BIG NANA has a conflict with TOTM votes for May


Full Access Member
Mar 21, 2007
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Guys, I feel that I need to put it out there that I may have to sell my truck. Or I should say that I may be attempting to sell my truck. I do not want any problem with the forum guys and gals thinking that I do not appreciate all of your support and kind words over the past few months. Nor do I want you all to think that I don't appreciate the nominations for Truck of The Month for May, but due to unforseen, boy, WAY BIG TIME UNFORSEEN, circumstances, I may have to try and sell my beloved truck. No reason to get into the reasons why, but leave it to say that when you have a hard time covering the cost of the toys, sometimes the toys have to go. Owning your own business, it can be hard sometimes to know when you might have something come out of nowhere and bite you in the A$$, but sure enough, the good 'OL Murphy's law has gotten me. Please don't be too hard on me when you guys see it on Ebay, if it comes to that. I'll know for sure by Wednesday or Thursday of this week.
Damn Nana... Sucks!!!

Just think of all the great memories you have of it!!!

I understand about unforseen things popping up...

Good luck!!!
Wow Nana, sorry to hear that this is happening! Hopefully this will pass and you can go on to break a few more records!

No one here will give you a hard time for selling when you have to, several others who never thought they would sell their trucks have been forced to do just that. We all understand.

Good luck, hopefully you can hang on to it!!

Oh! And FWIW, I still think you should be TOTM!
Oh, and BTW, your truck still needs to be the TOTM!!!!! No questions asked, hands down!
sorry to hear, but I agreed keep it as TOTM
Mark, I'm saddened to hear you may have to sell the truck. I wish you the very best of luck, and hope things turn around where you can keep her.

It still doesn't change the fact that you have a badass truck. It's still going to be TOTM - regardless. ;)
You have nothing to be ashamed about, you've done more with your truck than many of us with ours. You gotta do what you gotta do, I still vote for your truck as TOTM.

So, what are the specs of the truck? :)
I agree with the others. It doesn't matter what you end up doing, TOTM is recognition for deserve it for what you have done, it has nothing to do with what you may do or have to do. :rock: :burnout:
Hope all works out for the best Nana...and yes, your truck is definitely TOTM!!..:rock:
NANA that sucks a big one,and I understand about the toys things stretch only so far, sorry but if there is anything we can do to keep you in the truck let us know, shit some fund raisers, bikini cars washes ANNU or something.
we are suppose to be family and take care of our own, but still TOTM
TOTM for sure big nanna.Sorry to hear about the sale of your bad ass beast.Hopefully things will work out for you but the way things are for alot of us nowdays I fully understand.You will ALWAYS have family here on VTCOA!!
Good luck bro!!
Well, You folks are the best!! Like I said, I hope it does'nt come to it, and of course, with the market is right now, I may not BE ABLE to sell it, we'll just have to see. But Thanks for all of the support. Maybe i can become the "BAD" reality show member for "Stupid truck owner with too much drama!"
Surely still TOTM, an award for accomplishment. Nana, I understand about surprises when you own your own business. I got tired of the suprises from my employees, so my business is for sale... maybe they'll appreciate what they had when they are standing in the unemployment line. Best of luck to you in whatever you do. Hope you still come to the fall GTG>
labontecsi said:
Surely still TOTM, an award for accomplishment. Nana, I understand about surprises when you own your own business. I got tired of the suprises from my employees, so my business is for sale... maybe they'll appreciate what they had when they are standing in the unemployment line. Best of luck to you in whatever you do. Hope you still come to the fall GTG>

I really hope things will get straightened out i'll be able to go, maybe I can run a rental like some other folks did this last GTG!! LOL
I've owned my plumbing business for 15 years and know how fast shit can hit the fan. Hope the news is good on wed. or thur. so you can keep your toy.
Being the Unofficial TOTM promoter, let me just say this isn't the Olympic's...

You will forever be known as the MAY 2008 TOTM regardless of life's little interruptions


Hope life gets better
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I vote your truck for the May TOTM regardless of you have to sell or not. We are all proud of your accomplishments. I can't thimk of a better person for this honor.

As far as your unexpected problems...........THINK POSITIVE.........maybe things will turn around. We'll all pulling for you bro. Keep your head up high.
Still TOTM, no matter what. You certainly deserve it. We all hope you can overcome the problems and you know we are here to help.