gotta love environmentalists


Full Access Member
Apr 21, 2007
Reaction score
Temecula, CA
had to take my license plate frame off this weekend, ive had it on for 3 weeks and i finally got tired of the notes left on my car that i was such a horrible person.

the license plate frame said " i melt icebergs"

am i an asshole or are they just being really really sensitive :rock:
Would I be in trouble if I said..... Both
I believe I am an environmentalist...not to the extent that my wife is...but I think those who left notes on your truck are a little too sensitive.

We all melt glaciers, our personal carbon foot prints are not the culprits. It is the collective culture of "who cares" that needs to be addressed...

SRT owners are making huge efforts to clean the air on the way into our engines, we are on the front end of this issue and that is what is important...

our efforts to clean dirty air by filtering it, cooling it, and then killing all of the germs in it with high temperature is accomplishing a lot that is never credited to my account!

I think we can be credited for holding off many world pandemics! It's about time we got credit...and the more air you push through your engine, the more germs you boost those engines folks!
Black1 said:
That's funny as hell! :D :D :D But, maybe we're ALL ass-holes. :dontknow: I know there is a big list in FL. :p ;)
No we got our share up and down the left coast as well.......Washington alone houses some of the hugest Assholes on the planet :D :p
Sucks you took it off, but I would have too. I am always paranoid that someone is going to do something to my truck when I am not there.

Smart move but it sucks you had to do it!

Prof said:
I would be terrified.
Imagine if you will a freaky Friday type morphing between us....I could mold the young fertile minds of tomorrow :rock: You could help all the old dumb shit home owners that know nothing :bebored: In no time I would be King of the World............I'd hire Django to be my speech writer :D
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Hell, it has already started you already spell the way I do!

"Tools on isles 8 & 9, sir."
TheSickness said:
Imagine if you will a freaky Friday type morphing between us....I could mold the young fertile minds of tomorrow :rock: You could help all the old dumb shit home owners that know nothing :bebored: In no time I would be King of the World............I'd hire Django to be my speech writer :D

Come with me... and together... we could RULE the galaxy. :D
I really try to be very funny...keep trying to get the co-eds to laugh so hard that they roll on the floor....hehehehehehehe....
I bet they'd just LOVE my new license plate :)
