The Doctors Today Kill ME!


Full Access Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Ok so some know I have been having a minor medical problem with my digestive system. Gall Bladder, Small Intest., Kidney who knows for sure. So Kristee makes me a Dr. Appt. With a gastrologist "The Specialist" So I go in HE asks whats wrong. I tell him "I think I may have a gall bladder issue". So he looks and gives me heart burn medication. He aslo Scheduals me to go see another DR. For a Blood panel. So I go to them, then they send me to another one, and another one. So guess what my gall bladder is bad. But they are not sure what else it may be. So to make a long story short.

Five DR.'s in a 2 1/2 week period. Still in pain. Still have Gall Bladder. Still don't know what else, and now have another consult. so I can have surgery. the consult is not until Nov 4th.:mad: Then they will Schedual another date for the surgery (Probably by a diff. Dr):mad:

I think all the DR's are brothers somehow. All feeding off each patients pockets. If I was not double covered I would have paid more then 300.00 in co-pays. Is this not rediculous.

Imo this is why the ER is so packed all the time it might have cost me 75.00 and I would not have a gall bladder and be fine.

Any DR's here that can tell me why the run around? (Oh and if you are a DR. don't take offense I am venting;) )
The doctor has become the unwilling accomplice/victim of the HMO, the insurance company and the IPAs.

Groups of medical prationers band together into groups (IPAs) in order to garner larger numbers of benefits/patients from the local pool. These doctors join together with insurance companies, HMOs and even PPO providers to garner even more patients.

This turns the entire healthcare system into a corrupt entity based on profitability over patient care..... The doctor's office might as well have a revolving door on it like Macy's, JC Penny or Sears... Because that's just what they are now.....a mass marketer.

The upshot in your case is that doctors cannot provide the care that many patients require because the whores (MDs and bean counters) at the insurance company do not want to spend money for neccesary patient care because it cuts into their bonuses and profitability....

You see, they're already paying themselves massive amounts of money on perks, junkets and lavish amenities and they have to cut corners somewhere to please the shareholders.... So they cut where they must cut... your patient care.....

You can't get the healthcare you need because of corporate greed.... Period.

Insurance companies and their executives (and for their complicity- maybe even a few doctors) should all be taken out and shot down in the streets like rabid animals..... They are the white collared scum of the Earth.

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Django said:
The doctor has become the unwilling accomplice/victim of the HMO, the insurance company and the IPAs.

Groups of medical prationers band together into groups (IPAs) in order to garner larger numbers of benefits/patients from the local pool. These doctors join together with insurance companies, HMOs and even PPO providers to garner even more patients.

This turns the entire healthcare system into a corrupt entity based on profitability over patient care..... The doctor's office might as well have a revolving door on it like Macy's, JC Penny or Sears... Because that's just what they are now.....a mass marketer.

The upshot in your case is that doctors cannot provide the care that many patients require because the whores (MDs and bean counters) at the insurance company do not want to spend money for neccesary patient care because it cuts into their bonuses and profitability....

You see, they're already paying themselves massive amounts of money on perks, junkets and lavish amenities and they have to cut corners somewhere to please the shareholders.... So they cut where they must cut... your patient care.....

You can't get the healthcare you need because of corporate greed.... Period.

Insurance companies and their executives (and for their complicity- maybe even a few doctors) should all be taken out and shot down in the streets like rabid animals..... They are the white collared scum of the Earth.


Wow Tim, you are on a roll today. I agree with you AGAIN! I must be running a temperature.

Sorry about your problems bro. Good luck!
(Just now seeing this thread!!! :eek:)

Tim said it best. I think doctors and medical insurance companies should F'd in da butt by Bubbles in Cell Block 18. :mad:

Bro. I hope get your gall bladder out quickly and you have a speedy recovery. You know I got your back if you need anything. :rock:
I would jump in here but I will just let you guys vent...

Django, "PPO providers" is redundant.

But Hillary had an approach to resolve much of what is causing the problems.:D
ya'll talkin government or med. system??????????
its like when i went to emergency room with my busted up leg ,,i hada knot on it as big as a grapefruit ,and a chunk as big as a beer can missing out of it,doc walks in and looks at it and says WHATS WRONG ,,,if i was not crippled up and could not walk or run ,i would of put my #12,s up his ass ,,he tells me i need to calm down ,then said why i did not go to my reg doctor ,,,i looked at him and said YOU DUMB ASS FOOL TELL ME WHAT DOCTOR HAS HIS OFFICE OPEN ON A SUNDAY MORNING ,,,then he looks at this huge purple knot and says DOES IT HURT :congrats:mind you i have real good insurance too ,,i think he acted like i was bothering him coming in !
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Ironhead said:
its like when i went to emergency room with my busted up leg ,,i hada knot on it as big as a grapefruit ,and a chunk as big as a beer can missing out of it,doc walks in and looks at it and says WHATS WRONG ,,,if i was not crippled up and could not walk or run ,i would of put my #12,s up his ass ,,he tells me i need to calm down ,then said why i did not go to my reg doctor ,,,i looked at him and said YOU DUMB ASS FOOL TELL ME WHAT DOCTOR HAS HIS OFFICE OPEN ON A SUNDAY MORNING ,,,then he looks at this huge purple knot and says DOES IT HURT :congrats:mind you i have real good insurance too ,,i think he acted like i was bothering him coming in !

Hippocrates (c. 460–c. 370 B.C.). The Oath and Law of Hippocrates.
The Harvard Classics. 1909–14.

