Why so Crazy?


Full Access Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Alright I put this in the NON offensive section to try and keep it clean. Lately I log on to the forum and it sure doesn't seem like it use to. Economic times? I am not sure. But why is everone going after everyone? I guess I don't understand the Vendor issues and people attacking other people about their trucks, or what they do, or who the buy from.

The vendors here use to tell you where to buy parts if they didn't have it. Or somebody had it cheaper then them. Now its all about how "Mine" is better then his.

Personal attacks have come a way of life now. It use to be "hey how can I help ya" or advise given. Nope not anymore. Now its oh you are so stuck up his a#$. Or I hope your truck blows up.

Then some thing fly for some people and the same not for others.

It is becoming like 5th grade where everyone is down grading everyone else that is not in their "Group".

You know I beleive the point of the forum is so everyone has a common stomping ground to discuss and learn about the trucks. To make friends with the same intrests. I think sometimes we need to think before we type and follow the rules when we do and if we don't then leave. The rules of any forum are put in place for a reason and for everyone. I think that is how they should be followed by everyone.

Vendors are here to help us. And we are here to support them. They pay to be apart of the forum. Lord knows that we all have called the vendors wether it was Dan, Sean, Tony or Justin. and they helped us. Each one of them in their own style help us feed the mod bug. All are in "Competition" with each other. But all give us help. Thats what makes the world go round.

So I guess my little rant or venting is over. I hope that things change or I think that alot more people won't be here. I hope that it becomes a FAIR and FUN place to turn to for help and knowledge.

So with that said GOODNIGHT.:eek:
It's been Crazy :dontknow: :D
The good 'ole days are still here Mark just have to dig a little deeper for them. We still have a great group of members on this forum. The jackasses have always been here just getting a little more vocal. Some don't think that others have feelings apparently because most of there interaction is on a keyboard. Note how many of the big blowhards have been to a GTG.
There are still alot of good people on this site. Keep the faith and the aholes will sink to the bottom.
Families fight and bicker sometimes... it happens:dontknow: I think for how many members we have from all different backrounds, we do fairly well. We'd do better if it wasn't for all thr political BS, but that's the world we live in today.

The thing with the vendors... I think we all saw that coming. Some members are loyal to certain vendors, and there's nothing wrong with that. I buy just about everything from Tony. When vendors come out with products that are similar to other vendors products... it's natural for some people to get heated.

I didn't see where somebody said they hope somebody's truck blows up:confused: Unless you're talking about me and Sanqueen messing around... I hope not. Steve knows I would never wish something like that on him. My tranny is blown to hell:eek: You can talk shit, and I won't take offense... but I will come back at ya:D It's all in good fun.

We're gonna get into it with each other from time to time, no way to avoid that. I'm sure the added stress from the shitty economy and all the political stuff doesn't help with that, but 99% of the time it blows over and everybody remains friends:itsme:

Long live the VTCoA:rock: :rock: :rock:
LoveThisTruck said:
Families fight and bicker sometimes... it happens:dontknow: I think for how many members we have from all different backrounds, we do fairly well. We'd do better if it wasn't for all thr political BS, but that's the world we live in today.

The thing with the vendors... I think we all saw that coming. Some members are loyal to certain vendors, and there's nothing wrong with that. I buy just about everything from Tony. When vendors come out with products that are similar to other vendors products... it's natural for some people to get heated.

I didn't see where somebody said they hope somebody's truck blows up:confused: Unless you're talking about me and Sanqueen messing around... I hope not. Steve knows I would never wish something like that on him. My tranny is blown to hell:eek: You can talk shit, and I won't take offense... but I will come back at ya:D It's all in good fun.

We're gonna get into it with each other from time to time, no way to avoid that. I'm sure the added stress from the shitty economy and all the political stuff doesn't help with that, but 99% of the time it blows over and everybody remains friends:itsme:

Long live the VTCoA:rock: :rock: :rock:

I am not saying that there are not great people here. I have not met anyone that I have not liked. face to face. But it seem that certain people get finger happy and run all over other people when it comes to the forum. There is not one thing that I type that I would not say to you in person.

No I was not talking about you and Stephanie (Steve) LOL Talking Sh*T in fun is all part of it. Heated discussions IS going to happen. I am aware of that.

I am talking about the slandering of people/ products. Not the picking and playing. The first post that the new proud 10 owner shouldn't see is the bad mouthing of a vendor.

Loyalty to vendors I get it. But with you buying from Tony would get get on here and tell people that buy from Justin (JMB) that they are stuck up his a$$? No (I don't think) Justin sells top quality items. Just like Tony, Dan, Sean Just like every other vendor here. If they didn't I don't think that the higher up would let them be here.

You know maybe I am way out of line. I am not sure buy it seems that some people get away with alot more then others. I had to work alot and got back on to read all the bantering and slandering etc.... and nothing happening about it. Kinda pissed me off. If someone has a problem with somebody take it up in PM's.
GriffsSRT said:
I am not saying that there are not great people here. I have not met anyone that I have not liked. face to face. But it seem that certain people get finger happy and run all over other people when it comes to the forum. There is not one thing that I type that I would not say to you in person.

