Disagreement: Let's enjoy it.....

Damn, I've been gone for a month and I don't even recognize the site! WTF happened? Everyone is at everyone's thr . . . Oh my god, there's a Hooter Girl post!! . . . I gotta go! ;) :D
I am all for open discussion and disagreements.When it degenerates into "F_ _ _ you,you stupid blankety-blank-blank" then it ceases to have any useful purpose.However there are instances when "discussions" turned ugly and then later became great learning experiences.

So,let the disagreements begin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Those of you who are functioning under the misconception that something happened......

IT DIDN'T............

I just wanted to initiate a dialogue about something that I've noticed.....

It seems that every time there's a disagreement around here, someone chimes in to quash the dialogue..... As if disagreements are a bad thing for the forum or that damage will result to the family as a result of the argument....

Life is a trial by fire..... and going through the fire is a test of our strength and our resiliance... It is the place where our true character and substance are measured.....

Those who shrink from conflict or adversity will be found meekly seated on the reserve bench while those who've proven themselves through the fire will be kicking ass and winning in the big game we call Life.....

Oh yeah D, I forgot to mention that i follow the Padres.:rock: I know they are a little off right now, But i can't help it,I'm going to the game tomorrow.Hope Peavy can pull one out for us.:rock:

Oh yeah D, I forgot to mention that i follow the Padres.:rock: I know they are a little off right now, But i can't help it,I'm going to the game tomorrow.Hope Peavy can pull one out for us.:rock:

and I forgot to mention BASEBALL SUXXXXX :p ;) :D
Oh yeah D, I forgot to mention that i follow the Padres.:rock: I know they are a little off right now, But i can't help it,I'm going to the game tomorrow.Hope Peavy can pull one out for us.:rock:


Baseball: Everyone who has a favorite team lives between heaven and hell.......

Go Dodgers............. (good luck, Pads too.........)

Wifey said:
and I forgot to mention BASEBALL SUXXXXX :p ;) :D

......and speaking of arguments................;) :eek: :p

Baseball fkn rules..............

America IS baseball...................:rock:

Django said:
Baseball: Everyone who has a favorite team lives between heaven and hell.......

Go Dodgers............. (good luck, Pads too.........)

......and speaking of arguments................;) :eek: :p

Baseball fkn rules..............

America IS baseball...................:rock:

Well baseball, hotdogs, And apple pie.:rock:
Django said:
Baseball: Everyone who has a favorite team lives between heaven and hell.......

Go Dodgers............. (good luck, Pads too.........)

......and speaking of arguments................;) :eek: :p

Baseball fkn rules..............

America IS baseball...................:rock:

America is NASCAR and APPLE PIE :p - and good ol Harley Davidson aka: Milwaukee vibrators (no crotch rocket ricers) ;) :D

Oh, but "Bas a balla hasa benna berry berry good to me" .................. :D :dontknow: :star:
na the arguments are the best part. expeicaly that nowwhat argument a few weeks back lol
:confused: :confused: :confused: The one about the illegal immigrants? The one about Throttle Bodies? or the one about Ghetto Trash? :confused: :confused: :dontknow: :dontknow:
includemeout said:
America is NASCAR and APPLE PIE :p - and good ol Harley Davidson aka: Milwaukee vibrators (no crotch rocket ricers) ;) :D

Oh, but "Bas a balla hasa benna berry berry good to me" .................. :D :dontknow: :star:

Nascar is mindless..... set the left hand blinker and put the throttle down.....:dontknow:

Grand Prix racing is quite another story...

But bessboll hoss bean berry goo too may, too......... I lobe eet.

Django said:
Those of you who are functioning under the misconception that something happened......

IT DIDN'T............

I just wanted to initiate a dialogue about something that I've noticed.....

It seems that every time there's a disagreement around here, someone chimes in to quash the dialogue..... As if disagreements are a bad thing for the forum or that damage will result to the family as a result of the argument....

Life is a trial by fire..... and going through the fire is a test of our strength and our resiliance... It is the place where our true character and substance are measured.....

Those who shrink from conflict or adversity will be found meekly seated on the reserve bench while those who've proven themselves through the fire will be kicking ass and winning in the big game we call Life.....


Truly great dialog there, Tim. :) That is all true, IMO.

But.... :D This is the INTERNET, not "Life".

I think that, from time to time, all of us get this point twisted. ..... Think of it like watching a movie in a theater. Say, a thriller/horror movie. People can easily get so IMMERSED in the movie, sometimes they will yell at the screen or the character. ...... "DON'T GO IN THERE!!! .... "AH SHIT! YOUR A DEAD MOTHER...." ........ well, you know what I mean. :eek: :p People make themselves a character, sometimes. :dontknow: I think, this can happen on the internet as well....

Now, don't get me wrong.... There are GENUINE people on here (they speak their mind the same way they would, as if they were looking you in the eye). Even some of those people can get caught up in the "act". :dontknow: Hell, I've done it before. :eek:

All we need to remember, I think, is to keep the comments on here constrained to the comments we would tell the other person EYE-TO-EYE. Because, after all, you're not just talking to a name on a message board.... there is a face to that name... and feelings. (Disclaimer: I know there have been instances on here where there were REAL, GENUINE, beefs between two people... but, for the most part, the reason they were discussed on here was because the author believed that it pertained to the group..... or would benefit/inform the group. With that, I whole-heartily condone.)

Debate is wonderful... I love to discuss current issues! And I value everyones opinion. Hell, debate IS how I form my own (informed, hopefully balanced) opinions. :)

Peace to you all. :)

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Django said:
Nascar is mindless..... set the left hand blinker and put the throttle down.....:dontknow:

Grand Prix racing is quite another story...

But bessboll hoss bean berry goo too may, too......... I lobe eet.

I am offended :mad: :mad: :mad:

:D :D :D NOT :star: :star: :star:
includemeout said:
:confused: :confused: :confused: The one about the illegal immigrants? The one about Throttle Bodies? or the one about Ghetto Trash? :confused: :confused: :dontknow: :dontknow:

trailer trash not ghetto trash.....
Nowwhat said:
trailer trash not ghetto trash.....
Dammmmm, musta missed that one :p :p :D :D ;)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You wanna go Wifey? I have some extra seats.:dontknow:

Thank you, NO ;) ;) .........

the one and only game I attended went into like 15 innings or something and didn't end until like midnight... Is that normal:dontknow: :dontknow: :D
Wifey said:
Thank you, NO ;) ;) .........

the one and only game I attended went into like 15 innings or something and didn't end until like midnight... Is that normal:dontknow: :dontknow: :D

I would've gnawed my own arm off by then. :confused: :eek: :D