Had open heart surgery

Django said:
If you've ever seen any film/video of open heart surgery or know what a set of chest spreaders do to ya, you'll understand why the pain is so severe.... The chest cavity wasn't exactly built with a set of hinges or an inspection plate...... Ya gotta cut apart with a set of bigass bloody pruning shears, then grab the mutha and fairly well winch it apart..... Damn right it's gonna hurt like shit for quite awhile.....

I'm sure many wish you God's own good speed and hopes for a full recovery...

Take care of yourself bro....Glad yer still among the living....

You'll get thru this........ to be sure....



Stabilize (hug a pillow) if you can...if you feel a cough or sneeze...it can help.
As Tim stated... it's a rough surgery...never had it...but we have cracked a few chest's in the ED (trauma related)...and it's not pretty.

Take it easy...pain management is imparrative, and work your strength up in small "sessions" every day...takes time but it will get better... neuorpathic pain is the worst.
Before you know it you will be in cardiac rehab.;)
God's Speed in your recovery
Your only 45 and had this surgery!!!! Wow, that is a wake up call as I am 43. Did you have some sort of genetic situation or just living the rockstar lifestyle?

Good luck with your recovery.......one day at a time.

Patrick,some of it was genetic I'm sure. Alot was caused by stress, I have been in management and responsible for keeping plants up and running since I was 24 years old. 24 hour responsibility 7days a week will run you down. Then I started my own company in 1998 we have around 30 full time employees and that causes a little stress also. I guess my being overweight, not getting enough exercise and not eating the right foods had something to do with it also. All in all it was the complete witch's brew for a heart problem. It definately was an eye opener for me. I drag race and play softball in the summer, I walked on a treadmill 5 days a week most weeks. This hit me all of a sudden One day I was able to stay on the treadmill about 30to 35 minutes the next I could hardly walk across the yard. If I had to sum it all up
i would say the old familiar lines, diet, exercise, rest, stress, weight, were the culprits. .