Truck Seatbelt Law Signed

Jhazephae said:
I am not anti seat belts, I just feel it's a person's choice. But I strongly feel truck's seat belts should be regulated to make sure that they are accommodating to women as well as men.
ok lets look at this from a different point of view....lets just not think that it only affects you if you wear a seatbelt ..... you become a projectile inside the vehicle ..... if you had kids in the the car they would get buckled up no questions asked? right? You buckle them up and you are not buckled up you (your BODY...) now puts there life at risk.....the same could be said if your riding by yourself...if you get ejected,.. a van (full of nuns and catholic school children)swerves to miss your flying body hits a telephone pole blows up and burns them all alive ..... thats not your fault just asking you do look at it from a different perspective
505'sFastestViper. said:
ok lets look at this from a different point of view....lets just not think that it only affects you if you wear a seatbelt ..... you become a projectile inside the vehicle ..... if you had kids in the the car they would get buckled up no questions asked? right? You buckle them up and you are not buckled up you (your BODY...) now puts there life at risk.....the same could be said if your riding by yourself...if you get ejected,.. a van (full of nuns and catholic school children)swerves to miss your flying body hits a telephone pole blows up and burns them all alive ..... thats not your fault just asking you do look at it from a different perspective
I'll be sure to stay out of GA....
Jhazephae said:
:mad: I don't get why people have to make laws pertaining to someone else's safety and common sense. Just so much control! It's freaking annoying. It's MY life that is in jeopardy if I decide not to wear my seatbelt.
Plus, I have seen the high level of complaints pertaining to seat belts in trucks being the same length as those in vehicles. They don't account for the fact that the seats sit up much higher than a car, plus the fact that WOMEN HAVE BREASTS!!! I don't want my "girls" getting all uncomfortably mashed up (though my fiance don't mind the view). I have even read where women who drive trucks while in treatment for breast cancer endure excruciating pain b/c the seat belt doesn't have comfortable length. If you *ssholes want to approve laws atleast make the automotive industry responsible for making seat belts with WOMEN in mind, sh*t we drive trucks too!!! :congrats:
P.S. No offense, but after viewing the movie "Fight Club", men can have big breasts, too.

Couldn't agree more. Guess who is responsible for this kind of legislation....the insurance lobby!!!! They don't want their money exposed! And if you splash yourself or your kid against the windshield they have to pay more for ya :D :D :D :D :D
Nobody said it wasn't a good idea to wear a seat belt, it's just the idea that now they can MAKE you do it. When I was in high school seat belts were a novelty!!! And that wasn't THAT long ago!
Should be a personal choice, first thing I did was get rid of that stupid bell that goes off when your not wearing one. Freedom rocks
The law doesn't MAKE you do just have to be ready to pay if you don't follow it. If ya don't wear it fine, if ya speed, fine...etc. But don't bitch when you A. Get stopped, or B. Get hurt, or worse.
505'sFastestViper. said:
ok lets look at this from a different point of view....lets just not think that it only affects you if you wear a seatbelt ..... you become a projectile inside the vehicle ..... if you had kids in the the car they would get buckled up no questions asked? right? You buckle them up and you are not buckled up you (your BODY...) now puts there life at risk.....the same could be said if your riding by yourself...if you get ejected,.. a van (full of nuns and catholic school children)swerves to miss your flying body hits a telephone pole blows up and burns them all alive ..... thats not your fault just asking you do look at it from a different perspective

Your view isnt any different from what has already been stated? I WEAR my seatbelt. I purchased an extender to make sure if I was involved in an accident my breasts would have a less likely chance of being cut or severed off. It's not about our safety it's about the insurance companies wallet b/c if it was about safety EVERY state would require a motorcyclist to wear a helmet. Right? I don't have kids but I have ride my nieces and nephews and I wear it b/c I want them to see it as a everyday habit. But like I said if a person doesn't want to wear one, does making a law changes that? B/c it's against the law to speed but can all of u say u don't occassionally speed? That's a law too, right? That's abt safety too, right?
I think we should be able to grow and smoke as much green as we want, same with shrooms, drive as fast as we want on the freeway in the fastlane, and smoke a monticristo on the beach if we want. The seatbelt thing tho... if some asswipe swerves into my lane and head-on's me... it would suck if his ass came thru my windshield. I do see your point tho. It seems as if everything is being regulated these days and being a Barry Goldwater type conservative... it would be nice if a few thing were left up to us to decide.

