

Full Access Member
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
First of all. I would like to apologize for leaving abruptly without an explanation. I didn’t realize the impact it would have by doing this. I really did believe that it would simply go down as an easy out with little or no disruption, which leads to my point I guess….

Every night when I come home from work, one of my unwind rituals was the pleasure of getting on this site and reading what the day had to offer. There was the typical up and down moments but all was interesting to me. Interesting because very respected members always had good topics of discussion on trucks, life, yadda yadda. It was an all star cast in my book because the people writing respected each other and interacted accordingly, operative word here was interact.

I believe we have lost this part or at least the meaning I put behind it. The new interaction phrase may be considered “noise†today. I understand we are growing at a rapid rate and its difficult to keep up sometimes with all that is going on, but I assure you there was little I missed, not as moderator but as a contributor in my own way.

Its sad to see what we have become as of late. Screaming to be heard, going off on each other and never really recovering from it. Posting nonsense to get our post count up because your bored. Little or no accountability for remarks made simply to hurt each other. Believe it or not, at one time not so long ago, this was very unacceptable behavior. Not that it was written somewhere to follow, but pretty much demanded from you if you wanted to continue interacting. Not difficult to follow these demands because of the overall respect we had for one another.

The truth of it is we have become desensitized by it. I can feel the seniors growing tired but are doing their level best to stay engaged because they too do not want this fantastic place to keep the direction its going. But, unfortunately, they are fighting a loosing battle in my opinion. If they were to step back and really take a hard look, they will see how elevated and out of control it has become in a very short time.

I am not afraid of change and I understand that we all must adjust.. But I WILL NOT CONFORM TO YOU.. This change of late is destroying this place and I simply could not watch it go down. Yes, I am a Moderator and have some control. But the real control belongs to YOU. You had it once…take it back.

Tips that work for me….The thread your starting or a post your replying to have a face to it. Write to that person as he/she was sitting in the room with you. I guarantee some of the shit that gets written here, is directed at an avatar not the individual. There is no way in hell some of this crap would be said to someone’s face. I don’t give a rats ass how bad or tuff you think you are in the cyber world. Once you go off on somebody, especially pertaining to race, religion, gender and the other typical shit that allows you to be alive today because you didn’t do in public life but do it here makes you a coward in my book.

For the new people here…Its probably hard for you to understand what the hell I’m talking about, but give us a chance to show you what I have seen. I know you will appreciate it in the long run.

Once again, I’m sorry to those I made worry by leaving like I did and want to thank you from the bottom of me heart for the support you have given me, I am humbled and honored beyond words. I am back because of it, I really had no intentions of returning.. With that said, get behind me guys.. I’m about to kick the door down and take back this joint, we may loose some members over this but I assure you they weren’t worth keeping in the first place.. Its about time my screen name means something.
Glad to have you back Shawn..Im with you brother..
Iltemprd said:
First of all. I would like to apologize for leaving abruptly without an explanation. I didn’t realize the impact it would have by doing this. I really did believe that it would simply go down as an easy out with little or no disruption, which leads to my point I guess….

Every night when I come home from work, one of my unwind rituals was the pleasure of getting on this site and reading what the day had to offer. There was the typical up and down moments but all was interesting to me. Interesting because very respected members always had good topics of discussion on trucks, life, yadda yadda. It was an all star cast in my book because the people writing respected each other and interacted accordingly, operative word here was interact.

I believe we have lost this part or at least the meaning I put behind it. The new interaction phrase may be considered “noise†today. I understand we are growing at a rapid rate and its difficult to keep up sometimes with all that is going on, but I assure you there was little I missed, not as moderator but as a contributor in my own way.

Its sad to see what we have become as of late. Screaming to be heard, going off on each other and never really recovering from it. Posting nonsense to get our post count up because your bored. Little or no accountability for remarks made simply to hurt each other. Believe it or not, at one time not so long ago, this was very unacceptable behavior. Not that it was written somewhere to follow, but pretty much demanded from you if you wanted to continue interacting. Not difficult to follow these demands because of the overall respect we had for one another.

The truth of it is we have become desensitized by it. I can feel the seniors growing tired but are doing their level best to stay engaged because they too do not want this fantastic place to keep the direction its going. But, unfortunately, they are fighting a loosing battle in my opinion. If they were to step back and really take a hard look, they will see how elevated and out of control it has become in a very short time.

