Rear sway bar link broken?


Full Access Member
Dec 9, 2006
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Hey guys,

I hope everyone is doing well here and I hope you can excuse my absence... I'm
in my fourth year of college and trying to wrap up classes as well as find some
internships :D

Yesterday I was doing a tire rotation and I noticed my driverside rear sway bar
link was completely shot. The rubber boot covering what looks to be some type
of ball joint was completely torn and the joint itself looked pretty rotten. I was
wondering, has anyone else had this problem? I've done some searching and the
closest thing I could find was about someone actually snapping it as apposed to
having it come apart like this. If you need pictures for reference I can get them
some time tomorrow.

With that being said, I've called the dealership in the area and they quoted me
about $180 bucks which I can't really see spending for what looks like a
pretty simple part. :dontknow:

Would it make more sense to buy the factory part or do an upgrade? What's
the price difference? Should I care? haha ;)

Let me know,

Stinker should have upgraded poly bushing kits
the oem is expensive, you have a couple alternatives, which I guess I will have to post for ya

one you can cut off the mount on the frame an then use an old style set up, which is basically a threaded rod, metal spacer, and poly bushings, a good cheap tried and true method, but does require yuou having to cut off the oem braket on the frame

or Justin has or used to have not sure, some links that are adjustable



So here's the damage report. I tried to install those new sway bar links but
they would definitely put me too short and the sway bar would be facing up.
Also, the supplied washers don't fit the stock bolt? and there's what looks like
rubber bumpers? that came with the package? very confused... Could someone
tell me how to install this properly?? haha

I do plan on calling Justin in the morning to figure all this out..