You might try finding a car that fits you better (or move to New Hampshire). Not every car is going to fit every person perfectly. We've had the law here for years. I'm sure lots of people thew a fit when they first introduced speed limits and traffic signals. Do you disagree with every vehicle safety law or just this particular one? My kids used to complain that their child seats were uncomfortable too. Luckily I did not give them the choice to take them off.

I understand your point about whether government has a right to force us into taking care of ourselves. I just happen to agree with this particular rule and so this is one battle I would choose not to argue against.

If the government tried to make it illegal to to drink Rockstar, I'll be at the head of that fight.


Jhazephae said:
Dumb*ss if you actually read my statement, u would realize that I'm not ANTI seatbelts. I'm ANTI making it a law, at what point does adulthood means being an adult and being responsible for urself. I understand the importance of a seatbelt. Hell do u think making it a law going to change a person's mind about wearing one?? All it does is make a person hurry up and try and put it on when they see a cop. It's just like speeding, u know the limit and most people don't abide by it until they see a cop. But speeding results in possible hurting some else as well, so I ALWAYS go the speed limit or no more than 5miles over. Plus I have an issue with the fact that law makers haven't enforced the automotive industry to make sure that trucks have a woman in mind. If you take the time to review the complaints entered by women truck drivers (with larger sized breasts) pertaining to the level of discomfort and pain they endure b/c the seat belt sits too tight along their breats maybe u would understand my view. My view is instead of making a law to tell me to wear a seatbelt, how about making sure the seat belts are regulated properly. I work for one of the top 3 auto insurance companies so I know the effect of wearing a too tight seatbelt as well as w/o wearing one.
P.S I am a female, so I don't like when some feels the need to say that someone needs to bring some1 physical harm over their own decisions in life. i.e That's how abortion doctors, homosexuals, lesbians, and many others get
hurt. That's why I let it be known anyone especially a male touches me in a harmful manner, they won't live to speak of it. I have zero tolerence to it.
AWDisuzu said:

You might try finding a car that fits you better (or move to New Hampshire). Not every car is going to fit every person perfectly. We've had the law here for years. I'm sure lots of people thew a fit when they first introduced speed limits and traffic signals. Do you disagree with every vehicle safety law or just this particular one? My kids used to complain that their child seats were uncomfortable too. Luckily I did not give them the choice to take them off.

I understand your point about whether government has a right to force us into taking care of ourselves. I just happen to agree with this particular rule and so this is one battle I would choose not to argue against.

If the government tried to make it illegal to to drink Rockstar, I'll be at the head of that fight.


