It's my turn to ask for help...

Steve I wish they had an answer for your farther. The uncertainty has got to be very tedious.

Keep the updates coming please.

Keep the faith. My thoughts and prayers are for you and the family daily.
Hope they find an answer soon! The tests can be worse than the cause sometimes!

Glad it's not cancer, hope it's a tape worm!:D
ntw0rk said:
Hope they find an answer soon! The tests can be worse than the cause sometimes!

Glad it's not cancer, hope it's a tape worm!:D
I was gonna say that and thought better of it :D

I hope he will find out soon, and I also hope it's not a tapeworm ;)
Glad to hear it was not the big "C". Our thoughts and prayers continue for you, your family and the doctors who are evaluating your Dad in hopes that they can identify what is going on and cure it soon.
Texas Yellow Fever said:
I haven't updated this in awhile, there hasn't been any news. We went back to the Dr this AM hoping to get closure and find out what the friggin issue is. All the tests came back negative, there's no cancer or anything like that that they can find anywhere, whihic is obviously good news, but it begs the point of what the hell it is. They are baffled by the fact that he losses at least 2-3 lbs a week and they cannot find a thing out of the ordinary. He's below 130...he can barely get around...the coroner may be running the next set of tests at the rate we're going.

So it's more tests...this time he gets to swallow a remote control camera in a pill so they can film his whole digestive's pretty cool actually...I sure hope they find the problem though.

Anyway, just wanted to update the thread, thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, they have obviously helped a LOT. We were anticiapting really bad news and have not gotten any, so there's still hope.

Glad to hear it's not Cancer...they check his Thyroid? Hope they can get it figured out... your all in our prayers...hang in there.
I'm sorry guys, I should have updated this and didn't, my bad. A few days ago they decided that dad's pancreas is not functioning and gave him a prescription for it. Of course, no one here had the damn prescription, they had to order it, but we finally got it and started taking it. He says he feels a little better, but I'm afraid it may be too little too late, he's down to about 120 lbs, and at 6'4" I don't have to tell you how skinny that is. His heart is failing and he's having real trouble with his legs as a result of all of it. There's obviously hope, but man he's got a long road to recovery. That said, if anyone can do it, that stubborn bastard sure stands a chance of it...
Texas Yellow Fever said:
I'm sorry guys, I should have updated this and didn't, my bad. A few days ago they decided that dad's pancreas is not functioning and gave him a prescription for it. Of course, no one here had the damn prescription, they had to order it, but we finally got it and started taking it. He says he feels a little better, but I'm afraid it may be too little too late, he's down to about 120 lbs, and at 6'4" I don't have to tell you how skinny that is. His heart is failing and he's having real trouble with his legs as a result of all of it. There's obviously hope, but man he's got a long road to recovery. That said, if anyone can do it, that stubborn bastard sure stands a chance of it...

Well we will continue to pray for him. I just hope they found out what it is so that he's on the road to recovery.
sorry to hear this best to you and your family..:(

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