Well....... here we go.


Full Access Member
May 20, 2006
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On the dark side of the road
Mr. Obama did it, he made history. Congratulations to him, his family, and the African-American citizens of this great Nation. Enjoy your night, sir. I'm not voting for you, but this night, you deserve it.

Black1 said:
Mr. Obama did it, he made history. Congratulations to him, his family, and the African-American citizens of this great Nation. Enjoy your night, sir. I'm not voting for you, but this night, you deserve it.


Ya, too bad it won't even begin to encourge the likes of Farrakhan to stfu.

Congrats, B-HO

Whether Obama was the victor or not, history would have been made regardless. I still say McCain is going to be our new commander and chief... Meaning we our nation's issues will probably remain the same, EXCEPT we'll have a hot first lady.
I need to correct myself here.. It's commander IN chief... I was in a hurry and didn't realize I typed that wrong. Now I feel like I did my patriotic duty today. Thanks for pointing the out OC.:D
Go Obama!

From an outside view of America, Obama seems good, everyone has their faults but to me, in my opinion, Obama is real. Cain banks on patriotism and all the typical corny crap to get his votes using guns and war to get voters who can't put their patriotism aside and vote on what they see fit. "Do you love USA!!!! Then vote for me!!!!!!" "OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!" :boring:

This isn't for all Cain supporters of course. Obama is change and in my opinion speaks from his heart, not his pocket or head. Cain will just be another 4 years of the same old same old. Looking at the past of Mr Bush, that is not good. I guess in hindsight, it would be good if the American public had more of a choice. Outside of the US, most feel Mr Obamas skin should never have been, or be, an issue. It's skin colour - nothing more. Period.

Some of the American people and press treat him life another species - just sad. When history is being made, I can see why the "fuss" but at the end of the day, get over it already. Mr Obama said it best. I'm not a black candidate but a candidate who just happens to be black. Go Obama I say. America needs change and better direction. Bush was and is a joke.

My 0.02c - A view from abroad. ;)
Carlwalski said:
Go Obama!

From an outside view of America, Obama seems good, everyone has their faults but to me, in my opinion, Obama is real. Cain banks on patriotism and all the typical corny crap to get his votes using guns and war to get voters who can't put their patriotism aside and vote on what they see fit. "Do you love USA!!!! Then vote for me!!!!!!" "OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!" :boring:

This isn't for all Cain supporters of course. Obama is change and in my opinion speaks from his heart, not his pocket or head. Cain will just be another 4 years of the same old same old. Looking at the past of Mr Bush, that is not good. I guess in hindsight, it would be good if the American public had more of a choice. Outside of the US, most feel Mr Obamas skin should never have been, or be, an issue. It's skin colour - nothing more. Period.

Some of the American people and press treat him life another species - just sad. When history is being made, I can see why the "fuss" but at the end of the day, get over it already. Mr Obama said it best. I'm not a black candidate but a candidate who just happens to be black. Go Obama I say. America needs change and better direction. Bush was and is a joke.

My 0.02c - A view from abroad. ;)

:congrats: Well spoken..
I always cherish views from other parts of the World. We (Americans) sometimes forget there IS a whole other world out there. Thanks for voicing your opinion, Carl. :congrats:

There is a MONUMENTAL struggle within American people right now. We have a specific Bill of Rights ("that shall not be infringed").... This document is the single most important piece of paper from this Nation. It is what keeps us "free". Some of the more "progressive" folks in government (both Liberal and Conservative) want to change (read: infringe upon) this document. People are afraid our freedom is at stake, with some of these folks in power. .... It's very complicated... I don't understand it fully.

Again, thanks for a fresh point of view. :)
You're welcome guys. ;) I'm not into big debates online, especially politics but feel "safe" on this forum expressing myself lol.
I just hope YOU (the American people) get the President YOU want because at the end of the day, that's what it's all about.

Carlwalski said:
I just hope YOU (the American people) get the President YOU want because at the end of the day, that's what it's all about.


Well, that is part of the problem... over the last few decades, most people have found themselves voting AGAINST someone, instead of voting FOR someone. It's always been about "the lesser of two evils". :( I do find it very interesting, that so many people seem to be rallying FOR Mr. Obama (10's of thousands of people at his speeches). Like I said, I won't vote for him.... but, it does make me happy to see someone actually voting FOR someone. Like you said, that is the way it should be.
Carlwalski said:
Go Obama!

