Well....... here we go.

The only reason Hillary will be added to the ticket is an attempt to get Obama as many liberal votes as possible. Individually they both scare the hell out of me and together we are in deep doo doo.

I'm going to vacation in Mexico, then when my vacation is over I'm going to sneak back in and get the freebe's cause it only going to get worse, or better depending on your vantage point if these two get in.
Didnt you guys lose your right to bear arms??....just a view from hind site..;)
Yup, you're quite correct. You're allowed hunting rifles with a permit but the laws are strict, for good reason as our deaths related by guns statistics show (zilch). Apart from that, that is it. Thank goodness too, I don't need or feel threatened with everyone in the street owning rifle(s) or gun(s) and they're aren't easily accessible compared to in the US. God gave me fists and a will, if I die from someone (the 1 in 50,000+ people who may own a gun illegally in NZ) I die proud. You won't catch me with a gun. With or without laws. ;)

Again, from outside the US, the US is looked upon as gun happy or "gun crazy". So quick to run to the gun cabinet. When you have guys with guns running around everywhere I guess the need for a gun to protect yourself is quite necessary, down here the only major threat is some plonker with a baseball bat or knife. In the odd "late breaking news story of the year!" a gun lol. Original poster: Sorry for going off topic, just responding to a question. :eek:
I hope Obama wins, he's got my vote :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: Hope he sticks it to the rich guys for a change :marchmellow: :marchmellow:
TheSickness said:
I hope Obama wins, he's got my vote :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: Hope he sticks it to the rich guys for a change :marchmellow: :marchmellow:

that would be nice...but he is one of those rich guys, doubt that will be happening...like i said, you probably will see alot of the rich getting richer and the free handouts to continue..all on the middle working class' back.
wheredwhogo? said:
that would be nice...but he is one of those rich guys, doubt that will be happening...like i said, you probably will see alto of the rich getting richer and the free handouts to continue..all on the middle working class' back.
That's the way it's always happened isn't it :confused: :D I do doubt that there are very many middle to lower class citizens on this site as well. So few will relate to your post. As far as entitlements go well thank the Jackass that wanted a Chicken in every pot.....There are far fewer today then there has been in 60 years. There is no such thing as a poor politician anyways. I know this. I have educated myself on the candidates, I am making a decision that is informed and un biased in any way. Can't say the same holds true for those that have posted in this thread and a few others like it. Too each his own though. :D
Carlwalski said:
Yup, you're quite correct. You're allowed hunting rifles with a permit but the laws are strict, for good reason as our deaths related by guns statistics show (zilch). Apart from that, that is it. Thank goodness too, I don't need or feel threatened with everyone in the street owning rifle(s) or gun(s) and they're aren't easily accessible compared to in the US. God gave me fists and a will, if I die from someone (the 1 in 50,000+ people who may own a gun illegally in NZ) I die proud. You won't catch me with a gun. With or without laws. ;)

Again, from outside the US, the US is looked upon as gun happy or "gun crazy". So quick to run to the gun cabinet. When you have guys with guns running around everywhere I guess the need for a gun to protect yourself is quite necessary, down here the only major threat is some plonker with a baseball bat or knife. In the odd "late breaking news story of the year!" a gun lol. Original poster: Sorry for going off topic, just responding to a question. :eek:

1. The U.S.A. would not exist but for the private ownership of firearms.

2. The axis powers in the last century decided that it would not be wise to

invade the U.S.A. because of the high percentage of firearms ownership

by the majority of the population.

3. People have been slaughtering each other long before firearms were ever

invented, the majority of assaults being commited by blunt force,

(empty handed or with a club, ball bat, tire tool etc.),strangulation,

or edged weapons. The firearm unlike any of the other

is the only device known that can give the average person a realistic

chance of defending themselves against any attacker. We have a

saying here in the U.S.A. that "God created man and Colt made them

equal". One of our founding fathers I believe Thomas Jefferson wrote

"Laws which debar the possession of arms affect only those who neither

commit, nor are inclined to commit crimes", or words to that effect,

and if you study the statistics on violent crime vs restrictive gun laws

in this country you will see that his statement is true, even though

uttered 200+ years ago.

4. It is senseless to compare the U.S.A. with any other country because

the concept that each citizen is a totally free and independant

individual and that the govn't should only exist to protect and defend

that concept, is unique and would probably not be understood by any

person not born and educated in the U. S. A. ie. If our govn't becomes oppressive or tyrannical I

will do what I can here to try and correct the problem, not flee to some other country.

5. My apologies if I am off topic or offended anyone.:p
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TheSickness said:
I hope Obama wins, he's got my vote :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: Hope he sticks it to the rich guys for a change :marchmellow: :marchmellow:

MR.Sickness I am not trying to be a smart ass, and these questions apply to

anyone with the same feeling as you.

What is your definition of rich and just what is it that any so called

rich person ever done to harm you ?:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:
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supercar1of1 said:
MR.Sickness I am not trying to be a smart ass, and these questions apply to

anyone with the same feeling as you.