No I was not talking about you and Stephanie (Steve) LOL Talking Sh*T in fun is all part of it. Heated discussions IS going to happen. I am aware of that.

I am talking about the slandering of people/ products. Not the picking and playing. The first post that the new proud 10 owner shouldn't see is the bad mouthing of a vendor.

Loyalty to vendors I get it. But with you buying from Tony would get get on here and tell people that buy from Justin (JMB) that they are stuck up his a$$? No (I don't think) Justin sells top quality items. Just like Tony, Dan, Sean Just like every other vendor here. If they didn't I don't think that the higher up would let them be here.

You know maybe I am way out of line. I am not sure buy it seems that some people get away with alot more then others. I had to work alot and got back on to read all the bantering and slandering etc.... and nothing happening about it. Kinda pissed me off. If someone has a problem with somebody take it up in PM's.
I don't like the fact that you are younger and better looking than me!! Will be sending you a nasty PM...:D :D
Yea, seems like we all need to take a lesson from the Vendors, you don't see them stabbing each other in the back on the open forums, so why should we be compelled to on their behalf.

besides, the problem isn't the Vendors,
ViperJeff said:
Yea, seems like we all need to take a lesson from the Vendors, you don't see them stabbing each other in the back on the open forums, so why should we be compelled to on their behalf.

besides, the problem isn't the Vendors,

I'm not so sure about that one, my dear friend.

Personally, I blame Obama........... :D :aetsch: :itsme:

Django said:
I'm not so sure about that one, my dear friend.

Personally, I blame Obama........... :D :aetsch: :itsme:


OK, I was reaching a bit

and it can't be Obama's fault, he hasn't done anything yet, except :toilet:
ViperJeff said:
OK, I was reaching a bit

and it can't be Obama's fault, he hasn't done anything yet, except :toilet:

It IS his fault........ Ever since he was elected, everyone's been at each other's throats.... Trust me on this........

BTW......... Gary Virgin took more shit on this forum than any vendor in recent memory. I liked Gary.

But, I digress.........

Every vendor is gonna have service issues from time to time.... That's part of being in business. It's how you handle yer service errors that makes or breaks you as a provider of ANY kind'a service.

Then again, I'm no expert and there are variables in every circumstance. In this economy, there will always be scrapping for business and that can mean tension.....

Always has, always will..........

Django said:
It IS his fault........ Ever since he was elected, everyone's been at each other's throats.... Trust me on this........

BTW......... Gary Virgin took more shit on this forum than any vendor in recent memory. I liked Gary.

But, I digress.........

Every vendor is gonna have service issues from time to time.... That's part of being in business. It's how you handle yer service errors that makes or breaks you as a provider of ANY kind'a service.

Then again, I'm no expert and there are variables in every circumstance. In this economy, there will always be scrapping for business and that can mean tension.....

Always has, always will..........

D. you maybe onto something there. Ever since the election, it's been one "crisis" after another, (following, over 12 months of campaigning, telling us how miserable we all are). Most may be in the "Bunker Mentality", hemets on, field glasses up, waiting for the next "crisis". I know I would like to spend an extra buck or two, but not until the "pall" has lifted. (I'd like another guitar, for one):p :D
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Django said:

Then again, I'm no expert and there are variables in every circumstance. In this economy, there will always be scrapping for business and that can mean tension.....

Always has, always will..........


It's real nasty out there right now.... there is no safe harbor in business.

H.L. Mencken comes to mind:

"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."

;) :itsme:
Black1 said:
It's real nasty out there right now.... there is no safe harbor in business.

H.L. Mencken comes to mind:

"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."

;) :itsme:

Revelation 6:15-17 (New American Standard Bible)

"Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains;

And they said to the mountains and to the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb;

For the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?"

Some tuff stuff in that passage..... Don't ask me to explain it.....

Django said:
Revelation 6:15-17 (New American Standard Bible)

"Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains;

And they said to the mountains and to the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb;

For the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?"

Some tuff stuff in that passage..... Don't ask me to explain it.....

Those verses are about the decieved, ( the ones that worship the rider on the first white horse, the only unforgivable sin) AKA Lucifer.
When the 2nd rider on a white horse ( Jesus) come those who worshiped the Beast ( rider on first white horse) that were decieved by the Beast crawl into caves praying for the mountains / caves to fall upon them for they know they have been decieved ( commited the only unforgivable sin)and worshipped the Beast. :eek:
I think it's Wifeys fault things are alittle crazy now. You know how men get when there is only one female around.:D :D :D
HV SRT said:
I think it's Wifeys fault things are alittle crazy now. You know how men get when there is only one female around.:D :D :D
bleed your heart out, I have a Yetty:rock: :p :p :p:D