email addresses...and you can start your campaign immediately!
Something for you to think about John.

Everytime you start a thread like this, it ends up being a pissing match, and right or wrong, to some members you come across as racist.

You are not going to change anyone's thoughts on this subject. It's no different than politics or religion.
Silverback said:
Something for you to think about John.

Everytime you start a thread like this, it ends up being a pissing match, and right or wrong, to some members you come across as racist.

You are not going to change anyone's thoughts on this subject. It's no different than politics or religion.

You arn't kidding!!!! I wish all the politico's were midget Eskimos.

No, I am realy stunned that the post was taken so far out of context and

can assure you that I have learned something from this ordeal.:(

supercar1of1 said:

You arn't kidding!!!! I wish all the politico's were midget Eskimos.

No, I am realy stunned that the post was taken so far out of context and

can assure you that I have learned something from this ordeal.:(


What else could a rational person expect from dissing someone as beloved as Lincoln....?:dontknow:

Besides, what in thee hell can anyone do about any of it now...?

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supercar1of1 said:

One was my amazement that BO is not aware of the facts on Lincoln, who in fact was not the advocate of slaves that he evidently thinks, or that his staff didn't advise him.


He does understand, very much, Lincoln's view on slavery and the Union. He alluded to this in his speech in Springfield, IL on the 12th of this month. I couldn't find a "official video" of this, but here it is from YouTube.... it's two parts...

...... Thought's? :dontknow: :eek: ;)
Black1 said:
He does understand, very much, Lincoln's view on slavery and the Union. He alluded to this in his speech in Springfield, IL on the 12th of this month. I couldn't find a "official video" of this, but here it is from YouTube.... it's two parts...

...... Thought's? :dontknow: :eek: ;)

Doesn't sound to me as if B-HO shares in the aforementioned derision of Lincoln.


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