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Frankly, that tatoo requires a moment to see the exact message.

Besides, it could be anyone's mother.... except maybe his own.

Those offended are a bit thin skinned IMO.

i found it while searching for the end of the internet...and i haven't found it yet...

it's a fkin dumb ass (probably fake) tat on some dude (presumably)...taken from the stupid "yo momma" jokes...which...have always struck a sour chord with me...for no justified reason...i don't like 'em...

don't read into it.....i'd rather have my michelin man sock penis pic, but i can't find it...

until i'm told it's too offensive to be there...it's staying...

and while my choice, either inappropriate as i should be "setting an example"...or because my moral compass is slightly skewed to the "i don't give a fk"...

we can just be immature adults in the meantime:D
I see and read a lot of things around here that I don't especially like,but I haven't seen anything that offends me to the point of complaining.Just like television,if you don't like it,don't watch .Simple.

This PC stuff is really getting out of hand."Don't offend anyone.Don't say what you really want to because somebody's sensitive feelings could be hurt." :mad:

Used to be auto and motorcycle magazines had pics of pretty girls in shorts and bikinis.Then overly-concerned mothers and femi-nazis started complaining that they were being portrayed as sexual objects until they were removed from the covers and finally from inside.99% of the readers had no problem ,but the 1% with the big mouths (or pens) and opinions ruined it for the majority.:mad: :argh:
Good points HOT RAM always gonna be those who don't agree. So why be fake and tread carefully in worry of offending someone. Life is the same way, you choose what you want to do and be exposed to, why is this any different. Like the saying in your signature "Better to be hated for what you are,than to be loved for what you are not."

:(:(:( I was ass-attacked while going to the home page :argh:


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Good points HOT RAM always gonna be those who don't agree. So why be fake and tread carefully in worry of offending someone. Life is the same way, you choose what you want to do and be exposed to, why is this any different. Like the saying in your signature "Better to be hated for what you are,than to be loved for what you are not."

:(:(:( I was ass-attacked while going to the home page :argh:



Dude the first time I seen thos pictures, I was doing a double take like what the hell.
i found it while searching for the end of the internet...and i haven't found it yet...

it's a fkin dumb ass (probably fake) tat on some dude (presumably)...taken from the stupid "yo momma" jokes...which...have always struck a sour chord with me...for no justified reason...i don't like 'em...

don't read into it.....i'd rather have my michelin man sock penis pic, but i can't find it...

until i'm told it's too offensive to be there...it's staying...

and while my choice, either inappropriate as i should be "setting an example"...or because my moral compass is slightly skewed to the "i don't give a fk"...

we can just be immature adults in the meantime:D

i dont like the 666 in the upper left corner.
thats going to be my new license plate

666 :rock:

Be very careful in what you might think would be funny as a license plate.

there is people that will smash your window out pull your ass outside of the truck and beat you within a inch of your life and then torch your truck in front of you.

some people hold stuff very sacred, and I could see that getting bad fast.

Do what you wish does not bother me at all :)

But why don't you go farther and put imracist or hatejews.

Bet your balls are not that big now are they :D
i forgot to edit that...

maybe i'll just continue my search for the end of the interweb and find another one...:elefant:

Your going to need a GPS to get there:D
the city won't let him have it...

SC wouldn't issue WYTRASH ;)

even though Todd said he was concerned about the environment, and wanted to make a statement:D :D :D

Damn you serious.

I was messing around with personal plates and I tryed "OHOWGAY" and it would let me get that, I was like WOW :)
Damn you serious.

I was messing around with personal plates and I tryed "OHOWGAY" and it would let me get that, I was like WOW :)

Yeah Todd said he wanted to get it and they wouldn't issue it... I don't know why someone would take offense to white trash! :D

Much less the fact that it's on his OWN vehicle ;)
Yeah Todd said he wanted to get it and they wouldn't issue it... I don't know why someone would take offense to white trash! :D

Much less the fact that it's on his OWN vehicle ;)

in this day in age you have to watch almost everything you say & do.