
Full Access Member
Mar 27, 2008
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I just returned from purchasing some cig's and milk.

The clerk made a mistake and only charged me $7.57, when the bill should have been $57.22.

I realized the mistake and had him re ring the correct amount.

This has occured several times over the years,(other times the clerks gave too much change) and I allways give the money back.

The reason I post this is because a friend of mine happened to be there also and gave me crap for not taking advantage of the situation saying the clerk needs to be taught a lesson and it wouldn't make that big a deal to the store.

He said I was a nerd for doing that, which is an extreme insult to me.:mad: :mad: :mad:

What is y'alls opinion.

First of all how much milk or cigs were you buying to bring the bill up so high? You need Mikey's Fry's discount card. Ask him about it. It's good enough to piss Tim off without a doubt.

To tell you the truth John, I would have done the same thing. Anyone that knows me well would testify to that. I for one believe that a God is watching me. So that is incentive enough for me to be a nerd right along with you. You did the right thing. Keep doing the right thing. Even if you see no return reward for it down the road, it still gives you that special feeling in your heart that you are indeed one of the good guys.
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You are going to get a bunch of mixed opinions...but most come down to morals VS life situation.

Most people consciousness would do the same as you did, but actions might not follow through. Also depends on the situation (not that I believe is an excuse AT ALL) but some in really bad situations might take that opportunity as there 'luck in a time of need' (which once again, I don't agree with).

My opinion you ask? I would have done the same thing you did...I believe what goes around comes around ;) You get repaid one way or another when its your time :) + you dont need to worry about your conscious.
You did the right thing.....
supercar1of1 said:

I just returned from purchasing some cig's and milk.

The clerk made a mistake and only charged me $7.57, when the bill should have been $57.22.

I realized the mistake and had him re ring the correct amount.

This has occured several times over the years,(other times the clerks gave too much change) and I allways give the money back.

The reason I post this is because a friend of mine happened to be there also and gave me crap for not taking advantage of the situation saying the clerk needs to be taught a lesson and it wouldn't make that big a deal to the store.

He said I was a nerd for doing that, which is an extreme insult to me.:mad: :mad: :mad:

What is y'alls opinion.


$7.57, when the bill should have been $57.22.
Why the big discrepancy :dontknow: You did the right thing:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Django said:
Get a better class of friend...........


:hmmmm: :hmmmm: :hmmmm: Yea, good point.:eek:

Maybe I should refer to him from now on as a person I know.:eek:
supercar1of1 said:

Thanks y'all, BTW 2 ctns of smokes here are 50+ bucks w/tax.

Looks like to me you need to kick the habit right along with the associates..:D
supercar1of1 said:

I just returned from purchasing some cig's and milk.

The clerk made a mistake and only charged me $7.57, when the bill should have been $57.22.

I realized the mistake and had him re ring the correct amount.

This has occured several times over the years,(other times the clerks gave too much change) and I allways give the money back.

The reason I post this is because a friend of mine happened to be there also and gave me crap for not taking advantage of the situation saying the clerk needs to be taught a lesson and it wouldn't make that big a deal to the store.

He said I was a nerd for doing that, which is an extreme insult to me.:mad: :mad: :mad:

What is y'alls opinion.


You did the RIGHT THING :rock: :rock: :rock: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:
I believe what goes around comes around, it is not so much that you are helping the clerk, you are also helping yourself. You could have walked and saved the $50, but I bet something would have came along and you lost it right back. Speeding ticket, vehicle problem, credit card late fee, ect. Thats how it works for me anyway, I try to be honest, and avoid bad "karma".

I have been in this situation in 2 seperate scenarios. Once in a big budget superstore and once in a small town, locally owned hardware store. And in the hardware store i was charged $70(and change) where it should have been $110 (give or take a couple bucks,) for some random tools and hardware. and without batting an eye i cleared up the mistake and paid full price to the local owner.
But when i was getting routine groceries at the city superstore and i was undercharged 10 dollars i graciously said thank you to the clerk and went on my way to the gas station down the street and gave that 10 bucks to the real thief... Shell gasoline!! I know it is morally wrong to not say anything but i believe sometimes a little break from a company/person who won't even notice it's gone, may be a blessing in it's own right.