I am not afraid of change and I understand that we all must adjust.. But I WILL NOT CONFORM TO YOU.. This change of late is destroying this place and I simply could not watch it go down. Yes, I am a Moderator and have some control. But the real control belongs to YOU. You had it once…take it back.

Tips that work for me….The thread your starting or a post your replying to have a face to it. Write to that person as he/she was sitting in the room with you. I guarantee some of the shit that gets written here, is directed at an avatar not the individual. There is no way in hell some of this crap would be said to someone’s face. I don’t give a rats ass how bad or tuff you think you are in the cyber world. Once you go off on somebody, especially pertaining to race, religion, gender and the other typical shit that allows you to be alive today because you didn’t do in public life but do it here makes you a coward in my book.

For the new people here…Its probably hard for you to understand what the hell I’m talking about, but give us a chance to show you what I have seen. I know you will appreciate it in the long run.

Once again, I’m sorry to those I made worry by leaving like I did and want to thank you from the bottom of me heart for the support you have given me, I am humbled and honored beyond words. I am back because of it, I really had no intentions of returning.. With that said, get behind me guys.. I’m about to kick the door down and take back this joint, we may loose some members over this but I assure you they weren’t worth keeping in the first place.. Its about time my screen name means something.
well said Shawn,I will do my best to live within the line you have put down,if for any reason I do get out of line pm me and kick me in the azz,I will do what ever it takes to make the site the way it was and the way it should be .you have my support and my respect,thanks for coming back and thanks for being you.:rock:
I'm behind you Shawn.:D (Crouching low with my eyes clinched shut....but behind you!!:D:D:D:D)
Glad you're back, bro! :rock: You've got my support. :)
I'm glad someone as brought that up ,same for me i was glad to come and read stories about our truck every night , but lately there was to much crap my interest was leaving . Lets bring this place where it was before an informative place with some good stories from members with there truck. I support Shawn 100% .
It warms my heart to see that you came back Shawn...:rock: :rock:

I See what you mean and i will do my best....:)

I normally don't speak up because I don't feel I can make a difference, but with everyone together, we can surely take the forum back to how it was. I'm by your side Shawn.
Am i considered a newbie? because other than the inccident with 1fast i don't
think there was anything intensely rash said or done.. Please fill me in brothers and sisters :)


OK!! I agree 100% !!!:D:D

R - E - S - P - ECT, find out what it means to me..... :D:D:D
Ooooooooooooh Bigscary Moderator dude LOLOLOL :D That was Bad ass Shawno :rock: Very concise and to the point. Welcome back my friend and if you ever leave again I'm takin the dog out :D :p Beeeeeeejik ( Andrew :p ) Hehehhehehe But I think our Canadian Brotha is Cornfussed :D Hey since your in good mood now...............:rolleyes: Can we talk about me getting a new status other then Viper Powered :confused: :D I was thinkin maybe something like :idea: Whorelord;) :D Patrick was supposed to do something but he is slacking on the job :D ;) :p

Couldn't do what I do without you Bro :D Guess I am stuck here now:eek: :D LOLOLOL..........Much Love Mang, Mikey
Oh F*ck.:mad:

He's back.:( :mad:

There goes the god damn neighborhood again.:mad: :mad:

And yes, I would say that to you if we were standing face to face. Only thing is I would be grinning ear to ear when I said it.:D :D :D

Glad to see you came back. :) :rock: :star: :dancing:

As you are well aware, I can go off at times. But then you also know I can admit I was wrong and appologize if I'm wrong. If you have any issues with my behavior, just let me know and I will make it right if I agree with you. If we don't agree, at least we can discuss it.

Only one thing I'm really pissed about now. If you hadn't come back I was planning on flying down there for a weekend and badgering your ass. Now I have to stay in the festering shit hole.:(

Love you Shawn. Take care.
Glad you've decided to stay. I concur with your thoughts about this place. It is best to leave he religion/politics subjects alone since everyone has their own strong beliefs about them and a civil discussion hardly ever ensues.
glad your staying put shawn, it wouldn't have been the same without you!:rock:

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