What is your definition of rich and just what is it that this or any so called

rich person ever done to harm you ?:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:
Dude I will abstain from comment :D It will only get me in trouble in the long run. Let's just put it this way.....Most not all, but most people that have money are Assholes. I have been on both ends of the spectrum so I speak from my own experiences ;) :D Hell I am poor and I am a Asshole so go figure :marchmellow:
TheSickness said:
Dude I will abstain from comment :D It will only get me in trouble in the long run. Let's just put it this way.....Most not all, but most people that have money are Assholes. I have been on both ends of the spectrum so I speak from my own experiences ;) :D Hell I am poor and I am a Asshole so go figure :marchmellow:

Very good response mikey:rock:
TheSickness said:
I walk a tight rope Bro you know that Hehehe....BTW WTF have you been Fredo and WTF is Mas :dontknow: :D

Well I been busy with this great new chick I met for like the last 6months and well I kind of lost interest in my truck but the payments havent lost interest in me:p I been busy hanging out on the Chevelle' forum trying to get my 70 Monte in the 12's .... As far Mas you got me, I lost his number and havent seen him or Brady on the Boards in the while:dontknow:
TheSickness said:
Dude I will abstain from comment :D It will only get me in trouble in the long run. Let's just put it this way.....Most not all, but most people that have money are Assholes. I have been on both ends of the spectrum so I speak from my own experiences ;) :D Hell I am poor and I am a Asshole so go figure :marchmellow:

Hey, I agree with you on your assessment I just do not understand why so

many people seem to wish harm on another because of a personality conflict

or the person is in a better financial position.:)
supercar1of1 said:
Hey, I agree with you on your assessment I just do not understand why so

many people seem to wish harm on another because of a personality conflict

or the person is in a better financial position.:)
I have nothing against anyone Bro....If you got money who cares ? I take people for what and who they are.....period ! Be humble and Love one another no matter the differences you may have socioeconomic, religion, race, creed, back round ect.....Makes no difference it's the content of ones character that you will be judged on in the end :D
FerrariTruck said:
Well I been busy with this great new chick I met for like the last 6months and well I kind of lost interest in my truck but the payments havent lost interest in me:p I been busy hanging out on the Chevelle' forum trying to get my 70 Monte in the 12's .... As far Mas you got me, I lost his number and havent seen him or Brady on the Boards in the while:dontknow:
Miss seeing you around Bro, nice to see you on again :rock: :rock:
TheSickness said:
I have nothing against anyone Bro....If you got money who cares ? I take people for what and who they are.....period ! Be humble and Love one another no matter the differences you may have socioeconomic, religion, race, creed, back round ect.....Makes no difference it's the content of ones character that you will be judged on in the end :D

After buying this truck and all the other I'm so broke I can't pay attention!!
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Just been a turd licker on this one...

The only thing I learned...quoting Togo:

'I have found the enemy and it is us.'

I too have added to my ignore list.

And while I am at it...the word American is always capitalized...
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wheredwhogo? said:
the only way your gonna see any changes are if your on either end of the spectrum. If your rich youll get richer..if your poor, youll keep getting handouts....the middle man will continue to work his ass off to support both ends.

:eek:Oh dang you're right..

ntw0rk said:
Sorry John, but I gotta say that this whole commentary by you sounds pretty racial. I know it's discreet, but from here it seems kind of racially slanted.

" Have you noticed that these idiots tear their own areas up?"
The idiots would be? 'their own areas' means what exactly?

Be very careful how you say things. I don't know if you are racist or not, and I really don't care, that's your business, but it has no place here.

For the record, you didn't offend me, I am not upset, merely trying to give due warning.

I don't believe John intended to offend anyone or sounded like a racist. And I don't believe he feels all Afro Americans are the same. I agree with his view on ignorance, which is the real key term I think he was addressing. Skin pigmentation is not at all a factor. Many of you know I'm a straight up minority of many world cultures and I sure can pass for a brutha if I wanted. But I'm a red-blooded American, period.. Born on Manhattan Island not far from GROUND ZERO. But like John I am also just fed up with how some people tear up their own communities to display their apparent anger. Many don't have anger at all. They just exploit a situation like a riot for a "get out of jail free" card to simply do what they wanted.. gain stuff for free.

I am all for a change from the old normal crap and policies our country has been subjected to. But I tell you all now if Obama takes his oath as United States president a whole new can of worms will be opened on society that I won't bother mentioning here as my endeavor to maintain respect for everyone and not offend anyone. All we can do is wait and watch and when what I feel will happen does, I'll just be interested to know what everyone thinks then. For a presidential candidate to differentiate between America and "Black America," I am not sure if that's the sort of attitude I am looking forward to running this ONE great nation.
How do you add someone to your ignore list? It's alittle off subject but what the hell.

I'm Kind of glad that Mr. Obama won, he is the easier of the two to beat. However, comma, here lately I've actually thought about not voting. See I believe that Obama and McCain are almost one in the same on alot of issues. Except one, and I care to much about the freedom of the Iraqi people and the Hope for Change in that part of the world to hand it over to someone who does not.

So I will hold my nose and vote McCain.

O and congrats on the whole first black candidate, although that never has been a issue for me. Heck If Obama was a conservative that held the values that I feel for this country, I'd vote for him as many times as the system would allow......................... but he is neigh.

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