What Does It Take???

Double posts only count to a Ho!
He was! Hey Mikey if you're out there you're still a douche! :D:D:p
If he is he’s loving that post .. maybe just maybe he will come on and get even hahaha
Is there even an Administrator still hahaha … SHAGGY WHERE ARE YOU ?
Well I just sent another message using the forum contact us feature. Will see if anyone replies this time
Me too!! Hahahaha

Maybe that's what he's hoping for :eek:
Well my protest sure didn’t work. I would really love to have all the tools I had years ago back so I could keep things as current as possible. I know now that I’m not trusted with anything more than super mod powers. So it may say admin, fake news, and so I’m just here to post, God forbid there are people waiting approval, no gravy, no grunt
If there are some waiting approval they will go by the wayside line the others.
HEMILonestar was supposed to do it, however, I bet he can’t see them. There is only 7893 of them and my bet is 7892 are bots, Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian and porn sites
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Well that's a lot of waiting!!