Traveling banner intrest

Is a traveling banner a good idea ?

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Full Access Member
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Haunting your soul
Jimi had a great idea that I would like to start...I say we should all chip in a few bucks and purchase another VTCOA banner. This banner however would be different. It will be a traveling banner that would be sent to every SUPPORTING member on the site...We could see if Jack and/or Patrick could get another made and since their are members 1-2 respectively they could sign it after it's made and send it to member #3 if he or she is a supporting member for them to sign and so on. We could elect 1 person as custodian to accept monies via pay pal ect...and should the need arise that the next person in line needs help with shipping costs, tap the coffers to help send it to the next guy.

This I believe would enhance the brotherhood in a couple ways...It brings the people who can never make the GTG's closer to the ones who can. It would also be a big builder of comrodery...I Like this idea alot and I thank Jimi for mentioning something that has been in my head for a couple years now..Yeah referring to the NFFF guys...I proposed the same idea there to and was not taken serious :mad: I hope every member on site See's this thread and those who are still on the fence will become a supporting member. This place is like no other on the net guys and I would like to include everyone. I hope that I get some support from the masses and people get on board with this...Yeah I know I am starting a thread that is in the General section :eek: But I believe that this is important for all of us....Become a supporting member today and be part of history....our history :D I know we have people on site that own shipping businesses like ;) Whazzup maybe he could help :confused: I am not trying to throw peep's under the bus by mentioning their names...Just using an example...

When we hold the big GTG's the banner must be shipped to the location so all may have the chance...I don't know gimme some ideas guys :rock: I am going to start by adding my name and those that are interested please add your name to the list..If enough of us do that maybe we can make this happen...Love all you guys....Let's have some fun :rock:
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Those intrested please cut and paste your name and add it to this list !

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TheSickness said:
Those intrested please cut and paste your name and add it to this list !

I would like to add to Mikey's thoughts.

I don't think we should concentrate on Member # other than 1 and 2. Lets get it to the places where multiple people can show up. Should save on time and expenses
I've only been on here for a little do i become a supporting member? Tell me and consider it done...The info i've learned here is worth whatever the price is.;)
TheSickness said:
:D ............:p Getting slow Jeffy :p


You got me by a second or two :eek:
Thank for the link guys! I'll be signing up when i get home from work!:burnout:

And the banner idea rocks:rock:
Good idea...but I would like to buy one of my own too!