The Oath of Hippocrates

I SWEAR by Apollo the physician and Æsculapius, and Health, and All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation—to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my parents, to share my substance with him, and relieve his necessities if required; to look upon his offspring in the same footing as my own brothers, and to teach them this Art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or stipulation; and that by precept, lecture, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the Art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to disciples bound by a stipulation and oath according to the law of medicine, but to none others. I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion. With purity and with holiness I will pass my life and practice my Art. I will not cut persons labouring under the stone, but will leave this to be done by men who are practitioners of this work. Into whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption; and, further, from the seduction of females or males, of freemen and slaves. Whatever, in connection with my professional practice, or not in connection with it, I see or hear, in the life of men, which ought not to be spoken of abroad, I will not divulge, as reckoning that all such should be kept secret. While I continue to keep this Oath unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the Art, respected by all men, in all times. But should I trespass and violate this Oath, may the reverse be my lot.

I hope you get the treatment you need in a timely manner-insurance companies do suck, and it stinks being on the other end of the health care system. Keep in mind though, sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the oil. In the meantime, no fatty foods for your gallbladder!:p
Get well soon, you're on the prayer list
"Imo this is why the ER is so packed all the time it might have cost me 75.00 and I would not have a gall bladder and be fine."

You are somewhat correct. I encounter patients in the ER on a regular basis, that cannot get any satisfaction from their primary care provider, and they turn to us as a last resort. But, the truth is, 80-90% of what I see, is a bunch of horse shit. The majority of patients have state funded insurance, or they are self pay (no pay). They use (abuse) us as their primary care. I pull a history on every patient I see, and it is seldom that I have one, that hasn't been to the ER multiple times in the current year. I have had to go to the ER myself, for lacerations and fractures, but I have never had the opportunity to carpool there with my friends or relatives, that just happen to need to go as well. I see this almost daily, and it gripes my ass. If we didn't have to wade through all these bastards to get to the people that really need help, the ER wouldn't be as packed as it is.

Don't get me wrong. I know there are people out there with state funded insurance that need it, and there are uninsured people out there that will pay there bill. I am more than happy to care for these folks, and I have been in their shoes, but they are few and far between. For the most part, we have to cater to a bunch of assholes that are being handed everything. Heaven forbid you don't write a script for some lortab, percocet, morphine, etc. If you don't, then they file a complaint about the care you provided, and you have to provide a written response. I have better shit to do!

Anyway... had you come to see me in the ER, I would have sent you to a surgeon, and you would be gallbladder-less by now. It shouldn't be so damn complicated, and you shouldn't be bounced around so much. I would be pretty pissed!

Sorry for the rant, but my wife is out of town, and the Southern Comfort is kickin' in. I can't wait till she gets back, so I'll have to straighten up.:D
TravPA06 said:
"Imo this is why the ER is so packed all the time it might have cost me 75.00 and I would not have a gall bladder and be fine."

You are somewhat correct. I encounter patients in the ER on a regular basis, that cannot get any satisfaction from their primary care provider, and they turn to us as a last resort. But, the truth is, 80-90% of what I see, is a bunch of horse shit. The majority of patients have state funded insurance, or they are self pay (no pay). They use (abuse) us as their primary care. I pull a history on every patient I see, and it is seldom that I have one, that hasn't been to the ER multiple times in the current year. I have had to go to the ER myself, for lacerations and fractures, but I have never had the opportunity to carpool there with my friends or relatives, that just happen to need to go as well. I see this almost daily, and it gripes my ass. If we didn't have to wade through all these bastards to get to the people that really need help, the ER wouldn't be as packed as it is.

Don't get me wrong. I know there are people out there with state funded insurance that need it, and there are uninsured people out there that will pay there bill. I am more than happy to care for these folks, and I have been in their shoes, but they are few and far between. For the most part, we have to cater to a bunch of assholes that are being handed everything. Heaven forbid you don't write a script for some lortab, percocet, morphine, etc. If you don't, then they file a complaint about the care you provided, and you have to provide a written response. I have better shit to do!

Anyway... had you come to see me in the ER, I would have sent you to a surgeon, and you would be gallbladder-less by now. It shouldn't be so damn complicated, and you shouldn't be bounced around so much. I would be pretty pissed!

Sorry for the rant, but my wife is out of town, and the Southern Comfort is kickin' in. I can't wait till she gets back, so I'll have to straighten up.:D

PAs and NPs are so much better at patient care than doctors it isn't even a contest.....

I respect y'all tremendously and have always enjoyed great relationships with PAs and NPs.

I know, I know..."we're just doing our jobs...." ;)

I'm just a nurse but her is my opinion. There is a reason why physician's call it a medical practice. It's not perfect and they are still practicing. In todays market, law suits cost MD's a great deal so they are afraid to make a mistake, better if it someone else and don't forget the hospitals. If an MD makes a mistake its someone's life. Sorry not a great answer but it's the fact of life in the medical field. Not one of us is perfect and the cost of malpractice is out of sight. More and more MD's don't want to take the risk, so they are getting out of business. If they are bad that's great, but we are losing some good ones too. Hope this helps and once the gallbladder is gone, you'll feel better.
ViperJeff said:
I'm just a nurse but her is my opinion. There is a reason why physician's call it a medical practice. It's not perfect and they are still practicing. In todays market, law suits cost MD's a great deal so they are afraid to make a mistake, better if it someone else and don't forget the hospitals. If an MD makes a mistake its someone's life. Sorry not a great answer but it's the fact of life in the medical field. Not one of us is perfect and the cost of malpractice is out of sight. More and more MD's don't want to take the risk, so they are getting out of business. If they are bad that's great, but we are losing some good ones too. Hope this helps and once the gallbladder is gone, you'll feel better.

What do you mean...just a nurse???:dontknow: You guys are the backbone of every healthcare establishment! Without you, we couldn't function. My wife is a pediatric nurse, and sometimes I have to call her with peds questions. She is awesome!:D

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