From an outside view of America, Obama seems good, everyone has their faults but to me, in my opinion, Obama is real. Cain banks on patriotism and all the typical corny crap to get his votes using guns and war to get voters who can't put their patriotism aside and vote on what they see fit. "Do you love USA!!!! Then vote for me!!!!!!" "OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!" :boring:

This isn't for all Cain supporters of course. Obama is change and in my opinion speaks from his heart, not his pocket or head. Cain will just be another 4 years of the same old same old. Looking at the past of Mr Bush, that is not good. I guess in hindsight, it would be good if the American public had more of a choice. Outside of the US, most feel Mr Obamas skin should never have been, or be, an issue. It's skin colour - nothing more. Period.

Some of the American people and press treat him life another species - just sad. When history is being made, I can see why the "fuss" but at the end of the day, get over it already. Mr Obama said it best. I'm not a black candidate but a candidate who just happens to be black. Go Obama I say. America needs change and better direction. Bush was and is a joke.

My 0.02c - A view from abroad. ;)

:congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

I believe its time for us "Americans" to forget about what party you belong to and go out and vote for the smartest person on the ballett. Iv'e listened to all the candiates and Obama is getting my vote.
Very well said Carl!!

I won't vote for Obama either, and that is based on a few things that I have read and/or heard about him, it has nothing to do with color, race or even religion (outright).

Unfortunately, if he puts Hilldawg on the ballot, I fear our next term will be Democratic not Republican.... Universal Health Care here we come.... (Boooooooo)
Black1 said:
Mr. Obama did it, he made history. Congratulations to him, his family, and the African-American citizens of this great Nation. Enjoy your night, sir. I'm not voting for you, but this night, you deserve it.


St. Peter was at the Pearly Gates checking up on the people
waiting to enter Heaven.

He asked the next one in line, 'So, who are you, and what did
you do on Earth?'

The fellow said, 'I'm Barack Obama and I was the first
black to be elected president of the United States.'

St. Peter said, 'The U.S.? A black President? You gotta be
kidding me! When did this happen?'

Obama said,
'About twenty minutes ago.'

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I really hope some goofy bastard doesn't kill him...

1. I went through a race riot. It was no fun. And the riots that would cause would be largest in history.... Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Miami, New York, and LA would be reduced to cinders.

2. Our gun rights would vaporize... instantly.

3. I kinda like the guy... :eek:
AFRICAN AMERICAN,,,,,,,,,,,,what happen to plain old AMERICAN. your eaither all American or not. Obama will be the death of this country. At least McCain served his country. We know where he came from and he is just American ,,,,I have never heard him say " I am Anglo American".

THUMBS DOWN TO OBAMA. I hope he never makes it
Black1 said:
I really hope some goofy bastard doesn't kill him...

1. I went through a race riot. It was no fun. And the riots that would cause would be largest in history.... Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Miami, New York, and LA would be reduced to cinders.

2. Our gun rights would vaporize... instantly.

3. I kinda like the guy... :eek:

I too was around during the 60's race riots and the Rodney King crap here in Atlanta.

Have you noticed that these idiots tear their own areas up?

During the Rodney King incident there were about 50-75 of these

scum that will never realize that had they proceeded another few yards

in my direction they would have been slaughtered.

It is time these morons realize that there are some heavily armed, highly

trained individuals left in this country who are fed up with their crap.:rock:
AFRICAN AMERICAN,,,,,,,,,,,,what happen to plain old AMERICAN. your eaither all American or not. Obama will be the death of this country. At least McCain served his country. We know where he came from and he is just American ,,,,I have never heard him say " I am Anglo American".

THUMBS DOWN TO OBAMA. I hope he never makes it

sorry just had to say again if anybody votes for that Muslim Racist they deserve what they get. You really think that that was the first time his racist preacher preached against whites,,,,,excuse me "Anglo Americans".
stick said:
AFRICAN AMERICAN,,,,,,,,,,,,what happen to plain old AMERICAN. your eaither all American or not. Obama will be the death of this country. At least McCain served his country. We know where he came from and he is just American ,,,,I have never heard him say " I am Anglo American".

THUMBS DOWN TO OBAMA. I hope he never makes it

I agree with you. I heard him make a comment on a radio show a few months ago where he said "when america catches a cold, black america catches phnemonia". Right then and there, I knew what kind of racial president he might be. I don't agree with all of McCain's policy views but I will not vote for a racial president. It is my opinion that the white american male is discriminated against the most today.
between his wifes comments and his religious affiliations I am concerned for what he is actually saying when he is not stumping. I don't care what reasons people provide for voting for him it is because of his pigmentation, period. He hasn't been doing any job long enough to form any substantive views on what is good or bad, right or wrong.
i'm a registered democrat,i'll be voting for mccain since my vote didnt count for shit in the primary election

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