I have 4 cars ('06 Stratus, 86 Cutlass, 92 IROC and 77 El camino) and my truck. Like I stated, I bought me an extender for my front seats b/c I want to make sure that my friends are comfortable. If they don't need it then all is well. Like I stated I am not anti seat belts for the 100th time, I am anti making it a law. B/c if a person don't want to do something do u really feel making it a law really will stop them? No? People speed everyday day, all day, but it's so hypocritical of people to say it's stupid not to wear a belt/oh there should be a law against it. But all that argue for seat belts, how many of you abide by the speed limits along the road ways? How many of you have gotten tickets for speeding? People speed all day long even though it's a law but here I get, oh you should be slapped if you don't wear a seat belt. The next time any of you get a speeding ticket think about all the statements you made on here, and realize just how much of an *ss and hypocrite you are. You don't think speeding jeopardizes other motorists' lives. The seatbelt law is a common sense law, and if it was about safety, then again why aren't motorcyclist required to wear helmets in all states? It's never truly about safety. Give me a break...It's just like making weed illegal when it's apart of earth, you don't have to do anything to it but pick it and roll it. There isn't any study that shows it causes death. But cigarettes and alcohol causes millions of deaths each year but it's legal. There are several ingredients to those killer products that make them unnatural but the government hasn't put a stop to that. Second hand smoke kills just as well as firsthand. It's never been about our safety. It's all about MONEY/THE BIG PROFITS. You can't make a profit or regulate something that is naturally grown. I don't fall for the hype. I don't need a law to order me to do something that involves making a wise decision, it's like telling us we aren't intelligent enough so let me handcuff your hand. I know they don't give a d*mn about the small fish in the big pond. Too much shady things done for me to believe that.:boring:
Jhazephae said:
I have 4 cars ('06 Stratus, 86 Cutlass, 92 IROC and 77 El camino) and my truck. Like I stated, I bought me an extender for my front seats b/c I want to make sure that my friends are comfortable. If they don't need it then all is well. Like I stated I am not anti seat belts for the 100th time, I am anti making it a law. B/c if a person don't want to do something do u really feel making it a law really will stop them? No? People speed everyday day, all day, but it's so hypocritical of people to say it's stupid not to wear a belt/oh there should be a law against it. But all that argue for seat belts, how many of you abide by the speed limits along the road ways? How many of you have gotten tickets for speeding? People speed all day long even though it's a law but here I get, oh you should be slapped if you don't wear a seat belt. The next time any of you get a speeding ticket think about all the statements you made on here, and realize just how much of an *ss and hypocrite you are. You don't think speeding jeopardizes other motorists' lives. The seatbelt law is a common sense law, and if it was about safety, then again why aren't motorcyclist required to wear helmets in all states? It's never truly about safety. Give me a break...It's just like making weed illegal when it's apart of earth, you don't have to do anything to it but pick it and roll it. There isn't any study that shows it causes death. But cigarettes and alcohol causes millions of deaths each year but it's legal. There are several ingredients to those killer products that make them unnatural but the government hasn't put a stop to that. Second hand smoke kills just as well as firsthand. It's never been about our safety. It's all about MONEY/THE BIG PROFITS. You can't make a profit or regulate something that is naturally grown. I don't fall for the hype. I don't need a law to order me to do something that involves making a wise decision, it's like telling us we aren't intelligent enough so let me handcuff your hand. I know they don't give a d*mn about the small fish in the big pond. Too much shady things done for me to believe that.:boring:

If you do not want laws you need to go where there are no laws. Or get involved politically to oppose the passage of laws or perhaps the deletion of those laws that you do not feel are appropriate. While it is fashionable to oppose over-regulation, few take the actions necessary to inhibit the passage of onerous political actions. Take on this issue and make it right if you feel so strongly. How many letters have you written to your state representative? How often have you visited their office to express your opinion?

I have no problem with your opposition, you are entitled to express and have your opinion...but talk is something!

While I think your position is based on spurious rationale your opposition seems to be sincere, (I have not asked but I bet my wife would agree with some of your points about comfort) try to get an appointment with the sponsoring legislators...and listen to their reasons...then express your would be a great experience and might lead to getting something done to address your issue!

I love it when people get a burr under their saddle...I want more people to get involved in the process early or take the appropriate actions to get things exposed and considered.

You are going to be a great addition to this forum!!!
Damn! Chill out Hot Plate!

I agree, I don't like any more govt. involvement in my life than bare minimum.
There are fundamental flaws with your complaint though.
1. All vehicles are made with "one size fits all" belts.
2. Should car manufacturers offer a belt size for...
a. women
b. dwarfs
c. fat people
d. tall people
etc, etc, etc.

And if they did offer custom sizes, would you be willing to pay the money?
You might, but most people would opt out.

You call people hypocritical, yet you want MORE govt. regulation on private industry.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. :D